【考法 1】 adj. 有益健康的: beneficial, promoting health
【例】 a salutary warning 善意的警告
【近】 good, healthy, restorative, salubrious, tonic, wholesome
【反】 debilitating, deleterious, noxious, virulent 有害的,有毒的
【考法 2】 adj. 有利的,利好的: promoting or contributing to personal or social well-being
【例】 The low interest rates should have a salutary effect on business. 低利率对于商业而言应该是有利的。
【近】 advantageous, benefic, beneficent, benignant, favorable, friendly, helpful, kindly, profitable
【反】 bad, disadvantageous, unfavorable, unfriendly, unhelpful, unprofitable 不利的
【考法 1】 n. 致敬,打招呼(表示欢迎和礼貌): a polite expression of greeting or goodwill
【例】 The veteran stepped forward, raising his hand in salutation. 老兵向前一步,举起手致敬。
【近】 greeting, regards, salute
【反】 farewell, bon voyage (离别时的)再见,一路顺风
【考法 2】 n. 表扬: a formal expression praise
【例】 The speaker introduced the evening's honored guest with a lavish salutation. 主持人用大量表扬的话介绍了今晚的嘉宾。
【近】 accolade, citation, commendation, eulogium, eulogy, homage, hymn, paean, panegyric, tribute
【派】 salute v. 敬礼,致敬
【考法 1】 v. (从灾难中)抢救: to save from loss or destruction
【例】 salvaged the torpedoed vessel 拯救被鱼雷击中的舰艇
【近】 rescue, retrieve, save
【反】 abandon, desert, forsake 放弃,抛弃
【派】 salvageable adj. 可以挽回的
【考法 1】 v. 减轻,缓解: quiet, assuage
【例】 The company give him a raise in salary to salve his feelings. 公司决定给他加薪以安抚他的感情
【近】 allay, balm, becalm, compose, lull, lullaby, quiet, settle, soothe, still, tranquilize
【反】 agitate, discompose, disquiet, disturb, perturb, upset, vex 打扰,扰乱
【考法 1】 vt. 使神圣,敬为神: to make holy
【例】 The Constitution sanctified the rights of the people. 宪法认为人权是至高无上的。
【近】 consecrate, hallow
【反】 desecrate, profane 亵渎
【派】 sanctification n. 敬为神明
【考法 1】 adj. 假装虔诚的: hypocritically pious or devout
【例】 a sickening sanctimonious smile 令人厌恶的伪善的笑容
【近】 canting, deceiving, hypocritical
【反】 devout, religious, pious 虔诚的
【考法 1】 v. 批准,同意,认可: to make valid or binding usually by a formal procedure (as ratification)
【例】 The President sanctioned covert operations. 总统批准了秘密行动‖The administration will sanction almost any field trip with educational value. 基本上任何有教育意义的实地考察都可以得到批准。
【近】 accredit, approbate, authorize, certify, confirm, finalize, formalize, license, ratify, warrant
【反】 interdict, prohibit, proscribe 禁止;decline, deny, disallow, disapprove, negative, reject, veto 否决
【考法 2】 n. 制裁: an economic or military coercive measure adopted usually by several nations in concert for forcing a nation violating international law to desist or yield to adjudication
【例】 Another trade sanction is in effect. 又一项贸易制裁生效了。
【近】 penalty, punishment
【考法 1】 n. 避难所: a place of refuge and protection
【例】 In earlier times a criminal could use a church as a sanctuary. 在早期,犯罪分子可以将教堂当作避难所。
【近】 asylum, cover, harbor, haven, port, refuge, shelter
【考法 1】 vt. 磨光: to make smooth by friction
【例】 Be sure to sand before you paint the shelf. 在上漆之前一定要先磨光。
【反】 buff, file, hone, rasp, rub
【考法 1】 adj. 乐观的,确信的: having or showing a mind free from doubt
【例】 I'm reasonably sanguine about the adoption of the latest proposal. 我非常看好最新的那项提议获得通过。
【近】 assured, confident, doubtless, implicit, positive
【反】 doubtful, dubious, uncertain, unsure 怀疑的,不确信的
【考法 2】 adj. 面色红润的: having a healthy reddish skin tone
【例】 a baby with a sanguine complexion is more likely to leave the hospital early than a sickly-looking one 面色红润的新生儿比病怏怏的能更早出院
【近】 blooming, florid, flush, glowing, rosy, rubicund
【反】 ashy, doughy, livid, lurid, mealy, pale, pallid, pasty, peaky, sallow, wan 面色苍白的
n. 香油,药膏