It took Dominic Boyer and Cymene Howe, two anthropologists from Rice University in glacier-free Texas, to raise the alarm with a documentary film, "Not Ok", in 2018. That drew writers, politicians and schoolchildren to a memorial gathering on Ok this August for the glistening white-and-blue cloak of ice that was no longer there. Around 100 people attended, including Iceland's prime minister, clambering for two hours over a landscape of black and brownrocks that now resembled the surface of the Moon.
这让来自没有冰川的德克萨斯州莱斯大学的人类学家多米尼克·博耶和西蒙·豪 通过2018年的一部纪录片《不好》来敲响警钟。这吸引了作家、政治家和学生参加今年8月举行的纪念OK岛的活动,纪念那个已经消失的闪闪发光的蓝白相间的冰斗篷。大约有100人参加了活动,包括冰岛的首相,人们花了两个小时在一片现在看起来像月球表面的黑色和棕色岩石上攀爬。
Though it was late summer, they wore parkas and skihats, and needed them in the freezing gusts. A high-school pupil read a poem to "Ok, the burdened glacier/which at last had had enough/ of acts of terror from men who do not know/how to have both profits and morals". More children pressed a bronze plaque into a round boulder. This "Letter to the Future" recorded the death of Ok, noted that all Iceland's glaciers might follow in the next 200 years, and declared: "We know what is happening and what needs to be done. Only you know if we did it."

The last part of the inscription was "415 ppm CO2", the record level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that was recorded in May. It stood as a monument to what human beings had done. On their way down the mountain, several mourners broke off pieces of stray ice that clung in garlands to the rocks. They sucked them in the hope of tasting Okjokull for the last time. But it was only the dregs of winter snows, too fast disappearing.