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来源:yeeyan 编辑:beck   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

4. Insect Repellent - The gases emitted by the onion, when sliced, have strong odors and are known irritants. Naturally, household pests will shy away upon detecting those gases. Gather your onion waste and put it in a bowl. Place the bowl where you often see your much despised creepy-crawlies. Pretty soon, those insects will find other venues to terrorize, probably those without onion-based repellents.


5. Wart Remover - Mix onion slices with crushed aspirin and a little water. Apply the solution to the wart. The onions chemical content and the aspirins active ingredients will gradually soothe the wart and make it subside. To maximize the solutions effect, apply some to a piece of duct tape. Stick the tape on the wart. After several hours, the lesion will be nothing more than a distant memory.


6. Metal Polish - Mix several crushed onion slices with some water. Apply the solution to a dull metal object using a piece of cloth. The results may not come as quickly as commercial polishers, but the onion-based polish is good enough to be a worthy substitute.


7. Acne Remover - Just like with burns and warts, an onion solution can be used to remove acne. The vegetables chemical components are harsh on zits, erasing them gradually upon application. Mix crushed onion slices with water and apply the mixture to your face. It is pretty effective, however it will probably do a number on your eyes. Just apply if the your eyes sting in the process.


Onions are among the vegetables known for their medicinal properties. Having them around keeps you safe from many skin conditions. Make sure you buy extra-bulbs for its non-culinary uses.






