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美语情景对话 第672期:Travel Options 旅行选择

编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Could you talk about, when you travel, do you prefer to travel with somebody to travel alone?
  • 你在旅行时是喜欢和朋友结伴旅行还是独自旅行?
  • I prefer to travel with someone but on my next trip I'm actually traveling alone so I'm looking forward to seeing whether I enjoy myself. Yeah.
  • 我喜欢和朋友们结伴旅行,不过下次旅行我要独自旅行,我很想看看我是否能玩得愉快。
  • So this will be the first time you've travelled alone?
  • 这是你第一次独自旅行吗?
  • It will be the first trip where I actually plan the whole trip by myself. Yeah.
  • 这是我第一次一个人计划整个旅行。
  • OK, next. When you travel do you like to follow a guide book or do you like to explore and just do things without any planning.
  • 好,下一个问题。你在旅行时是喜欢按照旅游指南去玩,还是没有计划,四处逛逛?
  • I tend to be on a time budget so I do use guidebooks and in general it will be the Lonely Planet — the same as everybody else.
  • 我会进行时间预算,所以我会参考旅游指南,一般我会和其他人一样,参考《孤独星球》旅行指南。
  • You go to the same places as everybody else.
  • 你也和其他人一样去同样的地方。
  • Yeah.
  • 对。
  • Yeah. I guess that's just how it normally works...
  • 好。我想基本上都是这样的……
  • OK When you travel do you usually like to go on a budget for a long time or do you like to spend a little money and have more of a good time and a shorter vacation?
  • 你在旅行时是喜欢节省费用玩得时间长些,还是喜欢稍微多花些钱,在较短的旅程中好好享受?
  • Definitely I prefer to be on a budget and have much longer time.
  • 我当然是节省费用,希望玩得时间长些了。
  • Yeah, and I think on a budget that you experience the culture better as well, so I think it's better all around.
  • 我认为节省费用可以更好地去体验当地的文化,去各个地方都转转更好一些。
  • Now when you travel what are some things you do to save money?
  • 你在旅行时会怎么节省费用呢?
  • I cut down on alcohol.
  • 我会少喝酒。
  • Oh, yeah.
  • 好。
  • Because that's usually a big expense and I shop at supermarkets and tend to, try not to eat in restaurant so much.
  • 因为喝酒花费很多,我会在超市买东西,尽量不常去餐厅吃饭。
  • OK, and the last one is when you travel to you try to stay away from other tourists and travelers or do you like to meet other people as you travel?
  • 最后一个问题,你在旅行时是会避开其他游客还是喜欢在旅行中结识新朋友?
  • I like to spend time away from other tourists but I find that that's often difficult
  • 我会努力避开其他游客,不过我发现这点很难,
  • and for example in a place like Machu Pichu there are thousands and thousands other tourists and there's nothing you can do about it.
  • 比如说,像马丘比丘这样的景点有数万名游客,所以你没办法避开其他人。
  • Right.
  • 对。
  • Yeah. Unfortunately.
  • 嗯,很不幸。
  • Well, anyway on your trips, I hope you have a good time.
  • 好,希望你旅行愉快。
  • Thank you very much.
  • 非常谢谢你。
  • Thanks, take care.
  • 谢谢,保重。
  • Thank you.
  • 谢谢你。


Todd: Could you talk about, when you travel, do you prefer to travel with somebody to travel alone?

Keren: I prefer to travel with someone but on my next trip I'm actually traveling alone so I'm looking forward to seeing whether I enjoy myself. Yeah.
Todd: So this will be the first time you've travelled alone?
Keren: It will be the first trip where I actually plan the whole trip by myself. Yeah.
Todd: OK, next. When you travel do you like to follow a guide book or do you like to explore and just do things without any planning.
Keren: I tend to be on a time budget so I do use guidebooks and in general it will be the Lonely Planet — the same as everybody else.
Todd: You go to the same places as everybody else.
Keren: Yeah.
Todd: Yeah. I guess that's just how it normally works... OK When you travel do you usually like to go on a budget for a long time or do you like to spend a little money and have more of a good time and a shorter vacation?
Keren: Definitely I prefer to be on a budget and have much longer time. Yeah, and I think on a budget that you experience the culture better as well, so I think it's better all around.
Todd: Now when you travel what are some things you do to save money?
Keren: I cut down on alcohol.
Todd: Oh, yeah.
Keren: Because that's usually a big expense and I shop at supermarkets and tend to, try not to eat in restaurant so much.
Todd: OK, and the last one is when you travel to you try to stay away from other tourists and travelers or do you like to meet other people as you travel?
Keren: I like to spend time away from other tourists but I find that that's often difficult and for example in a place like Machu Pichu there are thousands and thousands other tourists and there's nothing you can do about it.
Todd: Right.
Keren: Yeah. Unfortunately.
Todd: Well, anyway on your trips, I hope you have a good time.
Keren: Thank you very much.
Todd: Thanks, take care.
Keren: Thank you.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
planet ['plænit]


n. 行星

explore [iks'plɔ:]


v. 探险,探测,探究

alcohol ['ælkəhɔl]


n. 酒精,乙醇,酒

tend [tend]


v. 趋向,易于,照料,护理

budget ['bʌdʒit]


n. 预算
vt. 编预算,为 ... 做预算





