Whenever you start a new job, one of the key things to ask is what time you start and what time you finish. Most company's business hours are 9AM to 5PM but some workers start at 8.30AM and finish at 6PM.
在你开始一个新工作的时候,问清楚你的工作时间是非常重要的。 绝大多数公司的办公时间是从早上9点到下午5点,但也有些公司从早上8:30开始上班,有些要到晚上6:00才下班。
Some companies ask their staff to do shift-work. Shift-work means that you could start very early in the morning but finish earlier or start late in the night and then have all day to sleep.
Whatever the time it is good advice to get there a little early but not to leave early. If you are always early and stay late the boss will notice and may promote you.
Managers don't mind if you are late occasionally, but they will not be happy if you are late every day. Remember it's your responsibility to get to work on time.