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美语情景对话 第738期:San Francisco 旧金山

编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • So, Anita, have you been to San Francisco?
  • 安妮塔,你去过旧金山吗?
  • I have been there once a long time ago when I... well, not that long but when I was twelve years old I went there with my family.
  • 很长时间以前我去过一次,可能并不是太长时间以前,我12岁的时候和家人一起去过。
  • Great. You know, I'm from San Francisco so what did you think?
  • 太好了。你知道我来自旧金山,你觉得旧金山怎么样?
  • I think it was a very beautiful city. You had... there's so many nice houses in these little winding streets, you know, going up the hills and down the hills, and you get the old, the historical trams.
  • 我认为旧金山是一个非常美丽的城市。蜿蜒的街道上有许多很棒的房屋,上山下山都可以坐旧式、有历史感的电车。
  • Right, exactly.
  • 对,没错。
  • Right?
  • 对吗?
  • The cable cars.
  • 缆车。
  • The cable cars, and the Golden Gate Bridge is beautiful of course.
  • 缆车,还有金门大桥也非常漂亮。
  • Yeah, actually I think the Bridge is still pretty amazing.
  • 我认为金门大桥非常了不起。
  • I mean, even people that live there, it's just an amazing thing to look at, to cross. It's nice.
  • 即使是生活在那里的人,在看到那座大桥、穿过那座大桥时都会觉得它非常不可思议。非常好。
  • But one thing about my city is it's really expensive. Did you find it expensive when you were there?
  • 不过旧金山的物价很贵。你在那里的时候有发现这点吗?
  • Well, thankfully I went there as a child so my parents paid for everything, so I didn't have to worry about that so...
  • 幸运的是,我还是孩子时去的旧金山,所以一切花销都有我父母支付,我并没有担心过那些……
  • Right.
  • 好。
  • If I went there now, I mean, probably I would be worried about that, yeah.
  • 如果我现在去旧金山,我可能就会担心物价问题了。
  • Yeah, I think... I'm sorry. I forgot. You said you were twelve.
  • 对,抱歉。我忘了,你说过你是12岁时去的。
  • Yeah.
  • 对。
  • So, OK. Well, when you were in America did you enjoy American food?
  • 好,你在美国时喜欢美国的食物吗?
  • Yeah. I like any kind of food, so... I don't like to eat too much fast food but I didn't have any problems now that I recall, now that I remember so... It was OK.
  • 我喜欢各种美食,我不喜欢快餐,不过现在回忆一下,我没有遇到什么问题,还好。
  • Right. Yeah, but in America we don't eat that much fast food, at least not in San Francisco.
  • 好。我们在美国也不会吃太多快餐,至少旧金山不会。
  • OK, I'll take your word for it.
  • 好,我相信你的话。
  • Did you talk to anybody, or did you meet people?
  • 你有和别人聊天吗,或者说你有见朋友吗?
  • In San Francisco, not that I remember. Of course, we talked to people we met but we didn't visit friends.
  • 我记得在旧金山并没有这么做。当然我们会和遇到的人聊天,不过我们并没有拜访朋友。
  • We just went there as tourists and you know, took a couple of tours, so yeah we talked the tour guide who lives there, and it was nice meeting somebody from San Francisco.
  • 我们是去游玩的,我们参加了旅行团,所以我们会和当地的导游聊天,和旧金山当地人聊天感觉很好。
  • Now, my favorite part of the city is... there's two places actually: Golden Gate Park and also the Presidio.
  • 我最喜欢的旧金山景点是金门公园和普雷西迪奥公园公园。
  • The Presidio is also a park. Did you go to either of those?
  • 普雷西迪奥也是个公园。你去过这两个地方吗?
  • I think we did. I don't remember them very clearly but all the major sites that are there we definitely went to. It's hard to miss.
  • 我想应该去过。我不太记得了,不过旧金山的主要景点我们都去了。几乎没有错过的。
  • Cool.
  • 真酷。


Todd: So, Anita, have you been to San Francisco?

Anita: I have been there once a long time ago when I... well, not that long but when I was twelve years old I went there with my family.
Todd: Great. You know, I'm from San Francisco so what did you think?
Anita: I think it was a very beautiful city. You had... there's so many nice houses in these little winding streets, you know, going up the hills and down the hills, and you get the old, the historical trams.
Todd: Right, exactly.
Anita: Right?
Todd: The cable cars.
Anita: The cable cars, and the Golden Gate Bridge is beautiful of course.
Todd: Yeah, actually I think the Bridge is still pretty amazing. I mean, even people that live there, it's just an amazing thing to look at, to cross. It's nice. But one thing about my city is it's really expensive. Did you find it expensive when you were there?
Anita: Well, thankfully I went there as a child so my parents paid for everything, so I didn't have to worry about that so...
Todd: Right.
Anita: If I went there now, I mean, probably I would be worried about that, yeah.
Todd: Yeah, I think... I'm sorry. I forgot. You said you were twelve.
Anita: Yeah.
Todd: So, OK. Well, when you were in America did you enjoy American food?
Anita: Yeah. I like any kind of food, so... I don't like to eat too much fast food but I didn't have any problems now that I recall, now that I remember so... It was OK.
Todd: Right. Yeah, but in America we don't eat that much fast food, at least not in San Francisco.
Anita: OK, I'll take your word for it.
Todd: Did you talk to anybody, or did you meet people?
Anita: In San Francisco, not that I remember. Of course, we talked to people we met but we didn't visit friends. We just went there as tourists and you know, took a couple of tours, so yeah we talked the tour guide who lives there, and it was nice meeting somebody from San Francisco.
Todd: Now, my favorite part of the city is... there's two places actually: Golden Gate Park and also the Presidio. The Presidio is also a park. Did you go to either of those?
Anita: I think we did. I don't remember them very clearly but all the major sites that are there we definitely went to. It's hard to miss.
Todd: Cool.






