Aiste: Hello, this is Aiste from Lithuania and Christophe from Belgium, and our question today is ... who is to blame for the financial crisis? Everybody's talking about that right now, so Christophe what is your opinion?
Christophe: The Americans of course.
Aiste: Americans! OK.
Christophe: Yes, because they were giving cheap loans to the people and then all of a sudden the cheap loans became very expensive loans. They couldn't pay off their loans anymore, and they had to sell their house: the bank owned their house, but there were so many people who had to sell their house to the bank or give away their house to the bank that all the banks ended up with having thousands of houses, so the price of the house dropped ... and then everybody was poor. What about you Aiste? Who do you think is to blame for the financial crisis?
Aiste: Well, I don't really have a clear opinion. I think there are so many interrelated factors that are leading to it that I actually really don't know, but I really don't like because it is affecting, and you can feel the prices are going up, the currencies are unstable, and every day you can lose even a small amount of money that you have.
Christophe: I think you are also responsible for it because you don't buy enough. You always save your money to buy plane tickets.
Aiste: Ok.
