Obama On Biden Running & Debates
On 2016, now that we’ve seen the Democratic candidates in their first debate and how they did -- and maybe you can share some of your thoughts on how much you watched of that -- (laughter)-- do you feel like the window now has closed on the Vice President entering the race? And if you don’t feel that it’s closed, do you feel that he, in a sense, owes it to fellow Democrats to get in very soon?
The Democratic debate was taking place at the same time as some ball games -- (laughter)-- so there was a little bit of clicking back and forth. I’m not going to comment on what Joe is doing or not doing. I think you can direct those questions to my very able Vice President.
民主党辩论和一些球赛同时进行,所以我肯定会来回点击,轮番关注 。我不会评论乔做了什么,没有做什么 。我认为这些问题你可以直接问我无所不能的副总统 。
The one observation I’ll make about the Democratic debate was that those are all some very fine people. They share a belief in an economy that is working for everybody and not just a few. They share a belief that America has to project strength around the world by maintaining the finest military, but also by making sure that we’ve got a strong economy back home, that we're employing diplomacy and working with other nations wherever possible to solve big problems, like climate change.
关于民主党的辩论,我想要发表的一点评论是,他们都是一些非常好的人 。他们有着共同的信仰,希望创造有利于所有人,而不是少部分人的经济体 。他们有着同样的信仰,认为美国拥有全世界最好的军队,在全世界都有行动能力,而且还确保我们国内保持强劲的经济,任何可能的情况下,我们都愿意通过外交途径与他国一道努力解决重大问题,比如气候变化问题 。
So what was interesting to me was the degree to which -- although there are some very real differences among the candidates, and I’m sure those will emerge, and there may be for each candidate some differences with my administration-- overall, they very much -- we very much share a vision of an economy that works for everybody and effective pursuit of America’s national security through all the tools that are available to us. And I was very impressed with all of them, and I know them personally.And they're good people.
所以,对我来说有趣的是程度问题,尽管候选人之间有一些切实存在的分歧,我确定这些分歧会不断出现,而且每个候选人或许都和我的政府存在一些分歧——总体来说,我们对经济有着共同的展望——有利于每一个人,利用可能的一切工具来有效追求美国的国土安全 。我对他们都有着深刻的印象,我私底下也认识他们 。他们都是非常好的人 。
Beyond that, I think it’s up to the American people to decide. And so I will have a vote like everybody else, as a citizen. And that ballot is private, and I don't have to share my views about that right now because I think it’s important for the American people to make up their own decision.
除此之外,我认为一切取决于美国民众 。所以,我会像其他所有人一样作为公民来投票 。这张选票是私人的,我现在不会分享我的看法,因为我认为让美国人民自己来做决定非常重要 。
I think that the Vice President,like every other candidate, makes their own decisions about these issues and they’ll have to figure out whether it makes sense for them.
我认为副总统和其他任何一位候选人一样,对于这些问题都会做出自己的决定,他们会衡量这个问题对自己来说是否有意义 。