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经济学人:西班牙和加泰罗尼亚 加泰罗尼亚的绯闻

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  • Europe Spain and the Catalans Scandal in Catalonia
  • 欧洲 西班牙和加泰罗尼亚 加泰罗尼亚的绯闻
  • Jordi Pujol's confession undermines Catalans' hopes of independence
  • Jordi Pujol的忏悔摧毁了加泰罗尼亚人独立的希望
  • IT IS not the narrative that Catalan separatists hoped for as they face a stand-off with the Madrid government over a planned independence vote in November.
  • 加泰罗尼亚的分裂主义者希望能够通过11月计划的独立投票脱离马德里政府,这并非是道听途说。
  • Instead of a debate about evil Castilian conquistadors,their cause has been overshadowed by a scandal over a fallen hero,Jordi Pujol,who served for six terms as leader of Catalonia.
  • 但是,人们并未声讨邪恶的卡斯提尔征服者,他们的注意力全被坠落的英雄人物—Jordi Pujol的丑闻吸引了。Jordi Pujol曾是加泰罗尼亚连续六届的领导人。
  • Four weeks ago Mr Pujol admitted that his family had hidden money in Switzerland for the past 35 years.
  • 4周前,Pujol承认其家族在过去的35年内一直在往瑞士的银行里藏钱。
  • We never found the right moment to declare it, he said breezily.
  • 他轻声说:我们一直找不到适当的时机宣布这一事情。
  • The confession comes at an awkward time.
  • 他在一个尴尬的时刻发表了这个声明。
  • Mr Pujol's hand-picked successor as head of his Convergence and Union (CiU) group,and Catalonia's current leader,Artur Mas,has promised a referendum on November 9th.
  • Pujol精挑细选的继任者,汇合党的主席和加泰罗尼亚目前的领导人Artur Mas之前承诺将于11月9日发起公民投票。
  • Spain's prime minister,Mariano Rajoy,will ban it. Separatists hoped this would swell their ranks.
  • 西班牙总理Mariano Rajoy马里亚诺?拉霍伊?布雷将禁止这一活动。
  • But now all the talk is of the 84-year-old Mr Pujol,a political giant in his region.
  • 分裂主义者希望这能够提高他们的排名。但是现在所有的话题都集中在该阵营的政治巨擘,84岁的Pujol身上。
  • The man who set Catalonia on a path from no self-government to an annual budget of 25.5 billion (33.9 billion,about half of Ireland's) liked to be called president or the most honourable.
  • 这个创立了加泰罗尼亚的人见证了加泰罗尼亚从无政府一直到年均255亿欧元预算案(339亿美元,约有爱尔兰一半的产值)更多地被称为总统或最尊贵的人。
  • A foundation bearing his name specialises in ethics.
  • 一个专门研究伦理道德的基金会以他的名字命名。
  • In 23 years as president until 2003,he became a master at persuading Catalans that they were victims of Madrid.
  • 截止2003年为止长达23年总统任期使他非常擅长说服加泰罗尼亚人让他们相信自己是马德里政府的受害者。
  • The battle cry of the independence campaign is that the rest of Spain steals Catalan taxes and wastes them on lazy southerners.
  • 独立运动的呼声主要是西班牙的其他地区偷了加泰罗尼亚的税收并浪费在了懒惰的南方人身上。
  • Now Mr Pujol himself has been found hiding his own stash of cash.
  • 而今却发现Pujol自己偷偷地藏钱。
  • Other family members are under investigation.
  • Pujol其他的家人正在接受调查。
  • A son,also called Jordi,goes before a judge in mid-September to answer questions about tax fraud and money-laundering after a girlfriend accused him of carrying bags of 500 notes to Andorra.
  • 儿子Jordi在女友控诉他将价值500欧的包包票据送往安道尔市后,将于九月中旬前在法庭上对税收贪污和洗钱的罪行进行辩解。
  • Another son,Oriol,has quit as secretary-general of the senior partner in the CiU group,Catalan Democratic Convergence:
  • 另一个儿子Oriol辞了加泰罗尼亚民主党派,汇合党高级领导人秘书的职位:
  • an investigating judge suspects him of taking bribes.
  • 调查的法官怀疑他受贿。
  • A legion of longtime Pujol-haters in Spain are dancing on the dynasty's political grave and hoping that this may kill the referendum.
  • 众多长期反对Pujol的西班牙人在Pujol王朝的政治坟墓上跳舞,希望这能扼杀加泰罗尼亚的公民投票。
  • The scandal will hurt Mr Mas,but it does not sink separatism.
  • 这一绯闻确实会影响Mas,但却不会扼杀独立主义。
  • He is being tugged in opposite directions by his referendum pledge.
  • 他在公投的请求下已经转到了对立面。
  • His more moderate coalition partner,Democratic Catalan Union (UDC),has threatened to quit.
  • 其较为温和的政党联盟,加泰罗尼亚民主联盟(UDC)威胁弃权。
  • The ardently separatist Catalan Republican Left (ERC),which props up his minority government,wants him to defy Madrid by calling an illegal referendum if need be.
  • 支持其少数政党的激进的分裂主义政党—加泰罗尼亚民主共和党(ERC)希望能够通过非法的公投公然反抗西班牙政府。
  • It also demands an inquiry if Mr Pujol does not appear before the Catalan parliament.
  • 它也要求如果Pujol未出现在加泰罗尼亚的议会上的话,就进行调查。
  • Mr Mas may hold an early election that serves as a proxy for a vote on independence.
  • Mas可能会举行一个前期选举以选出独立的代言人。
  • Carme Forcadell,leader of a Catalan pressure group that has driven the separatist surge,insists on this if Mr Rajoy blocks the referendum.
  • 推进分离主义的加泰罗尼亚压力集团的首领Carme Forcadell 坚信这一点(如果Rajoy阻碍公投的话)。
  • But opinion polls show CiU trailing ERC.
  • 但民意调查显示汇合党远远落后于加泰罗尼亚民主共和党。
  • The Pujol affair will damage it further.
  • Pujol事件对其伤害更深。
  • If the UDC walks out,Mr Mas's party may be hammered.
  • 如果UDC退席,Mas政党的发展将遇到巨大阻碍。
  • A test of separatist feeling will come on September 11th,Catalonia's national day.
  • 9月11日,加泰罗尼亚的国庆日将测试分裂主义者对此事的态度。
  • In previous years Ms Forcadell's group has called out millions to demand an independence vote.
  • 前些年Forcadell的政党可以召集起几百万的人要求独立公投。
  • This year's protest may be less impressive.
  • 今年的抗议力度可能会减弱。
  • Those who want a new deal with Spain but dislike full independence may stay away.
  • 那些希望能与西班牙有一个新的解决方案,但不希望完全独立。
  • Anger about the economy,a source of many gripes,is dimming,but the Pujol scandal will spread disillusion.
  • 导致许多牢骚的对经济的愤怒已经开始减弱,但Pujol事件可能会让人们更加失望。
  • The man who built up Catalan national pride is now undermining it.
  • 曾经造就加泰罗尼亚辉煌的人现在在毁灭它。翻译:毛慧 校对:曾擎禹


