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2022年英语专业四级听力真题 对话2

编辑:Kelly   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Hello, John.
  • 你好,约翰。
  • Hi, Betty.
  • 嗨,贝蒂。
  • John.Could you do me a favor?
  • 约翰。你能帮我个忙吗?
  • Sure, what is it?
  • 当然可以,什么事?
  • I am doing a research project for my sociology course. It is about music. Could I ask you some questions about your music experiences and your music preferences?
  • 我正在做一个社会学课程的研究项目。这是关于音乐的。我能问你一些关于音乐经历和音乐喜好的问题吗?
  • Fine. No problem.
  • 好。没有问题。
  • Thanks a lot. Um, the interview is going to be totally anonymous, your name is not going to be mentioned anywhere, and if you don't want to answer any question, you don't have to. Just tell me “do not want to answer" and we will proceed to the next one and also you can withdraw at any point of the interview if you feel uncomfortable. So, first of all, I would like to thank you for accepting to participate in this interview and I would like to ask you if it is OK with you to use the recorder?
  • 非常感谢。本次采访完全匿名,你的名字不会在任何地方被提及,如果你不想回答任何问题,可以不必回答。只要告诉我“不想回答”,我们就会继续下一个问题,如果你觉得不舒服,可以在采访的任何时候退出。首先感谢你接受这次采访,我想问一下你是否可以使用录音机?
  • Sure, it is fine.
  • 当然,没关系。
  • OK. How did you like last night's event?
  • 好的。你觉得昨晚的活动怎么样?
  • I was really fascinated. I thought the same event that was held last year was better, simply because it was newer, but I really enjoyed the music, I really enjoyed the energy. I thought it was a lot of fun actually.
  • 我真的很着迷。我认为去年举办的同一活动更好,仅仅因为活动更新颖,但我真的很喜欢这次的音乐,我真的很喜欢那种活力。其实我觉得挺有意思的。
  • Could you tell me more about the event?
  • 你能告诉我更多有关活动的情况吗?
  • Sure. It was a Greek music night, Greek traditional music, organized by a band coming from London, called the SOAS Rebetiko Band. And yeah, they came with a nine piece band and played some music.
  • 当然。这是一个希腊音乐之夜,希腊传统音乐,由一个来自伦敦的乐队组织,叫做SOAS Rebetiko乐队。是的,他们带来了一个九人乐队,并演奏了一些音乐。
  • How often do you go to this type of events?
  • 你多久参加一次这种活动?
  • This type of events? Very rarely, about twice a year. Because it's very hard to find places where you can go with this kind of music.
  • 这种类型的活动? 很少,大约一年两次。因为很难找到能演奏这种音乐的地方。
  • Then how do you choose the events that you attend with this type of music?
  • 那你是如何选择参加有这种类型音乐的活动的?
  • Well, pretty -much they are the only ones that take place. Or I go to the ones which have popular stars in them.
  • 嗯,这是唯一一个我参加这种类型音乐的活动。否则我只能去那些有明星的活动。
  • W:What do you mean by popular stars?
  • 你说的流行明星是什么意思?
  • I mean, they are the people I should listen to in this kind of musical field, sort of the pioneers of the music.
  • 我的意思是,他们是我在这个音乐领域应该聆听的人,他们是音乐先驱。
  • Alright so, if I understood correctly, you enjoy the traditional types of music?
  • 好吧,如果我没理解错的话,你喜欢传统类型的音乐?
  • Well primarily, the form of music I enjoy the most is jazz. After jazz I probably enjoy Rebetiko and Serbian folk music and pop music ranks next.
  • 嗯,我最喜欢的音乐形式是爵士乐。在爵士乐之后,我可能喜欢希腊民间音乐“雷贝蒂科”和塞尔维亚民间音乐,其次才是流行音乐。
  • Alright, great. So basically we have finished with the questions. Would you like to receive a copy of the interview transcript?
  • 好的,太好了。基本上我们已经完成了所有的问题。你想要一份采访文字记录吗?
  • Not particularly. No.
  • 不用特别给我。不用。
  • OK, thank you very much for your cooperation and your time. You have been very helpful. Then thank you very much for contributing to my research.
  • 好,非常感谢您的配合,以及您付出的宝贵时间。您帮了大忙。非常感谢您对我的研究做出贡献。
  • Pleasure.
  • 乐意效劳。


W: Hello, John.

