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  • Business
  • 商业版块
  • Bartleby
  • 巴托比职场专栏
  • Mothers of invention
  • 创新之母
  • The parallels and differences between two generations of female executives
  • 两代女性高管的异同
  • Betsy Holden was vice-president of strategy and new products at Kraft, a giant food company, when she became pregnant for the second time.
  • 在怀二胎时,贝特西·霍尔顿在一家大型食品公司卡夫公司担任战略和新产品副总裁。
  • "No one has ever done the job with two children," her male boss worried.
  • 她的男老板非常担心,“从来没有有两个孩子的人做过这个职位。”
  • "How many children do you have?" Ms. Holden asked.
  • 霍尔顿问道,“那你有几个孩子?”
  • "Two," he replied.
  • 男老板回答道,“两个。”
  • This double standard is only one of the barriers that female executives face, as recounted in "Power Moms", a new book by Joann Lublin, a former Wall Street Journal columnist.
  • 正如前《华尔街日报》专栏作家乔安·卢布林在新书《职场妈妈》中所述,这种双标只是女性高管面临的障碍之一。
  • The author focuses on two waves of female leaders.
  • 作者聚焦于两代女性领导。
  • The first group were the baby-boomers, born between 1946 and 1964. These were often the only women in upper management at their firms.
  • 第一代的女领导们是出生于1946年至1964年的婴儿潮一代,她们通常是其公司高层管理层中唯一的女性。
  • They faced a lot of pressure to be hands-on mothers, had little support from their husbands and were reluctant to ask for reduced schedules for fear of not seeming committed to their jobs.
  • 她们背负着要成为事必躬亲的母亲的巨大压力,几乎得不到丈夫的支持,也不愿意要求减少工作安排,因为担心会显得对工作不够投入。
  • The stress for these women was immense, especially as they felt unable to discuss their parenting problems with male colleagues.
  • 这些女性背负着巨大的压力,尤其是当她们觉得无法与男性同事讨论自己的育儿问题时。
  • The second wave of women, born between 1974 and 1985, had female colleagues in upper management,
  • 第二代女领导出生于1974年至1985年,她们有女同事担任高层管理人员,
  • expected (and usually received) support from their spouses, and benefited from employer perks, such as maternity leave and flexible working.
  • 期望(通常能够得到)配偶的支持,并享受着老板的津贴,如产假和弹性工作制。
  • They were able to be more open with colleagues about their parental duties.
  • 他们能够更坦率地与同事谈论自己身为的父母责任。
  • This later generation has mastered the "work-life sway"
  • 出生更晚的这一代人已经掌握了“权衡工作与生活的方法”,
  • in which they move back and forth between their personal and professional lives in the course of a day,
  • 她们每天在私人生活和职业生活之间来回穿梭,
  • conducting a meeting before taking their children for a check-up and then returning to the office.
  • 在带孩子体检前能先开个会,然后再回到办公室。
  • The earlier generation, by blazing the trail, made it easier for those behind them.
  • 早期的一代女领导是开路先锋,让后代女性走得更容易。
  • A Harvard Business School study shows that adult daughters of employed mothers are more likely to hold supervisory responsibility and earn higher incomes
  • 哈佛商学院的一项研究表明,就业母亲的成年女儿更有可能承担管理责任,收入更高,
  • while sons are likely to spend more time caring for family members.
  • 而儿子则有可能花更多时间照顾家庭成员。
  • And companies are now much more willing to promote women, who make up more than a fifth of senior executive positions in American firms, compared with just 10% in 1996.
  • 公司如今更愿意提拔女性,在美国公司的高管职位中,女性占比超过五分之一,而1996年这一比例仅为10%。
  • A few are exceptionally accommodating,
  • 一些公司非常乐于帮助女高管,
  • for example providing rooms where mothers can express milk, sinks to wash the breast pump
  • 例如,为母亲提供挤奶室以及清洗吸奶器的水槽,
  • and even courier services to deliver the milk when they are away on a business trip.
  • 甚至在她们出差时提供配送母乳的快递服务。






Mothers of invention


The parallels and differences between two generations of female executives


Betsy Holden was vice-president of strategy and new products at Kraft, a giant food company, when she became pregnant for the second time. “No one has ever done the job with two children,” her male boss worried. “How many children do you have?” Ms. Holden asked. “Two,” he replied.


This double standard is only one of the barriers that female executives face, as recounted in “Power Moms”, a new book by Joann Lublin, a former Wall Street Journal columnist. The author focuses on two waves of female leaders. The first group were the baby-boomers, born between 1946 and 1964. These were often the only women in upper management at their firms. They faced a lot of pressure to be hands-on mothers, had little support from their husbands and were reluctant to ask for reduced schedules for fear of not seeming committed to their jobs. The stress for these women was immense, especially as they felt unable to discuss their parenting problems with male colleagues.



The second wave of women, born between 1974 and 1985, had female colleagues in upper management, expected (and usually received) support from their spouses, and benefited from employer perks, such as maternity leave and flexible working. They were able to be more open with colleagues about their parental duties. This later generation has mastered the “work-life sway” in which they move back and forth between their personal and professional lives in the course of a day, conducting a meeting before taking their children for a check-up and then returning to the office.


The earlier generation, by blazing the trail, made it easier for those behind them. A Harvard Business School study shows that adult daughters of employed mothers are more likely to hold supervisory responsibility and earn higher incomes while sons are likely to spend more time caring for family members. And companies are now much more willing to promote women, who make up more than a fifth of senior executive positions in American firms, compared with just 10% in 1996. A few are exceptionally accommodating, for example providing rooms where mothers can express milk, sinks to wash the breast pump and even courier services to deliver the milk when they are away on a business trip.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
willing ['wiliŋ]


adj. 愿意的,心甘情愿的

committed [kə'mitid]


adj. 献身于某种事业的,委托的

executive [ig'zekjutiv]


adj. 行政的,决策的,经营的,[计算机]执行指令

flexible ['fleksəbl]


adj. 灵活的,易弯曲的,柔韧的,可变通的

reluctant [ri'lʌktənt]


adj. 不情愿的,勉强的

stress [stres]


n. 紧张,压力
v. 强调,着重

sway [swei]


v. 摇摆,摇动,支配,影响
n. 摇摆,动摇

accommodating [ə'kɔmədeitiŋ]


adj. 乐于助人的 动词accommodate的现在分

immense [i'mens]


adj. 巨大的,广大的,非常好的

evidence ['evidəns]


n. 根据,证据
v. 证实,证明





