That route would not just meander between ponds and trees,
but towards classical buildings designed to kindle feelings of virtue and patriotism in their breast.
更可走近经典建筑 以点燃人们的高尚情怀和胸中的爱国热忱
But sharing all this pastoral graciousness only went so far.
For the ruling class, their land was now a money pump.
对于统治阶层 他们的庄园好似摇钱树
Big profit-yielding farms replaced strip farming,and smallholders were turfed off their land.
高产种植取代简单种植 小佃农因此失去土地
Too bad. Landowners needed all the money they could get to keep up appearances,
形势愈发糜烂 权贵不断聚敛财富 以供给他们装点门面
not just in the country, but in the town,and above all in the place
不仅是在乡下 在城镇中也是这样 而更糟糕的情况则发生在
which was the biggest, brashest, fastest-growing city in Europe,London.
欧洲面积最大 最繁华且发展最快的都会 伦敦
Here, the winners and losers of Walpole's Britain jostled side by side.
沃波尔新政的支持与反对者 都聚集在伦敦
700,000 of them.One in ten Englishmen.
城市人口多达七十万 占全英总人口十分之一
Foreign visitors were astounded at the noise,the hectic throngs packing the streets,
外国游客们被街上嘈杂叫闹声 以及摩肩接踵的人群所震惊
the tireless hucksterism,the glittering greediness of it all.
更被商贩的如簧巧舌 和闪闪发光的欲望所吸引
The modern morality tales of painter and engraver William Hogarth
在画家 雕刻家威廉·霍加斯的现代寓言中
are peopled by innocents arriving dewy-fresh from the country.