Generally speaking Equal Employment Opportunity is the right way to get the best staff. If you choose a new staff member based on their appearance or nationality, they might not have all of the skills for the job. Staff will like their jobs better if they feel that the company is being fair by using Equal Employment Opportunity. You can make sure the best employees don't leave the company by using Equal Employment Opportunity.
一般来说,实行“平等的工作机会”政策是一个公司能够招聘到最好人才的一种正确途径。如果你选择公司的新员工是基于他们的长相或是他们的国籍,这样的员工可能并没有足够的技能胜任工作。而如果公司使用“平等的工作机会”原则,平等地对待每个职员,公司的员工也会更喜欢自己的工作。而且,使用“平等的工作机会 ”你也可以留住公司的最好人才。