【考法 1】 adj. 顽抗的,不顺从的: marked by stubborn resistance to and defiance of authority or guidance
【例】 a recalcitrant teenager 执拗的少年‖The manager worried that the recalcitrant employee would try to undermine his authority. 经理担心那些不听命的员工会削弱它的权威。
【近】 balky, contumacious, defiant, incompliant, insubordinate, intractable, obstreperous, rebellious, refractory, unruly
【反】 amenable, compliant, conformable, docile, governable, obedient, ruly, submissive, tractable 服从的,顺从的
【派】 recalcitrance n. 固执,不服从命令
【考法 1】 vt. 撤回,放弃,改变: to withdraw or repudiate (a statement or belief) formally and publicly
【例】 The man has refused after torture to recant his heresy. 这个人在受折磨后依旧拒绝放弃他的异教信仰。
【近】 abjure, abnegate, forswear, renege, renounce, repeal, repudiate, retract, withdraw
【反】 adhere, insist, maintain, stick 坚持
【派】 recantation n. 改变论调
【考法 1】 adj. (基因等)隐性的,由隐形基因控制的: of, relating to, or designating an allele that does not produce a characteristic effect when present with a dominant allele
【例】 a recessive disease 阴性基因控制的疾病
【反】 dominant 显性的
【考法 2】 adj. 内向的,内敛的: not comfortable around people
【例】 For such a recessive genius, the most comfortable thing is working alone in his lab. 对于这样一个内向的天才而言,最舒服的事情就是一个人在实验室里干活。
【近】 backward, bashful, coy, demure, diffident, introverted, modest, retiring, self-effacing, sheepish, withdrawn
【反】 extroverted, immodest, outgoing 外向的;gregarious, sociable 好交际的
【派】 recession n. 后退,衰退
【考法 1】 vi. 回到原先的习惯,尤指重新犯罪: to return to a previous pattern of behavior, especially to return to criminal habits
【例】 The suspect has recidivated for several times. 这个嫌犯是个惯犯了
【近】 regress, relapse, retrogress, revert
【近】 habilitate, reclaim, redeem, regenerate, rehabilitate 洗心革面
【派】 recidivism n. 再犯,重犯;recidivist n. 再次犯罪的人
【考法 1】 vi. 往复运动: to move forward and backward alternately
【例】 According to Marx's economic principle, the average price of a certain product should be reciprocating over its value. 根据马克思的经济学理论,商品的平均价格应该在它的价值周边波动。
【近】 fluctuate, oscillate, sway, swing, vacillate
【考法 2】 vt. 报答,回报: to return in kind or degree
【例】 reciprocated the favor by driving their neighbor to the airport 开车送邻居去机场以还人情
【近】 recompense, repay, requite, retaliate, return
【反】 owe 欠(钱、人情等)
【派】 reciprocal adj. 相互之间的,互惠的
【考法 1】 adj. 不考虑后果的,大胆鲁莽的: careless of consequences; foolishly adventurous or bold
【例】 His reckless driving accounted for the accident. 他鲁莽的开车行为导致了这场事故。
【近】 audacious, bold, brash, brassy, brazen, careless, daredevil, rash, madcap, temerarious
【反】 careful, cautious, circumspect, guarded, heedful, prudent, wary 慎重的,小心的
【考法 1】 n. 隐士: a person who lives away from others
【例】 He was sick of cities and crowds, so he decided to go live by himself in the woods as a recluse. 他厌倦了城市和拥挤的人群,因此他决定像隐士一样遁隐山林。
【近】 anchorite, eremite, hermit, isolate, solitary
【考法 2】 adj. 隐居的,不爱社交的: marked by withdrawal from society
【例】 a recluse poet who left a large amount of literature legacies 一个留下了大量文学遗产的隐居诗人‖My neihgbor is so recluse that I only see him about once a year. 我的邻居太神秘了,一般我一年只能见他一面。
【近】 cloistered, hermetic, secluded, secluse, seclusive, sequestered
【反】 gregarious, social 好交际的
【派】 reclusive adj. 隐居的
【考法 1】 vi. 退却,畏缩: to shrink back, as under pressure or in fear or repugnance
【例】 recoil from the snake 因为害怕蛇而畏缩不前‖She recoiled from his touch. 她因害怕与他接触而退缩
【近】 blench, cringe, flinch,quail, shrink, squinch, wince
【反】 confront, meet 面对
【考法 1】 vt. 使和解,协调: to restore to friendship or harmony
【例】 Historians have never been able to reconcile the two eyewitness accounts of the battle. 历史学家们一直以来都无法协调这场战役两种记载之间的矛盾。
【近】 accommodate, attune, conciliate, conform, coordinate, harmonize, key
【反】 disharmonize 使不和谐;estrange 离间
【派】 reconciliation n. 协调
【考法 1】 adj. 深奥的,难解的: difficult or impossible for one of ordinary understanding or knowledge to comprehend
【例】 I think Quantum Mechanics and Random Process arethe two most recondite courses in our curriculum this semester. 我觉得量子力学和随机过程是这学期课表中最难的两门课程
【近】 abstruse, arcane, deep, enigmatic, esoteric, hermetic, occult, profound
【反】 facile, shallow, superficial 肤浅的;easy, simple 简单的
n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<