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美语情景对话 第690期:Snow Shoes 雪鞋

编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • So, you do winter sports?
  • 你进行冬季运动吗?
  • Ah, yeah, really, I just do snow shoeing and cross-country skiing.
  • 对,其实我只做雪地行走和越野滑雪。
  • Snow shoeing!
  • 雪地行走!
  • Yeah.
  • 对。
  • That sounds interesting. What snow shoe? Is that like a boot?
  • 那听起来很有意思。什么是雪鞋?是像靴子那种鞋吗?
  • Well, it's kind of hard to explain but it's kind of like a big — I don't know how you would say it — kind of like a big paddle that you strap on to your boot.
  • 很难解释,就是那种很大的……,我不知道你们是怎么说的,雪鞋就是在靴子上套一个类似大桨叶一样的东西。
  • You have a regular boots, your good boots and then you put a big flat kind of round thing on the bottom of your shoe.
  • 就是在普通的靴子底部套一个扁平的东西。
  • What's it made of?
  • 那是什么做的?
  • Well, it is made out of kind of a webbing.
  • 是用带状物做的。
  • It's made out of a webbing and basically it spreads out your weight so that you can walk on snow, cause if you don't have them and you just have your regular boots you're gonna fall into the snow, so it distributes your weight out onto the snow.
  • 那是用带状物制成的,可以分散你的重量,这样你就能在雪上行走了,因为如果你不穿雪鞋,只是穿普通的靴子,那你可能会在雪地里跌倒,而雪鞋可以把你的重量分散在雪上。
  • So are they heavy?
  • 那雪鞋沉吗?
  • They can be, but like a long time ago they used to have huge ones that were made out of like skins and stuff like that from seals but now they're pretty light.
  • 可能会很沉,很久之前,雪鞋是用毛皮或是海豹皮之类的东西制成的,不过现在的雪鞋都很轻便。
  • They're made out of metals and good materials so they are pretty light now.
  • 现在雪鞋是用金属和好材料制成的,所以很轻便。
  • Are they expensive?
  • 那雪鞋贵吗?
  • They can be, but not too bad and you can rent them probably almost anywhere.
  • 会有点贵,但不是太贵,你几乎能在各个地方租到。
  • And how deep is the snow when you're walking with snow shoes? How deep is the snow?
  • 你穿雪鞋行走时积雪有多厚?积雪有多深?
  • Well, it depends on how much it snowed really.
  • 这要取决于下了多少雪。
  • You know it can be really really deep: something that is going to cover up a car, or it can be barely deep at all.
  • 你知道积雪可能很深,有时可能会覆盖住一辆汽车,而有时可能都没有积雪。
  • Like I've taken snow shoes out on my pack — I was hiking Yosemite and we hiked up and there wasn't any snow at first as we got, there was more and more and then it got to the point where we were sinking in the snow and it was time to put on the snow shoes.
  • 我会把雪鞋放在背包里,我去优胜美地国家公园远足时,刚开始一点儿雪都没有,可是越走雪越多,最后我们陷进雪里了,这时就要把雪鞋换上。
  • So, they're not heavy. Do you legs get very tired when you are walking in snow shoes?
  • 雪鞋并不沉。那你在雪地里行走的时候腿会感觉很累吗?
  • Not too bad really unless sometimes the snow isn't really dry.
  • 不会太累,除非积雪不够干。
  • It's really wet snow and sometimes it will kind of clump on the snow shoes and then the snow will make it really, really heavy, so you got to knock them off and that can get really heavy and your legs can get tired.
  • 如果积雪的湿度很大,那雪就粘在雪鞋上,这样就会使雪鞋变得很沉,你要把粘在雪鞋上的雪弄掉,因为它会让雪鞋变得很沉,你的腿会很累。
  • And how do you put them on? How do you attach them to you boots or?
  • 那要怎么穿雪鞋?就把它们连在靴子上吗?
  • Well, you just lay them down and they're some straps on them and you just put the straps on pull them tight.
  • 把雪鞋放平,上面有一些带扣,把它们系上收紧。
  • It's a lot like snowboarding really except you don't have click on boots. They're some straps you just pull on.
  • 雪鞋与滑雪板不同,没有那种卡槽。雪鞋上有一些带扣,把它们系上就行。
  • Cool. It sounds pretty cool.
  • 真酷。听起来真的很酷。
  • Yeah, it is not bad.
  • 对,还不错。


Jeff: So, you do winter sports?

Tim: Ah, yeah, really, I just do snow shoeing and cross-country skiing.
Jeff: Snow shoeing!
Tim: Yeah.
Jeff: That sounds interesting. What snow shoe? Is that like a boot?
Tim: Well, it's kind of hard to explain but it's kind of like a big — I don't know how you would say it — kind of like a big paddle that you strap on to your boot. You have a regular boots, your good boots and then you put a big flat kind of round thing on the bottom of your shoe.
Jeff: What's it made of?
Tim: Well, it is made out of kind of a webbing. It's made out of a webbing and basically it spreads out your weight so that you can walk on snow, cause if you don't have them and you just have your regular boots you're gonna fall into the snow, so it distributes your weight out onto the snow.
Jeff: So are they heavy?
Tim: They can be, but like a long time ago they used to have huge ones that were made out of like skins and stuff like that from seals but now they're pretty light. They're made out of metals and good materials so they are pretty light now.
Jeff: Are they expensive?
Tim: They can be, but not too bad and you can rent them probably almost anywhere.
Jeff: And how deep is the snow when you're walking with snow shoes? How deep is the snow?
Tim: Well, it depends on how much it snowed really. You know it can be really really deep: something that is going to cover up a car, or it can be barely deep at all. Like I've taken snow shoes out on my pack — I was hiking Yosemite and we hiked up and there wasn't any snow at first as we got, there was more and more and then it got to the point where we were sinking in the snow and it was time to put on the snow shoes.
Jeff: So, they're not heavy. Do you legs get very tired when you are walking in snow shoes?
Tim: Not too bad really unless sometimes the snow isn't really dry. It's really wet snow and sometimes it will kind of clump on the snow shoes and then the snow will make it really, really heavy, so you got to knock them off and that can get really heavy and your legs can get tired.
Jeff: And how do you put them on? How do you attach them to you boots or?
Tim: Well, you just lay them down and they're some straps on them and you just put the straps on pull them tight. It's a lot like snowboarding really except you don't have click on boots. They're some straps you just pull on.
Jeff: Cool. It sounds pretty cool.
Tim: Yeah, it is not bad.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
fur [fə:]


n. 毛皮,软毛,皮衣,毛皮制品
vt. 用毛

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

attach [ə'tætʃ]


v. 附上,系上,贴上,使依恋





