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  • 10 Bizarre Japanese Inventions
  • 日本十大奇葩发明
  • Motoman SDA10
  • Motoman SDA10机器人
  • The Motoman SDA10 is a dual armed robot designed to cook Japanese pancakes.
  • 双臂机器人Motoman SDA10会烙煎饼。
  • Developed by Toyo Riki Co, the robot weighs 480 lbs and stands 4.5 feet tall.
  • 该款机器人由东洋工程公司出品,重达480磅,身高4.5英尺。
  • It's designed to work independently alongside humans in the workplace.
  • 并可在车间独立工作。
  • Capsule Hotel
  • 胶囊旅馆
  • The first capsule hotel was opened in Osaka in 1979, offering cheap accommodations.
  • 1979年,大阪开设第一家胶囊旅馆,物美价廉。
  • Amenities differ by location, but most capsules are 6 feet by 3 feet by 4 feet and include TV.
  • 房内设施因地区有所不同,但多数“胶囊”长6英尺,宽3英尺,高4英尺,包含电视。
  • Going rates for a night's stay are between 25 to 50 dollars per unit in Japan.
  • “胶囊”旅店一晚价格在25-50美元不等。
  • Easy butter former
  • 黄油固定器
  • Metex in Japan has solved the butter spreading issue once and for all.
  • 日本Metex公司解决了黄油“纷飞”问题。
  • The straightforward device allows butter to be left at room temperature prior to use.
  • 食用之前,固定器可将黄油维持在室内温度。
  • With a simple turn, the butter is grated and easily spreads onto food items.
  • 轻松一转,黄油“碎片”自然散落在食物上。
  • Face slimmer
  • 瘦脸器
  • Japan has a plethora of devices designed to tone your face and decrease wrinkling.
  • 在日本,去皱美白器数不胜数。
  • Originally thought to be a gag, the face slimmer costs about 83 dollars in online stores.
  • 这款装置让人忍俊不禁,网售美脸器价格约为83美元。
  • The device allegedly slims the face and must be used for three minutes per day.
  • 据称瘦脸器可以让脸部“瘦身”,日使用时间规定在3分钟。
  • Vending machine dress
  • 自动贩卖机裙
  • A japaness garment designer created a skirt that turns into a disguise.
  • 日本服装师设计了一款“眨眼”裙装。
  • A woman could potentially blend in with surrounding vending machine to hide.
  • 女性朋友可以和贩卖机融为一体。
  • While it looks like a vending machine from the front, it might fool attackers.
  • 形似贩卖机,确实可以防狼。
  • Cupman
  • 泡面“杯男”
  • The cupman is designed to lie snugly across your cup noddles while they cook.
  • “杯男”趴在碗装泡面上。
  • It is intended to keep the heat in and ensure the noodles are fully cooked.
  • 它的功能是压住保温,等待开锅。
  • He also changes colors in three minutes to alert the user that the food is ready.
  • 三分钟内变色后,你的面就差不多了。
  • Female lap pillow
  • 女友膝枕
  • The female lap pillow launched in mid-2000s and was easily dismissed as a gag.
  • 2000年中旬,日本推出“女友膝枕”产品,此产品不免让人捧腹大笑。
  • Tourists in Japan can obtain a lap piloow at one of the many duty free shops, originally intended to help lonely men.
  • 产品目的治愈单身汉,游客可以在多家免税店购得。
  • It has gained popularity with everyone.
  • 并受到民众喜爱。
  • Thumb extender
  • 手指延长器
  • Phone and tablet screens have gotten a lot larger, but human thumbs have not.
  • 手机平板屏越做越大,但不变的是我们的手指。
  • Thanko's thumb extender gives a thumb 15 millimeters of extra 13.56 dollars.
  • Thanko公司推出手指延长器,手指延长15毫米,售价13.56美元。
  • The fake thumbs comes with a precision knob to make browsing easier.
  • 手指上安装精准旋钮,浏览起来更加自如。
  • Square watermelons
  • 方形西瓜
  • Square watermelons are grown in boxes to ensure they maintain their shape.
  • 为保证形状,西瓜通过模具进行培养。
  • They weign about 13 pounds, are harvested before they are ripe and are mostly inedible.
  • 每只重大13磅,因西瓜在尚未长熟之前收成,多数西瓜只能看不能吃。
  • They are sold in hign end stores and cost 100 dollars per decorative watermelon.
  • 高端市场有售,每只“装饰瓜”售价100美元。
  • Necomimi
  • 猫耳朵
  • A headband with a brain wave sensor that detects thoughts emotions of the user.
  • “猫耳朵”脑波神器可探测意念情感。
  • The motorized cat ears respond to the user's mental state and move accordingly.
  • 电动“猫耳朵”将根据意念摇动。
  • A set of ears typically go for 99.95 dollars and can be bought online or at conventions.
  • 每只售价99.95美元,网店和实体店均有售。



