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美语情景对话 第788期:Gender Roles in Sri Lanka 斯里兰卡的性别角色

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  • So, Buddihini, today we're going to talk about roles and family: traditional roles or what people do.
  • 布迪希妮,今天我们来谈谈角色和家庭:传统角色和人们的分工。
  • Now in Sri Lanka, is it common for usually the women to do all the cooking?
  • 现在在斯里兰卡,通常是女性负责做饭吗?
  • It was so. It was so, but still the mentality is such that they expect the daughters and the wives to do the kitchen stuff and the cleaning, the laundry and all that,
  • 以前是,以前是这样,不过现在仍有很多人希望由女儿和妻子来负责厨房、打扫和洗衣的工作,
  • but we do have a lot of working mothers now and they are many single parents as well so the culture has been changing a little bit,
  • 不过现在斯里兰卡有很多职业母亲,也有很多单亲家长,所以现在的文化有了一些变化,
  • but still the majority is that women should do the usual household stuff and the men do the work outside and get the money.
  • 不过基本上来说,还是女性负责家务,男性在外面工作挣钱养家。
  • If it's like the cityside, and if the wife is also working, obviously it's not expected that the wife ends up doing everything.
  • 在城市里,如果妻子也工作的话,那显然妻子不会负责所有的事情。
  • So, what happens? Do you split the duties or do you hire a servant?
  • 那怎么办?是分担家务还是雇保姆?
  • Yes, hiring some helper is quite common in Sri Lanka. I personally don't agree with that.
  • 雇保姆在斯里兰卡非常普遍。我个人不同意这种做法。
  • Oh, really, you don't want to have like a cook or a maid or anything like that?
  • 哦,真的吗?你不想雇人做饭,不想雇保姆?
  • It'll be nice to have but I wouldn't want to have. I want to do my things on my own.
  • 雇保姆是不错,不过我不想这样做。我想自己来做自己的事情。
  • I think it's easier to do things on your own,
  • 我觉得自己来做会更容易,
  • and I'd make sure when I get married that I have the correct partner who'd want to help me out with things and having kids and all that.
  • 我确定我结婚以后,我丈夫会帮我一起分担家务,照顾孩子。
  • I wouldn't want somebody else to come and help us out.
  • 我不想让别人来帮我做事。
  • So, when you get married, you'd like to split the duties with your husband?
  • 你结婚后想和丈夫一起分担家务?
  • Of course.
  • 当然了。
  • So, you expect your husband to cook and clean?
  • 你希望你丈夫可以做饭和打扫?
  • At least help me out and make sure that he knows what I'm doing.
  • 至少要帮我做家务,要让他知道我在做什么。
  • He values what I do cause I'm definitely not the kind who'll stay at home and do only the household stuff.
  • 他要重视我做的事,因为我绝对不是那种想呆在家里,只做家务的家庭主妇。
  • I'll definitely go out and get the money as well.
  • 我肯定也要出去工作挣钱。
  • So, you want to be the bread winner?
  • 你想挣钱养家?
  • I wouldn't say that. We will share. I mean, why he suffer alone, and why I suffer alone at home. We suffer together.
  • 不能这样说。我们要分担家里的经济负担。为什么要让他一个人挣钱,而我一个人在家里呆着。我们要一同分担。
  • Now is this a common viewpoint with most young women from your country?
  • 现在斯里兰卡大部分年轻女性都持这种观点吗?
  • Yeah, I'd say so. I'd say so, but there are many people who don't like to go out and be a working mom.
  • 对,我想是的。不过仍有许多人不喜欢出去工作,不想做职业母亲。
  • They'd rather prefer staying at home and you know, waiting for their husband to come home in the evening or stuff like that, but I'm definitely not that kind.
  • 他们宁愿呆在家里,等丈夫晚上回家,不过我绝对不是那种。


Todd: So, Buddihini, today we're going to talk about roles and family: traditional roles or what people do. Now in Sri Lanka, is it common for usually the women to do all the cooking?

Buddhi: It was so. It was so, but still the mentality is such that they expect the daughters and the wives to do the kitchen stuff and the cleaning, the laundry and all that, but we do have a lot of working mothers now and they are many single parents as well so the culture has been changing a little bit, but still the majority is that women should do the usual household stuff and the men do the work outside and get the money. If it's like the cityside, and if the wife is also working, obviously it's not expected that the wife ends up doing everything.
Todd: So, what happens? Do you split the duties or do you hire a servant?
Buddhi: Yes, hiring some helper is quite common in Sri Lanka. I personally don't agree with that.
Todd: Oh, really, you don't want to have like a cook or a maid or anything like that?
Buddhi: It'll be nice to have but I wouldn't want to have. I want to do my things on my own. I think it's easier to do things on your own, and I'd make sure when I get married that I have the correct partner who'd want to help me out with things and having kids and all that. I wouldn't want somebody else to come and help us out.
Todd: So, when you get married, you'd like to split the duties with your husband?
Buddhi: Of course.
Todd: So, you expect your husband to cook and clean?
Buddhi: At least help me out and make sure that he knows what I'm doing. He values what I do cause I'm definitely not the kind who'll stay at home and do only the household stuff. I'll definitely go out and get the money as well.
Todd: So, you want to be the bread winner?
Buddhi: I wouldn't say that. We will share. I mean, why he suffer alone, and why I suffer alone at home. We suffer together.
Todd: Now is this a common viewpoint with most young women from your country?
Buddhi: Yeah, I'd say so. I'd say so, but there are many people who don't like to go out and be a working mom. They'd rather prefer staying at home and you know, waiting for their husband to come home in the evening or stuff like that, but I'm definitely not that kind.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
laundry ['lɔ:ndri]


n. 洗衣店,要洗的衣服,洗衣

split [split]


n. 劈开,裂片,裂口
adj. 分散的

partner ['pɑ:tnə]


n. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人
v. 同 ... 合

disappointment [.disə'pɔintmənt]


n. 失望,令人失望的人或事

branch [brɑ:ntʃ]


n. 分支,树枝,分店,分部
v. 分支,分岔

traditional [trə'diʃənəl]


adj. 传统的

kitchen ['kitʃin]


n. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间

majority [mə'dʒɔriti]


n. 多数,大多数,多数党,多数派





