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编辑:Melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Despite a willingness to pay workers more, many firms are having trouble filling vacancies.
  • 尽管许多公司愿意给员工加薪,但他们还是难以填补职位空缺。
  • Nearly half of American companies complain that they are finding it difficult to fill one or more jobs.
  • 近一半的美国公司发出抱怨,他们发现很难填补一个或多个职位。
  • "It is hard to tell how much it costs to hire someone because you can't find anyone," sighs Mr Goldman.
  • “很难说雇佣一个人要花多少钱,因为你找不到任何人,”戈德曼感叹道。
  • His "help wanted" ads often go unanswered; many of those who respond fail to turn up for interviews.
  • 他的“招聘广告”经常得不到回应;很多回复的人也没有来面试。
  • Given Americans' apparent reluctance to get back to work, whether because of continued fears of covid-19, generous unemployment insurance, or both, wages may have further to rise.
  • 鉴于美国人显然不愿重返工作岗位,无论是因为继续担心会感染新冠、还是因为慷慨的失业保险,或者两者兼而有之,工资可能还会进一步上涨。
  • If inflation does prove stickier, some companies will contemplate shifting production to places with more plentiful and cheaper labour.
  • 如果事实证明,通胀确实更加棘手,一些公司将考虑将生产转移到劳动力更充足且更廉价的地方。
  • All three firms advised by Mr Tayur, for example, are pondering whether and where to move, within America and farther afield.
  • 例如,塔尤尔提供咨询服务的这三家公司都在考虑是否以及向何处迁移,是在美国国内还是更远的地方。
  • Others may want to get rid of human workers altogether.
  • 其他公司可能想彻底摆脱人类工人。
  • America Inc has ramped up business investment by 15% this year.
  • 美国公司今年增加了15%的商业投资。
  • Part of this is going towards automation, and not just in manufacturing.
  • 其中部分投资注入了自动化,而不仅仅是在制造业。
  • Erik Gordon of the University of Michigan's Ross School of Business points to restaurant chains,
  • 密歇根大学罗斯商学院的瑞克·戈登指出连锁餐厅的现状,
  • some of which are installing automatic grills and developing apps that enable diners to place orders remotely rather than at the counter, which allows fewer staff to focus on making and serving food.
  • 其中一些店正在安装自动烤架并开发使食客能够脱离柜台、远程点餐的应用程序,以此提高员工对制作食物和上餐的专注度。
  • As hotels reopen, robot floor-cleaners are becoming more common.
  • 随着酒店重新开业,机器人地板清洁工也越来越普遍。
  • Many such productivity-boosting investments make good business sense even in a low-inflation world.
  • 即使在低通胀的世界里,许多这样提高生产率的投资也有很好的商业意义。
  • That is the outcome which many chief executives will still be hoping for.
  • 这是许多首席执行官仍然希望看到的结果。
  • It is certainly what policymakers are banking on.
  • 这无疑是决策者所指望的。
  • In the 1980s the Securities and Exchange Commission required companies to publish balance-sheets and income statements both in nominal terms and adjusted for inflation.
  • 在20世纪80年代,美国证券交易委员会要求公司公布资产负债表和损益表,包括名义值和通货膨胀调整值。
  • This requirement has been watered down over the years.
  • 多年来,这一要求已被简化。
  • In November the markets regulator appears to have all but binned the last explicit vestige of it.
  • 去年11月,市场监管机构似乎已经将该要求的最后一个明显痕迹全部抹去。
  • It would be ironic if this now proved premature.
  • 如果现在证明这一点为时过早,那就太讽刺了。


Despite a willingness to pay workers more, many firms are having trouble filling vacancies. Nearly half of American companies complain that they are finding it difficult to fill one or more jobs. “It is hard to tell how much it costs to hire someone because you cant find anyone,” sighs Mr Goldman. Hishelp wantedads often go unanswered; many of those who respond fail to turn up for interviews. Given Americansapparent reluctance to get back to work, whether because of continued fears of covid-19, generous unemployment insurance, or both, wages may have further to rise.



If inflation does prove stickier, some companies will contemplate shifting production to places with more plentiful and cheaper labour. All three firms advised by Mr Tayur, for example, are pondering whether and where to move, within America and farther afield. Others may want to get rid of human workers altogether. America Inc has ramped up business investment by 15% this year. Part of this is going towards automation, and not just in manufacturing. Erik Gordon of the University of Michigans Ross School of Business points to restaurant chains, some of which are installing automatic grills and developing apps that enable diners to place orders remotely rather than at the counter, which allows fewer staff to focus on making and serving food. As hotels reopen, robot floor-cleaners are becoming more common.


Many such productivity-boosting investments make good business sense even in a low-inflation world. That is the outcome which many chief executives will still be hoping for. It is certainly what policymakers are banking on. In the 1980s the Securities and Exchange Commission required companies to publish balance-sheets and income statements both in nominal terms and adjusted for inflation. This requirement has been watered down over the years. In November the markets regulator appears to have all but binned the last explicit vestige of it. It would be ironic if this now proved premature.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
willingness ['wiliŋnis]


n. 乐意,愿意

apparent [ə'pærənt]


adj. 明显的,表面上的

nominal ['nɔminəl]


adj. 名义上的,有名无实的,名词性的

reluctance [ri'lʌktəns]


n. 不愿,勉强,厌恶

premature [.premə'tjuə]


adj. 提前的,过早的,早产的 n. 早产儿,早熟

generous ['dʒenərəs]


adj. 慷慨的,宽宏大量的,丰盛的,味浓的

complain [kəm'plein]


vi. 抱怨,悲叹,控诉

vestige ['vestidʒ]


n. 遗迹,退化的器官

counter ['kauntə]


n. 计算器,计算者,柜台
[计算机] 计数器

unemployment ['ʌnim'plɔimənt]


n. 失业,失业人数





