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2022年英语专业四级听力真题 对话1

编辑:Kelly   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Hi, Tim. Are you playing on your smartphone again?
  • 嗨,蒂姆。你又在玩手机了吗?
  • Yeah, sorry, Sharon...just doing something on my smartphone.
  • 是的,抱歉,莎伦……只是在我的智能手机上做点事。
  • I can see that. But are you waiting for a call?
  • 我看得出来。但你在等电话吗?
  • No, I just carry it with me at all times. Where I go, the phone goes. No phone? No me.
  • 没有,我任何时候都随时带着它。我去哪,手机就去哪。没有手机?没有我。
  • OK, but why do you need your phone so much?
  • 好吧,但是你为什么这么需要手机呢?
  • Why? What if I need to go somewhere? How will I find my way? What about the weather? will it rain today? I need to know these things.
  • 为什么? 如果我要去别的地方怎么办? 我怎样才能找到路? 天气怎么样? 今天会下雨吗? 我需要知道这些事情。
  • Why don't you just look up in the sky and see if it is cloudy?
  • 你为什么不抬头看看天空,看看是不是阴天?
  • Look up to see if it is going to rain? I have an app, and my app tells me the weather... and this one does all the maths I need... and here's one for translations...
  • 抬头看看会不会下雨? 我有一个应用程序,它会告诉我天气…...这个能帮我算出所有的数学题…...这里有一个翻译…...
  • OK, I get the point. Your smartphone is just like a mini-computer.
  • 好,我明白了。你的智能手机就像一台迷你电脑。
  • Exactly. But I need my computer as well. 1 rely on my smartphone when I am out, but in dormitory, l use my computer more often.
  • 没错。但是我也需要我的电脑。当我在外面时,我靠智能手机,但当我在宿舍时,我更多地是使用电脑。
  • I can see you are very excited about computers, but do you know when the first commercial desktop computer was produced?
  • 看得出来你对电脑很感兴趣,但是你知道第一台商用台式电脑是什么时候生产的吗?
  • Yes, it was produced by an Italian company and presented at an event in New York in 1965.
  • 知道,它由一家意大利公司生产,并于1965年在纽约的一次活动上展出。
  • And since then, our life has been changed dramatically by computers.
  • 从那以后,电脑极大地改变了我们的生活。
  • Yes, I can hardly imagine my life without computers.
  • 是的,我很难想象没有电脑的生活。
  • But I've read a book which says computers might cause problems.
  • 但是我读过一本书,说电脑可能会引起问题。
  • Problems? Yes, they cause problems when they crash.
  • 问题? 是的,当电脑死机时,会产生问题。
  • In his book The Glass Cage, Nicholas Carr, the writer of the book says, if we over-rely on computers, we'll lose something.
  • 在尼古拉斯·卡尔的《玻璃笼子》一书中,他说,如果我们过度依赖电脑,我们会失去一些东西。
  • But what is it?
  • 但失去的是什么呢?
  • According to him, using computers means that we are losing skills. He also talks about the loss of talent. He says that relying on computers means our talent is fading because we don't use it anymore. And he goes even further and says, we're losing some of the things that make us human, like empathy, the ability to imagine and understand what other people might be feeling.
  • 在他看来,使用电脑意味着我们正在失去技能。他还谈到了才能流失。他说,依赖电脑意味着我们的才能正在减退,因为我们不再使用它。他甚至更进一步说,我们正在失去一些使我们成为人类的东西,比如同理心,想象的能力以及理解他人感受的能力。
  • So, do you agree with him?
  • 那么,你同意他的观点吗?
  • l think he's got a point actually. It's like the friendships we make on social media. It is nice to get to know new people in different countries, but we have to remember that it's important to talk to people face-to-face too.
  • 我认为他说得有道理。这就像我们在社交媒体上建立的友谊。认识不同国家的新朋友是很好的,但我们必须记住,与人面对面交谈也很重要。
  • Good idea. I'll try not to rely so much on digital technology. Computers are here to stay and they'll become more sophisticated, but we have to remember they are just tools.
  • 好主意。我会尽量不太依赖数字技术。电脑将会继续存在,并将变得更加复杂,但我们必须记住,它们只是工具。
  • Yes, I can't agree more.
  • 是的,我完全同意。


W: Hi, Tim. Are you playing on your smartphone again?

