4 Scientifically Rich Facts About Money
We’ve got our mind on our money and chemistry on our mind.
我们一直专心赚钱,对此非常感兴趣 。
That’s right folks, this week on Reactions,we’re talking cash.
没错,伙计们,本周我们来讲一下现金的问题 。
Believe it or not, there are stacks of chemistry-rich facts about money,so we compiled a list of our four favorite facts about the almighty dollar.
无论你是否相信,关于钱有许多有趣的事实,所以我们编译了一些关于伟大的美金我们最喜爱的事实 。
Fact 1.The Federal Bureau of Engraving and Printing use washing machines for quality control.The Bureau produced about 26 million bank notes a day last year,which totals around $1.3 billion dollars.
美国印钞局用洗衣机来控制纸币的质量 。该局去年每天生产大约2600万张纸币,折合价值13亿美元 。
With all those bills being printed,you want to make darn sure that they’ll hold up in rough conditions, so the Bureau has some really high standards to keep.The printers have to consider a huge amount of variables when testing money for durability.So at the end of production, bureau scientists put their dollars through a beating with washing machines, cement mixers, crumple tests,and a host of other challenges.
所以纸币印刷出来之后,肯定要确保在糟糕的情况下也能保持原状,所以该局制定了一些非常高的标准 。印刷人员在检测纸币的持久性时必须考虑大量因素 。所以,在生产完成后,科学家将纸币丢入洗衣机,混凝土搅拌机中击打,折皱,以及其他一些挑战 。
Fact 2.Now it may sound like a weird test, but the washing machine really isn’t all that out of place.
After all, paper money is made up of the same stuff as your clothes.Well, cotton and linen to be more exact.Both of these materials are derived from cellulose,which is the most abundant organic polymer and the basic structural element of woody plants.
或许听上去非常怪异,但是洗衣机并不是不合适 。毕竟,纸币与衣服的材料相同 。更准确的说,是用棉和亚麻制成的 。这两种材料都来自纤维素,这是数量最庞大的有机聚合物,也是木本植物最基本的结构 。
Cellulose is very strong and resistant to breakage in water, which makes it an excellent material for cash.For added security, little tiny red and blue fibers are added to the paper mix to make counterfeiting much more difficult. Embedded metal or plastic threads are also woven into bills.Go ahead and pull out a twenty and take a look to the left of Jackson’s head – here you’ll see an embedded thread that reads “USA twenty”.
纤维素非常强壮,在水中不会破损,非常适合用来做纸币USA twenty”字样 。 。为了增加安全性,纸币生产过程中还增加了少量红色和蓝色纤维,让仿制假钞更加困难 。纸币中还加入了一些金属或塑料线 。拿出一张20美元的纸币,看一下杰克逊头像左边,你会看到嵌入的“
Fact 3.If you have a dollar in your pocket,chances are you’re also carrying cocaine.That’s right people, but don’t worry this doesn’t mean you’re a criminal.In 2009, a team of chemists lead by researcher Yuegang Zuo at Umass Dartmouth discovered that roughly 90% of paper money in the US has cocaine residue on it, and 95% of the bills in Washington, DC carrying cocaine.Now this doesn't mean that the world’s gone Scarface and that cocaine use has gone way up.
如果你口袋里刚好有一美元,你很有可能也携带了可卡因Yuegang Zuo领导的化学家团队发现,美国大约90%的纸币含有可卡因残留,华盛顿特区95%的纸币有可卡因残留 。这并不意味着《疤面煞星》成为现实,吸食可卡因的人数有所上升 。 。完全正确,但是不要担心,这并不意味着你犯罪 。2009年,由麻省大学达特茅斯校区研究员
When a cocaine-contaminated bill goes through a money counter or an ATM, tiny amounts of cocaine spread to nearly all of the bills in the machine.
当污染了可卡因的纸币进入柜台或ATM时,少量的可卡因会扩散到机器中几乎所有纸币 。
Zuo’s team used a super fancy instrument called a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer to accurately
measure the cocaine content of paper money from five different countries. Of these five countries, the US carried the highest average amounts of cocaine.
Zuo的团队使用了一种非常昂贵的机器,名叫气相色谱-质谱仪,用来精确测量五个国家纸币中的可卡因含量 。在这五个国家中,美国纸币的可卡因残留最多 。
Fact 4. To ward off counterfeiters, money is printed with infrared ink amongst other specialized inks. The inks used to print cash are composed of inorganic pigments, varnishes, Alkyds, and drier agents like calcium carbonate – the same chemical used to make red fireworks!
为了杜绝造假,纸币用红外线墨水和其他特制墨水印刷 。用来印钞的墨水含有无机颜料,清漆,醇酸树脂和更干燥的材料,比如碳酸钙,用来制作红色烟花的材料 。
Go ahead and whip out that twenty again and take a look at that shiny looking “20” on the bottom right of the front of the bill.A special, optically variable ink is used to produce the color changing effect that allows the text to change from green to bronze.Infrared inks are used to hide secret features in bills, which makes counterfeiting really difficult.
继续拿出刚才那张20美元的纸币,看一下纸币正面底部闪亮的“20”字样 。印刷过程中使用了一种特别的光学多样化的墨水来产生变色效果,让文字从绿色变成青铜色 。红外线墨水用来隐藏纸币中的秘密特征,让造假更加困难 。
Infrared inks are undetectable by the naked eye, but do absorb light at higher wave lengths than we can see.These kinds of inks are extremely hard to come by and to print with them requires serious precision.
红外线墨水用肉眼难以检测,但是能够吸收比我们肉眼可见的光线更长波的光线 。这些墨水非常难以得到,用这些墨水来印刷也需要非常高的精准度 。
So they’re no use in trying to go and print your own money, you’re going to fail, ok.
所以,试图自己印刷纸币是不可能的,你肯定会失败 。