【考法1】n. 乡下人,头脑简单的人:an awkward or simple person especially from a small town or thecountry
【例】a rusticwho was awed by the prices that city dwellers had to pay 一个被大城市房价所吓到的乡里人
【近】bumpkin,churl, countryman, provincial, rube, yokel
【反】cosmopolitan, cosmopolite, sophisticate 见多识广的人
【考法2】adj. 乡村的:of, relating to, associatedwith, or typical of open areas with few buildings or people
【例】We went toa rustic area that is devoid of skyscrapers and shopping malls. 我们去了一个没有摩天大楼和购物中心的乡村原野。
【近】bucolic,country, pastoral
【反】urban 都市的
【考法3】adj. 粗俗的:lacking in social graces orpolish
【近】clumsy,discourteous, gauche, impertinent, impolite, inelegant, rude, stiff
【反】graceful,polished, urbane 文雅的
【派】rusticallyadv. 粗俗地
【考法1】v. 快速地行动:to move or act energetically or with speed; to proceed or movequickly
【例】The littleboy rustled around enthusiastically on the first morning of the trip. 旅行的第一个早晨,小男孩充满热情地在那活蹦乱跳。
【近】bolt,breeze, careen, career, hasten, hustle, jump, run, rush, scurry
【反】crawl,creep 匍匐前行;poke 缓慢行动
【考法1】n. 妨害,破坏:treacherous action to defeat or hinder a cause or an endeavor;deliberate subversion
【例】sabotageof the project by government officials 被政府官员阻止的项目
【近】damage,impairment, subversion, undermining
【考法2】vt. 从事破坏活动,阻止:to practice sabotage on
【例】Hesabotaged his opponent's campaign with rumors. 他用谣言来破坏对手的竞选活动。‖My ex-wife deliberately sabotages my access to the children. 我的前妻故意想方设法阻止我和我的孩子们见面。
【近】disrupt,foil, frustrate, obstruct, undermine
【反】assist,support 支持;advance,cultivate, forward, foster, further, nurture, promote 促进
【考法1】adj. 像糖一样的,有甜味的:of, relating to, orresembling that of sugar
【例】a powderysubstance with a saccharine taste 有甜味的粉状物质
【反】bitter 苦涩的
【考法2】adj. 做作的,矫情的:appealing to the emotionsin an obvious and tiresome way
【例】The moviewas funny, but it had a saccharine ending in which everyone lives happily everafter. 电影还是很有意思的,但是结局太做作了——所有人从此都幸福地生活在了一起。
【近】fruity,maudlin, mawkish, mushy, sentimental, sugarcoated
【反】unsentimental 不动感情的
【考法1】n. 亵渎圣物:desecration, profanation, misuse, or theft of something sacred
【例】To playMozart's music on a kazoo is sacrilege. 用小木笛演奏莫扎特的音乐是对它的一种亵渎。
【近】blasphemy,defilement, desecration, irreverence, impiety, profanation, violation
【反】adoration,glorification, respect, reverence 爱慕,尊敬
【派】sacrilegious adj. 不敬的,亵渎神明的
【考法1】vt. 使某人负担:to load or burden
【例】He hassaddled himself with a houseful of impecunious relatives. 一屋子的穷亲戚成了他的负担
【近】burden,encumber, freight, lade, lumber, impose, inflict, tax, weight
【反】disburden,discharge, disencumber, unburden, unlade, unload 卸下
【考法1】n. 保护措施:a technical contrivance to prevent accident
【例】legalsafeguards against fraud 防止欺诈的法律措施
【近】aegis,caution, defense, fail-safe, guard, palladium, precaution, preventive, security
【考法2】v. 保护:to make safe: protect
【例】sheepdogssafeguard the flock from attacks by wolves 保护兽群免受狼群攻击的牧羊犬
【近】bulwark,cover, defend, fence, fend, guard, keep, protect, screen, secure, shield, ward
【反】assail,assault, attack 攻击
【考法1】n. 智者:one (as a profound philosopher) distinguished for wisdom
【例】The youngprince made a pilgrimage to the sage, hoping to learn the meaning of life. 年轻的王子走上了向智者取经的道路,希望能领悟到生命的真谛。
【近】expert,illuminati, master, mentor, savant, scholar
【反】dolt,fool, idiot, simpleton 傻子
【派】sagaciousadj. 睿智的;sagacityn. 聪慧
【考法1】adj. 显著的,最突出的:standing out conspicuously
【例】The mostsalient feature of the book is its papyrus cover. 该书最明显的特点就是莎草纸的封面。
【近】conspicuous, noticeable, outstanding, prominent, remarkable, striking
【反】inconspicuous, unnoticeable 不明显的
【派】saliencen. 突出,特点
【考法1】adj. 有益健康的:favorable to or promotinghealth or well-being
【例】Every yearI go to Kunming to enjoy its cool and salubrious climate. 每年我都会去昆明享受它那凉爽宜人的气候。
【近】good,healthy, restorative, salutary, tonic, wholesome
【反】debilitating, deleterious, noxious, virulent 有害的,有毒的