女: 嗨,蒂姆。你又在玩手机了吗?
M: Yeah, sorry, Sharon...just doing something on my smartphone.
男: 是的,抱歉,莎伦……只是在我的智能手机上做点事。
W: I can see that. But are you waiting for a call?
女: 我看得出来。但你在等电话吗?
M: No, I just carry it with me at all times. Where I go, the phone goes. No phone? No me.
男: 没有,我任何时候都随时带着它。我去哪,手机就去哪。没有手机?没有我。
W: OK, but why do you need your phone so much?
M: Why? What if I need to go somewhere? How will I find my way? What about the weather? will it rain today? I need to know these things.
男: 为什么? 如果我要去别的地方怎么办? 我怎样才能找到路? 天气怎么样? 今天会下雨吗? 我需要知道这些事情。
W: Why don't you just look up in the sky and see if it is cloudy?
女: 你为什么不抬头看看天空,看看是不是阴天?
M: Look up to see if it is going to rain? I have an app, and my app tells me the weather... and this one does all the maths I need... and here's one for translations...
男:抬头看看会不会下雨? 我有一个应用程序,它会告诉我天气…...这个能帮我算出所有的数学题…...这里有一个翻译…...
W: OK, I get the point. Your smartphone is just like a mini-computer.
女: 好,我明白了。你的智能手机就像一台迷你电脑。
M: Exactly. But I need my computer as well. 1 rely on my smartphone when I am out, but in dormitory, l use my computer more often.
W: I can see you are very excited about computers, but do you know when the first commercial desktop computer was produced?
M: Yes, it was produced by an Italian company and presented at an event in New York in 1965.
男: 知道,它由一家意大利公司生产,并于1965年在纽约的一次活动上展出。
W: And since then, our life has been changed dramatically by computers.
女: 从那以后,电脑极大地改变了我们的生活。
M: Yes, I can hardly imagine my life without computers.
W: But I've read a book which says computers might cause problems.
M: Problems? Yes, they cause problems when they crash.
男:问题? 是的,当电脑死机时,会产生问题。
W: In his book The Glass Cage, Nicholas Carr, the writer of the book says, if we over-rely on computers, we'll lose something.
女: 在尼古拉斯·卡尔的《玻璃笼子》一书中,他说,如果我们过度依赖电脑,我们会失去一些东西。
M: But what is it?
W: According to him, using computers means that we are losing skills. He also talks about the loss of talent. He says that relying on computers means our talent is fading because we don't use it anymore. And he goes even further and says, we're losing some of the things that make us human, like empathy, the ability to imagine and understand what other people might be feeling.
M: So, do you agree with him?
W: l think he's got a point actually. It's like the friendships we make on social media. It is nice to get to know new people in different countries, but we have to remember that it's important to talk to people face-to-face too.
M: Good idea. I'll try not to rely so much on digital technology. Computers are here to stay and they'll become more sophisticated, but we have to remember they are just tools.
W: Yes, I can't agree more.
女: 是的,我完全同意。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
commercial [kə'mə:ʃəl]


adj. 商业的
n. 商业广告

dormitory ['dɔ:mitri]


n. 集体宿舍

empathy ['empəθi]


n. 移情作用,共鸣,执着投入

fading ['feidiŋ]


n. 褪色;衰退;凋谢 v. 使衰落(fade的ing形

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

sophisticated [sə'fistikeitid]


adj. 诡辩的,久经世故的,精密的,老练的,尖端的

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<





