This is how Welsh poet Jeuan Gethin saw it,waiting for his own infection,which, sure enough, came in 1349.
这是威尔士诗人约恩·格瑟对此的描述 他当时正在等待自己的死期 他是在1349年被感染的
We see death coming into our midst like foul smoke.
A plague which cuts off the young,a rootless phantom which has no mercy.
致年轻人于死地的瘟疫 仿佛飘忽不定的无情鬼魅
Woe is me of the shilling in the armpit.
我的灾难 就是腋窝中如先令的创口
It is of the form of an apple, like the head of an onion.
仿佛苹果的形状 又如洋葱的尖头
Great is its seething, like a burning cinder.A grievous thing of ashy colour.
最难忍耐的是炙热 仿佛烧红的煤块 还有令人忧伤的灰烬色彩
It is an ugly eruption that comes with unseemly haste.
They are like a shower of peas,the early ornaments of Black Death.
好像洗了个豌豆澡一般 它们 是黑死病的饰品
It took about six days from the bite of an infected flea for the tell-tale swellings, the buboes,
从被受感染的跳蚤叮咬 到患者颈部 腹股沟或腋窝
to appear on a victim's neck, groin or armpit,accompanied by violent fever and agonising pain.
出现明显肿胀 淋巴结炎只需六天 伴随剧烈的高热和难忍的疼痛
The immune system would be overwhelmed within a week.
If the infection reached the lungs,death came after just a couple of days of bloody coughing.
如果感染侵及肺部 几天的咯血便能轻易取人性命
Anyone who inhaled even the tiniest droplets of mucus would be doomed to suffer in their turn.
任何吸入患者飞沫的人 都注定将遭遇同样的下场