女: 你好,约翰。
M: Hi, Betty.
男: 嗨,贝蒂。
W: John.Could you do me a favor?
女: 约翰。你能帮我个忙吗?
M: Sure, what is it?
男: 当然可以,什么事?
W: I am doing a research project for my sociology course. It is about music. Could I ask you some questions about your music experiences and your music preferences?
女: 我正在做一个社会学课程的研究项目。这是关于音乐的。我能问你一些关于音乐经历和音乐喜好的问题吗?
M: Fine. No problem.
男: 好。没有问题。
W: Thanks a lot. Um, the interview is going to be totally anonymous, your name is not going to be mentioned anywhere, and if you don't want to answer any question, you don't have to. Just tell me “do not want to answer" and we will proceed to the next one and also you can withdraw at any point of the interview if you feel uncomfortable. So, first of all, I would like to thank you for accepting to participate in this interview and I would like to ask you if it is OK with you to use the recorder?
女: 非常感谢。本次采访完全匿名,你的名字不会在任何地方被提及,如果你不想回答任何问题,可以不必回答。只要告诉我“不想回答”,我们就会继续下一个问题,如果你觉得不舒服,可以在采访的任何时候退出。首先感谢你接受这次采访,我想问一下你是否可以使用录音机?
M: Sure, it is fine.
男: 当然,没关系。
W:OK. How did you like last night's event?
女: 好的。你觉得昨晚的活动怎么样?
M: I was really fascinated. I thought the same event that was held last year was better, simply because it was newer, but I really enjoyed the music, I really enjoyed the energy. I thought it was a lot of fun actually.
W:Could you tell me more about the event?
M: Sure. It was a Greek music night, Greek traditional music, organized by a band coming from London, called the SOAS Rebetiko Band. And yeah, they came with a nine piece band and played some music.
男: 当然。这是一个希腊音乐之夜,希腊传统音乐,由一个来自伦敦的乐队组织,叫做SOAS Rebetiko乐队。是的,他们带来了一个九人乐队,并演奏了一些音乐。
W: How often do you go to this type of events?
M: This type of events? Very rarely, about twice a year. Because it's very hard to find places where you can go with this kind of music.
男:这种类型的活动? 很少,大约一年两次。因为很难找到能演奏这种音乐的地方。
W:Then how do you choose the events that you attend with this type of music?
M: Well, pretty -much they are the only ones that take place. Or I go to the ones which have popular stars in them.
男: 嗯,这是唯一一个我参加这种类型音乐的活动。否则我只能去那些有明星的活动。
W:What do you mean by popular stars?
M: I mean, they are the people I should listen to in this kind of musical field, sort of the pioneers of the music.
男: 我的意思是,他们是我在这个音乐领域应该聆听的人,他们是音乐先驱。
W: Alright so, if I understood correctly, you enjoy the traditional types of music?
女: 好吧,如果我没理解错的话,你喜欢传统类型的音乐?
M: Well primarily, the form of music I enjoy the most is jazz. After jazz I probably enjoy Rebetiko and Serbian folk music and pop music ranks next.
W: Alright, great. So basically we have finished with the questions. Would you like to receive a copy of the interview transcript?
女: 好的,太好了。基本上我们已经完成了所有的问题。你想要一份采访文字记录吗?
M: Not particularly. No.
W: OK, thank you very much for your cooperation and your time. You have been very helpful. Then thank you very much for contributing to my research.
女: 好,非常感谢您的配合,以及您付出的宝贵时间。您帮了大忙。非常感谢您对我的研究做出贡献。
M: Pleasure.
男: 乐意效劳。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
interview ['intəvju:]


n. 接见,会见,面试,面谈
vt. 接见,采

withdraw [wið'drɔ:]


vt. 撤回,取回,撤退
vi. 退回,撤退,

cooperation [kəu.ɔpə'reiʃən]


n. 合作,协作

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

uncomfortable [ʌn'kʌmftəbl]


adj. 不舒服的,不自在的

band [bænd]


n. 带,箍,波段
n. 队,一群,乐队

organized ['ɔ:gənaiz]


v. 组织

traditional [trə'diʃənəl]


adj. 传统的

anonymous [ə'nɔniməs]


adj. 匿名的,无名的,没特色的

participate [pɑ:'tisipeit]


vt. 分享
vi. 参加,参与





