Within this panorama, the focus is on women's health in Britain and America. In the early 20th century some travelled to Germany to try a new treatment called "Dammerschlaf", or "twilight sleep", which promised "painless" births. Given two anaesthetics, morphine and scopolamine (a drug with amnesic effects), women lay awake in darkened rooms as their children were born, but would not remember the pain. The technique was controversial: labour was expected to be laborious, even though Queen Victoria had publicly endorsed the use of chloroform in 1853. She inhaled the gas for 53 minutes, pronouncing it "delightful beyond measure" after her eighth child was born. Women's choices over where and how to give birth are interrogated and judged even now.
Childbirth was the focus of women's health care for much of history, but medicine's shortcomings, and Ms Cleghorn's book, go wider. The immune system is another concern. Women are more prone to autoimmune diseases; they suffer disproportionately from illnesses such as lupus, multiple sclerosis and chronic fatigue syndrome. New research suggests this susceptibility could be down to the X chromosome — almost all biological females have two — which influences the production of auto-antibodies. Conversely, the chromosome may explain why women are less likely to suffer badly from viral infections such as covid-19, which kills more men.
As Ms Williams's example shows, birth can still be botched and hazardous. "Unwell Women" calls for improvements in women's care in reproduction and beyond. The pandemic has demonstrated what medicine can achieve with the right resources and incentives; it is an apt time to shine a light on the stubborn gaps in understanding of women's bodies.