Spain and the Catalans

Scandal in Catalonia
Jordi Pujol's confession undermines Catalans' hopes of independence
Jordi Pujol的忏悔摧毁了加泰罗尼亚人独立的希望
IT IS not the narrative that Catalan separatists hoped for as they face a stand-off with the Madrid government over a planned independence vote in November. Instead of a debate about evil Castilian conquistadors, their cause has been overshadowed by a scandal over a fallen hero, Jordi Pujol, who served for six terms as leader of Catalonia.
加泰罗尼亚的分裂主义者希望能够通过11月计划的独立投票脱离马德里政府,这并非是道听途说。但是,人们并未声讨邪恶的卡斯提尔征服者,他们的注意力全被坠落的英雄人物—Jordi Pujol的丑闻吸引了。Jordi Pujol曾是加泰罗尼亚连续六届的领导人。

Four weeks ago Mr Pujol admitted that his family had hidden money in Switzerland for the past 35 years. “We never found the right moment to declare it,” he said breezily. The confession comes at an awkward time. Mr Pujol's hand-picked successor as head of his Convergence and Union (CiU) group, and Catalonia's current leader, Artur Mas, has promised a referendum on November 9th. Spain's prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, will ban it. Separatists hoped this would swell their ranks. But now all the talk is of the 84-year-old Mr Pujol, a political giant in his region.

