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编辑:Sara   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • She pursued equal pay relentlessly.
  • 她坚持不懈地追求男女奖金平等。
  • A pragmatist, she arrived at a meeting with the US Open's tournament director in 1972 with corporate funds in hand to bridge the prize gap.
  • 作为一名实用主义者,她于1972年与美国网球公开赛(US Open)赛事总监进行了一次会面,要用手中的企业资金来弥合奖金差距。
  • She vowed that most of the top women would not participate the following year if he refused. (He agreed.)
  • 她郑重表示,如果他拒绝,明年大多数顶级女运动员都不会参加。(他表示同意。)
  • She organised the Women's Tennis Association in 1973 and became its first president.
  • 1973年,她组织了女子网球协会,并成为该协会的第一任主席。
  • Later that summer she won Wimbledon in singles, doubles and mixed doubles.
  • 那年夏天晚些时候,她赢得了温布尔登网球公开赛单打、双打和混合双打的冠军。
  • Today women compete for equal prize money in all four Grand Slam competitions.
  • 如今,女性在所有四项大满贯赛事中争夺相同金额的奖金。
  • The world's best-paid female athlete is routinely a tennis player.
  • 世界上收入最高的女运动员通常是网球运动员。
  • Ms King's highest-profile match was the "Battle of the Sexes" in 1973.
  • 金女士最引人注目的比赛是1973年的“性别之战”。
  • Bobby Riggs, a loudmouth with hidebound views and a knack for publicity, challenged her to a friendly exhibition.
  • 鲍比·里格斯是一个观点保守、善于宣扬的大嗓门,他向她挑战,要求她出席一场友好的表演赛。
  • She recognised the stakes and took care not to underestimate her opponent, studying his game and developing a plan to make the older man run.
  • 她意识到了其中的赌注,并小心不去低估她的对手,她研究了他的比赛,并制定了一个让这位老男人败北的计划。
  • And run him she did, under the carnival lights of the Houston Astrodome, with 30,000 people cheering and 90m more tuning in at home.
  • 她做到了,在休斯顿阿斯特罗多姆体育馆狂欢节的灯光下,3万人欢呼,还有9000万人在家里收看节目。
  • Countless admirers later told her what her win meant to them, she writes, including Barack Obama, who saw her practise in Hawaii in the 1970s.
  • 她写道,后来无数的仰慕者告诉她,她的胜利对他们意味着什么,其中包括曾于20世纪70年代在夏威夷看过她打球的巴拉克·奥巴马。
  • True to its title, "All In" is bracingly candid.
  • 正如它的标题一样,《全力以赴》坦率得令人振奋。
  • Alongside the sporting and political battles it tells of the eating disorder from which Ms King suffered, a sexual assault she experienced as a teenager and the whirlwind of being outed as a lesbian by a former lover in 1981.
  • 除了体育和政治斗争,书中还讲述了金女士遭受的饮食失调、她十几岁时经历的性侵以及1981年被前情人公开为女同性恋的风波。
  • Ms King does nothing by half-measures — so much the better for readers, sport and the many women she encouraged and empowered.
  • 金女士从不会半途而废——如果读者、体育以及她鼓励和振奋的许多女性也能如此就更好了。


She pursued equal pay relentlessly. A pragmatist, she arrived at a meeting with the US Open’s tournament director in 1972 with corporate funds in hand to bridge the prize gap. She vowed that most of the top women would not participate the following year if he refused. (He agreed.) She organised the Women’s Tennis Association in 1973 and became its first president. Later that summer she won Wimbledon in singles, doubles and mixed doubles. Today women compete for equal prize money in all four Grand Slam competitions. The world’s best-paid female athlete is routinely a tennis player.

她坚持不懈地追求男女奖金平等。作为一名实用主义者,她于1972年与美国网球公开赛(US Open)赛事总监进行了一次会面,要用手中的企业资金来弥合奖金差距。她郑重表示,如果他拒绝,明年大多数顶级女运动员都不会参加。(他表示同意。)1973年,她组织了女子网球协会,并成为该协会的第一任主席。那年夏天晚些时候,她赢得了温布尔登网球公开赛单打、双打和混合双打的冠军。如今,女性在所有四项大满贯赛事中争夺相同金额的奖金。世界上收入最高的女运动员通常是网球运动员。


Ms King’s highest-profile match was the “Battle of the Sexes” in 1973. Bobby Riggs, a loudmouth with hidebound views and a knack for publicity, challenged her to a friendly exhibition. She recognised the stakes and took care not to underestimate her opponent, studying his game and developing a plan to make the older man run. And run him she did, under the carnival lights of the Houston Astrodome, with 30,000 people cheering and 90m more tuning in at home. Countless admirers later told her what her win meant to them, she writes, including Barack Obama, who saw her practise in Hawaii in the 1970s.


True to its title, “All In” is bracingly candid. Alongside the sporting and political battles it tells of the eating disorder from which Ms King suffered, a sexual assault she experienced as a teenager and the whirlwind of being outed as a lesbian by a former lover in 1981. Ms King does nothing by half-measures — so much the better for readers, sport and the many women she encouraged and empowered.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
director [di'rektə, dai'rektə]


n. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演

compete [kəm'pi:t]


vi. 竞争,对抗,比赛

assault [ə'sɔ:lt]


n. 攻击,突袭
vt. 袭击,突袭

athlete ['æθli:t]


n. 运动员

intention [in'tenʃən]


n. 意图,意向,目的

exhibition [.eksi'biʃən]


n. 展示,展览

publicity [pʌb'lisiti]


n. 公众的注意,宣传,宣扬,宣传品,广告

corporate ['kɔ:pərit]


adj. 社团的,法人的,共同的,全体的

participate [pɑ:'tisipeit]


vt. 分享
vi. 参加,参与

settle ['setl]


v. 安顿,解决,定居
n. 有背的长凳