10 Bizarre Japanese Inventions


Motoman SDA10

Motoman SDA10机器人

The Motoman SDA10 is a dual armed robot designed to cook Japanese pancakes. Developed by Toyo Riki Co, the robot weighs 480 lbs and stands 4.5 feet tall. It's designed to work independently alongside humans in the workplace.

双臂机器人Motoman SDA10会烙煎饼。该款机器人由东洋工程公司出品,重达480磅,身高4.5英尺。并可在车间独立工作。

Capsule Hotel


The first capsule hotel was opened in Osaka in 1979, offering cheap accommodations. Amenities differ by location, but most capsules are 6 feet by 3 feet by 4 feet and include TV. Going rates for a night's stay are between 25 to 50 dollars per unit in Japan.


Easy butter former


Metex in Japan has solved the butter spreading issue once and for all. The straightforward device allows butter to be left at room temperature prior to use. With a simple turn, the butter is grated and easily spreads onto food items.


Face slimmer


Japan has a plethora of devices designed to tone your face and decrease wrinkling. Originally thought to be a gag, the face slimmer costs about 83 dollars in online stores. The device allegedly slims the face and must be used for three minutes per day.


Vending machine dress


A japaness garment designer created a skirt that turns into a disguise. A woman could potentially blend in with surrounding vending machine to hide. While it looks like a vending machine from the front, it might fool attackers.




The cupman is designed to lie snugly across your cup noddles while they cook. It is intended to keep the heat in and ensure the noodles are fully cooked. He also changes colors in three minutes to alert the user that the food is ready.


Female lap pillow


The female lap pillow launched in mid-2000s and was easily dismissed as a gag. Tourists in Japan can obtain a lap piloow at one of the many duty free shops, originally intended to help lonely men. It has gained popularity with everyone.


Thumb extender


Phone and tablet screens have gotten a lot larger, but human thumbs have not. Thanko's thumb extender gives a thumb 15 millimeters of extra 13.56 dollars. The fake thumbs comes with a precision knob to make browsing easier.


Square watermelons


Square watermelons are grown in boxes to ensure they maintain their shape. They weign about 13 pounds, are harvested before they are ripe and are mostly inedible. They are sold in hign end stores and cost 100 dollars per decorative watermelon.




A headband with a brain wave sensor that detects thoughts emotions of the user. The motorized cat ears respond to the user's mental state and move accordingly. A set of ears typically go for 99.95 dollars and can be bought online or at conventions.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
straightforward [streit'fɔ:wəd]


adj. 笔直的,率直的

issue ['iʃju:]


n. 发行物,期刊号,争论点
vi. & vt

obtain [əb'tein]


vt. 获得,得到
vi. 通用,流行,存在

prior ['praiə]


adj. 优先的,更重要的,在前的

bizarre [bi'zɑ:]


adj. 奇异的,怪诞的
n. 奇异花

respond [ris'pɔnd]


v. 回答,答复,反应,反响,响应

decorative ['dekərətiv]


adj. 装饰的,可作装饰的

intended [in'tendid]


adj. 故意的,有意的;打算中的 n. 已订婚者 v.

mental ['mentl]


adj. 精神的,脑力的,精神错乱的
n. 精

precision [pri'siʒən]


n. 精确,精密度
adj. 以精准的执行而著


关键字: 每日新闻 发明 奇葩




