It was as a politician that John was most obviously a wretched failure.
作为政治家来说 再也没有 比约翰更加一败涂地的了
Under his father, the empire had been sustained by a shrewd combination of charisma and feudal loyalty.
其父在位时 这个国家维系于 君主的号召力和对封建制度的忠诚 两者间的巧妙结合
John's problem was his difficulty in believing that anyone would ever be more than a fair-weather friend.
约翰的问题在于不信任别人 总是认为别人不过是酒肉之交
So he relied on blackmail and extortion,threats to the barons rather than promises.
对待贵族 他只崇尚敲诈勒索和胁迫 宁我负天下人 莫让天下人负我
Assuming disloyalty, he ended up guaranteeing it.
So when John needed the barons most,when Normandy was threatened by the French king,they weren't there for him.
当诺曼底受到法王威胁 约翰最需要他们的紧要关头 贵族们却没有伸出援手
The result was a catastrophic defeat.
The loss of Normandy ripped the heart out of Angevin power.
Whether or not there was a secret meeting at Bury st Edmunds,
with all the major nobles in England sworn to force John to accept reform,it's certainly true that from defeat sprang rebellion.
柏立艾蒙秘密会谈 立誓要逼迫约翰接受改革 可以肯定的是 失败催生了叛变
At some point, the barons drafted a document that went well beyond forcing John to stop being vindictive,
在这个时候 贵族们起草了一份文件 不仅禁止国王实施报复
proposing, instead, a catalogue of things the king would not be allowed to do.It was called Magna Carta.
同时还列出了一连串 国王不得越过的雷池 这就是《大宪章》