And graven with diamonds in letters plain There is written her fair neck round about:
辞藻无华 刻于美钻 环绕伊人颈上
nole me tangere, for Caesar's I am,and wild for to hold though I seem tame.
旁人勿近 身许凯撒 貌似温柔娴静 内心却狂放不羁
Nole me tangere-do not touch,Nole me tangere for Caesar, otherwise known as Henry VIII,
意为旁人勿近 诗中的凯撒暗指亨利八世
had already committed himself to the chase,and the king, as we know, was an inexhaustible hunter.
此时的他 已深陷追逐安妮的泥沼之中 众所周知 国王是未达目的决不罢休的求爱者
Henry really had to work hard to get Anne,harder than at any time in his life.
亨利苦心追求安妮 比他生命中任何时候都要用心
The man who, as Wolsey could testify, hated writing letters wrote umpteen in his attempts to woo her.
这个沃尔西口中 厌恶写信的人 竟笔耕不辍 只为博她一笑
She represented everything Catherine of Aragon was not.
Ten years younger, merry rather than pious,spirited rather than gravely deferential,
年轻十岁 活泼开朗而不喜说教 生机勃勃而不是严肃恭敬
Anne opened the way to sexual bliss, domestic happiness and, perhaps more important than any of these,the possibility of a son and heir.
安妮为他敞开了男欢女爱的极乐之门 而也许更重要的是 有为他诞下男性王位继承人的可能
The estrangement between catherine and Henry went back as far as 1511 and the death of their son Henry,
凯瑟琳与亨利的失和要追溯到1511年 他们的儿子小亨利之死
who despite the offerings made at Walsingham lived only a few weeks.
不计在母体中的时日 这个孩子只存活了数周
Catherine had gone on to produce a daughter, Mary, born in 1516.
凯瑟琳又在1516年生下一女 玛丽
But Henry began to recoil from his queen.
After more than 20 years,Henry had no legitimate male heir and no prospect of one.
在二十多年以后 亨利既无合法的男嗣 亦无生养的希望