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美语情景对话 第929期:Protests 抗议

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  • OK, so Julia, I thought we would talk about social unrest.
  • 朱莉娅,我们来谈谈社会动荡吧。
  • OK.
  • 好。
  • So recently in the news there has been a lot of protest, there's been some riots
  • 最近新闻报道了很多抗议和骚乱事件,
  • and I believe in your country you actually had riots recently.
  • 你的祖国也有骚乱发生,实际上最近就发生了骚乱。
  • We did, yeah, in the summer last year, yeah.
  • 对,去年夏天。
  • That was in London?
  • 是在伦敦发生的吗?
  • That was in London and in a few of the other cities around the UK as well.
  • 在伦敦和英国一些其他城市。
  • It spread to other cities but mainly centered in London, yeah.
  • 那场骚乱扩散到了其他城市,不过主要集中在伦敦。
  • So what was your perspective of the riots?
  • 你怎么看那些骚乱事件?
  • Well we, actually, we were just visiting home and so we just arrived in London right as that all kicked off.
  • 实际上,当时我们正好回家乡探望,我们刚抵达伦敦就爆发了骚乱。
  • So actually I was quite shocked and of course a lot of my friends here were a little bit worried
  • 我非常震惊,我在这里的朋友很担心,
  • because they knew we were flying into London and London is suddenly all over the news and not in a good way.
  • 因为他们知道我飞去了伦敦,而伦敦突然成为了新闻焦点,而且还是发生了不好的事情。
  • A lot of violence and quite shocking imagines.
  • 当时有很多暴力事件,非常令人震惊。
  • You don't think, when you think of London you don't think of people wearing balaclavas and smashing windows and behaving in this violent way.
  • 当提到伦敦时,你不会想到人们戴着巴拉克拉法帽,乱砸窗户,做出暴力行为。
  • So it was pretty shocking? It was quite shocking but after being there I think within a week it had calmed down
  • 非常令人震惊?非常震惊,我想大概一个星期以后,事态平息了下来,
  • and I think the response from the police was very good and from the public was very good
  • 我认为警方、公众的应对都很好,
  • and from the media generally it was also very good so it wasn't such a big deal in the end.
  • 总的来说媒体的反应也很好,所以最后并没有造成严重的后果。
  • It was, it wasn't a political movement, it wasn't people protesting anything specific,
  • 那并不是一场政治运动,人们没有具体的抗议目标,
  • it was just a kind of unbridled violence so it didn't gain any support.
  • 只是极端的暴力事件,所以没有得到任何支持。
  • Right, so it was just basically kind of releasing maybe youthful angst or kind of built up aggression?
  • 好,基本上来说, 就是年轻人的焦虑,或是累积的攻击行为?
  • Tensions of some, yeah, some kind but because it was all focused around consumer goods
  • 形势有一些紧张,因为他们的焦点是消费品,
  • and a desire to rob stores of products like shoes and TVs and nobody really took it very seriously.
  • 他们想抢劫商店,获得鞋和电视这样的商品,没有人把这当回事。
  • You know, I want a pair of Nikes so I'm going to smash this window doesn't really gain much momentum as a movement.
  • 就像,如果我想要双耐克鞋,那我就砸了橱窗,这种行动并没有发展下去。
  • So there was a lot of opportunism?
  • 有很多投机主义?
  • Absolutely. I think that's pretty much all it was, yeah.
  • 没错。我认为基本上是这样。
  • So do you think it's going to happen again in the future?
  • 那你认为以后还会发生吗?
  • No, I don't think so, no, because of the way the public responded and the way it was handled,
  • 我认为不会,因为公众的应对方式以及事件的解决方式,
  • I don't think it's the kind of thing that would gain momentum again. I don't, I think it was a one off.
  • 我认为这类事件不会再发生。只会发生这一次。
  • Yeah, a one and done deal?
  • 好,一次性的?
  • I think so, yeah.
  • 我是这样认为的。
  • Well that's good.
  • 这很好。
  • I hope so.
  • 我希望如此。


Todd: OK, so Julia, I thought we would talk about social unrest.

Julia: OK.
Todd: So recently in the news there has been a lot of protest, there's been some riots and I believe in your country you actually had riots recently.
Julia: We did, yeah, in the summer last year, yeah.
Todd: That was in London?
Julia: That was in London and in a few of the other cities around the UK as well. It spread to other cities but mainly centered in London, yeah.
Todd: So what was your perspective of the riots?
Julia: Well we, actually, we were just visiting home and so we just arrived in London right as that all kicked off. So actually I was quite shocked and of course a lot of my friends here were a little bit worried because they knew we were flying into London and London is suddenly all over the news and not in a good way. A lot of violence and quite shocking imagines. You don't think, when you think of London you don't think of people wearing balaclavas and smashing windows and behaving in this violent way.
Todd: So it was pretty shocking?
Julia: It was quite shocking but after being there I think within a week it had calmed down and I think the response from the police was very good and from the public was very good and from the media generally it was also very good so it wasn't such a big deal in the end. It was, it wasn't a political movement, it wasn't people protesting anything specific, it was just a kind of unbridled violence so it didn't gain any support.
Todd: Right, so it was just basically kind of releasing maybe youthful angst or kind of built up aggression?
托德:好,基本上来说, 就是年轻人的焦虑,或是累积的攻击行为?
Julia: Tensions of some, yeah, some kind but because it was all focused around consumer goods and a desire to rob stores of products like shoes and TVs and nobody really took it very seriously. You know, I want a pair of Nikes so I'm going to smash this window doesn't really gain much momentum as a movement.
Todd: So there was a lot of opportunism?
Julia: Absolutely. I think that's pretty much all it was, yeah.
Todd: So do you think it's going to happen again in the future?
Julia: No, I don't think so, no, because of the way the public responded and the way it was handled, I don't think it's the kind of thing that would gain momentum again. I don't, I think it was a one off.
Todd: Yeah, a one and done deal?
Julia: I think so, yeah.
Todd: Well that's good.
Julia: I hope so.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
violent ['vaiələnt]


adj. 暴力的,猛烈的,极端的

construction [kən'strʌkʃən]


n. 建设,建造,结构,构造,建筑物

specific [spi'sifik]


adj. 特殊的,明确的,具有特效的
n. 特

momentum [məu'mentəm]


n. 动力,要素,势头,(物理)动量

perspective [pə'spektiv]


n. 远景,看法,透视
adj. 透视的

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

rob [rɔb]


v. 抢劫,掠夺

network ['netwə:k]


n. 网络,网状物,网状系统
vt. (

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地

spread [spred]


v. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒





