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美语情景对话 第1348期:Phone Addiction 手机上瘾(1)

编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Okay, so, Jen, we're gonna talk about media and technology, phones and music, things like that.
  • 好,珍,我们来谈谈媒体和技术、手机和音乐等话题。
  • So the first one is, how addicted are you to your phone? How long can you go without using your phone?
  • 第一个问题,你对手机的上瘾程度有多大?你可以多长时间不用手机?
  • That's a difficult question because I'm very, I would say I'm very addicted to my phone because I keep on checking it every five minutes.
  • 这是一个很难回答的问题,因为我对手机很上瘾,我每隔五分钟就要看一下手机。
  • I feel like without my phone my head doesn't, my brain stops working, you know?
  • 我想没有手机我的大脑可能会停止运作,你知道吗?
  • Wow.
  • 哇哦。
  • I would say the maximum I can stay without it would be one or two hours.
  • 我会说我最多可以一到两个小时不用手机。
  • You've got to be kidding me.
  • 你一定是在开玩笑吧。
  • I mean, if you asked me in the past, yeah, I could stay without it for a while,
  • 我是说,如果你以前问我这个问题,我会说我可以一段时间不用手机,
  • but nowadays, I don't even own a watch so that would be my time as well, so, I have to keep checking it. What about you?
  • 可是现在的话,我甚至连手表都没有,我用手机来看时间,所以我会一直看手机。你呢?
  • We are polar opposites. Actually, I am so bad about not using my phone, and that's a smart phone, actually I have two.
  • 我和你完全相反。实际上,我为不使用手机感到抱歉,我的手机是智能手机,而且我有两部手机。
  • I have an Android Galaxy and I have an iPhone.
  • 我有一部搭载安卓系统的盖世手机,还有一部iPhone。
  • I set them down and forget where they are, and go days without actually checking them sometimes.
  • 我把它们放在一边,我不记得放在哪里了,所以有时我会有几天的时间都不看手机。
  • I'll go to work and somebody will be like, are you mad at me? I've been trying to reach you and you won't ...
  • 我去上班时,有人会问我“你在生我气吗?我一直尝试联系你,可是联系不到你……”
  • And I'm like, no, I'm not mad at you, why? I'm like, oh, I haven't checked my phone in two days.
  • 我会说,“我没生你气,我为什么要生气?哦,我有两天没有看手机了”。
  • That sounds so crazy to me because I could never go without my phone for two days.
  • 这在我听来太疯狂了,因为我绝对不可能两天不用手机。
  • Well, one, there's a couple things.
  • 有几点原因。
  • One, it's old school, right? And two, I get all my information on the Internet on a PC.
  • 首先,这是守旧,对吧?其二,我用电脑上网来获取所有信息。
  • So I'm working, so I get everything on the Internet, like Facebook, news, stuff like that.
  • 我在网上获取各种信息,比如脸谱网和新闻之类的。
  • The computer, like you said, tells the time. So I actually forget about my phone.
  • 如你所说,电脑也可以显示时间。所以,我才会忘了手机。
  • I think if I have a PC then I would also forget my phone.
  • 我想如果我有电脑的话,我也会忘了手机的。
  • But your generation, it's all in your hand, right?
  • 不过你们这代人,都用手机了解世界不是吗?
  • That's right because it's more convenient.
  • 对,因为这样更方便。


Todd: Okay, so, Jen, we're gonna talk about media and technology, phones and music, things like that. So the first one is, how addicted are you to your phone? How long can you go without using your phone?

Jen: That's a difficult question because I'm very, I would say I'm very addicted to my phone because I keep on checking it every five minutes. I feel like without my phone my head doesn't, my brain stops working, you know?
Todd: Wow.
Jen: I would say the maximum I can stay without it would be one or two hours.
Todd: You've got to be kidding me.
Jen: I mean, if you asked me in the past, yeah, I could stay without it for a while, but nowadays, I don't even own a watch so that would be my time as well, so, I have to keep checking it. What about you?
Todd: We are polar opposites. Actually, I am so bad about not using my phone, and that's a smart phone, actually I have two. I have an Android Galaxy and I have an iPhone. I set them down and forget where they are, and go days without actually checking them sometimes. I'll go to work and somebody will be like, are you mad at me? I've been trying to reach you and you won't ... And I'm like, no, I'm not mad at you, why? I'm like, oh, I haven't checked my phone in two days.
Jen: That sounds so crazy to me because I could never go without my phone for two days.
Todd: Well, one, there's a couple things. One, it's old school, right? And two, I get all my information on the Internet on a PC. So I'm working, so I get everything on the Internet, like Facebook, news, stuff like that. The computer, like you said, tells the time. So I actually forget about my phone.
Jen: I think if I have a PC then I would also forget my phone.
Todd: But your generation, it's all in your hand, right?
Jen: That's right because it's more convenient.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

convenient [kən'vi:njənt]


adj. 方便的,便利的

galaxy ['gæləksi]


n. 银河,一群显赫之人

smart [smɑ:t]


adj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的





