Love and loyalty are the words when we talk about two storks from Brodska Varos, Croatia. It all began in 1993 when Stjepan Vokic, a school superintendent in Brodska Varos, found a stork with a hurt wing from a hunter’s bow. He adopted this bird and has since then healed it because the poor stork could obviously no longer fly. He named the stork Malena, and during the whole winter he took good care of her. 9 years ago another stork named Klepetan fell in love with Malena. Each spring, Klepetan returns from warmer climates back to Malena, on the same day, almost at the same hour. Since then, the happy couple from Brodska Varos has made 35 baby birds.
这个故事发生在克罗地亚的Brodska Varos,一位学校的校长Stjepan发现了一只被猎人打伤的仙鹤。可怜的仙鹤后来被这位校长所收养并治愈了它的伤病,可是它却永远不能在蓝天自由得翱翔。他将这只仙鹤取名为Malena,在那整个冬季都对它照顾得很好。9年后,一只被取名为Klepetan的仙鹤与Malena坠入了爱河。每年春天,在同一天的同一时间,Malena都会从南方回到Malena的身边。自从那时开始,这对幸福的仙鹤夫妇生下了35只爱情的结晶。