3. Your own desert island
Always dreamed of being a castaway? Island broker Farhad Vladi can help. He rents and sells exclusive island retreats all over the world, where the ample-walleted can escape the stresses and strains of everyday life and not have to worry about meeting anyone else. Choose from a Spanish island, complete with a castle that sleeps 16 ($2,019 per day), or Fiji's Dolphin Island, a tiny coral paradise costing $6,600 for four nights for up to four guests. And if renting is not enough, how about Cornish Cay in the Bahamas, on sale for a mere $9 million? Vladi also sells rare editions of Robinson Crusoe should you want something to read.
经常梦想逃到天涯海角吗?岛屿代理人Farhad Vladi可以帮助你,他出租和出售全球范围里独家使用的岛屿,使富人们可以逃离日常的生活压力而不用担心会遇见任何别人。一座有可睡16人城堡的西班牙小岛,每天的租金是2,019美元。斐济的鲸鱼岛是珊瑚礁上的天堂,四位客人住四个晚上的价格为6,600美元。如果租赁不过瘾,那么可以把巴哈马的Cornish Cay岛买下来,现在的特价只要900万美元。假如你在岛上想读书,Vladi还有珍稀版本的鲁宾孙漂流记出售。