4周前,Pujol承认其家族在过去的35年内一直在往瑞士的银行里藏钱。他轻声说:“我们一直找不到适当的时机宣布这一事情”。他在一个尴尬的时刻发表了这个声明。Pujol精挑细选的继任者,汇合党的主席和加泰罗尼亚目前的领导人Artur Mas之前承诺将于11月9日发起公民投票。西班牙总理Mariano Rajoy马里亚诺·拉霍伊·布雷将禁止这一活动。分裂主义者希望这能够提高他们的排名。但是现在所有的话题都集中在该阵营的政治巨擘,84岁的Pujol身上。
The man who set Catalonia on a path from no self-government to an annual budget of 25.5 billion ($33.9 billion, about half of Ireland's) liked to be calledpresidentorthe most honourable”. A foundation bearing his name specialises in ethics. In 23 years as president until 2003, he became a master at persuading Catalans that they were victims of Madrid. The battle cry of the independence campaign is that the rest of Spain steals Catalan taxes and wastes them on lazy southerners. Now Mr Pujol himself has been found hiding his own stash of cash.
Other family members are under investigation. A son, also called Jordi, goes before a judge in mid-September to answer questions about tax fraud and money-laundering after a girlfriend accused him of carrying bags of 500 notes to Andorra. Another son, Oriol, has quit as secretary-general of the senior partner in the CiU group, Catalan Democratic Convergence: an investigating judge suspects him of taking bribes. A legion of longtime Pujol-haters in Spain are dancing on the dynasty's political grave and hoping that this may kill the referendum.
The scandal will hurt Mr Mas, but it does not sink separatism. He is being tugged in opposite directions by his referendum pledge. His more moderate coalition partner, Democratic Catalan Union (UDC), has threatened to quit. The ardently separatist Catalan Republican Left (ERC), which props up his minority government, wants him to defy Madrid by calling an illegal referendum if need be. It also demands an inquiry if Mr Pujol does not appear before the Catalan parliament.
Mr Mas may hold an early election that serves as a proxy for a vote on independence. Carme Forcadell, leader of a Catalan pressure group that has driven the separatist surge, insists on this if Mr Rajoy blocks the referendum. But opinion polls show CiU trailing ERC. The Pujol affair will damage it further. If the UDC walks out, Mr Mas's party may be hammered.
Mas可能会举行一个前期选举以选出独立的代言人。推进分离主义的加泰罗尼亚压力集团的首领Carme Forcadell 坚信这一点(如果Rajoy阻碍公投的话)。但民意调查显示汇合党远远落后于加泰罗尼亚民主共和党。Pujol事件对其伤害更深。如果UDC退席,Mas政党的发展将遇到巨大阻碍。
A test of separatist feeling will come on September 11th, Catalonia's national day. In previous years Ms Forcadell's group has called out millions to demand an independence vote. This year's protest may be less impressive. Those who want a new deal with Spain but dislike full independence may stay away. Anger about the economy, a source of many gripes, is dimming, but the Pujol scandal will spread disillusion. The man who built up Catalan national pride is now undermining it.
9月11日,加泰罗尼亚的国庆日将测试分裂主义者对此事的态度。前些年Forcadell的政党可以召集起几百万的人要求独立公投。今年的抗议力度可能会减弱。那些希望能与西班牙有一个新的解决方案,但不希望完全独立。导致许多牢骚的对经济的愤怒已经开始减弱,但Pujol事件可能会让人们更加失望。曾经造就加泰罗尼亚辉煌的人现在在毁灭它。翻译:毛慧 校对:曾擎禹


重点单词   查看全部解释    
debate [di'beit]


n. 辩论,讨论
vt. 争论,思考

democratic [.demə'krætik]


adj. 民主的,大众的,平等的

pledge [pledʒ]


n. 保证,誓言,抵押,抵押品
vt. 保证,

previous ['pri:vjəs]


adj. 在 ... 之前,先,前,以前的

minority [mai'nɔ:riti]


n. 少数,少数民族,未成年

awkward ['ɔ:kwəd]


adj. 笨拙的,尴尬的,(设计)别扭的



adv. 热烈地;热心地

prop [prɔp]


n. 支柱,支持者,倚靠人
n. 道具

dislike [dis'laik]


v. 不喜欢,厌恶
n. 不喜爱,厌恶,反感

source [sɔ:s]


n. 发源地,来源,原始资料





