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经济学人:也门人和沙特人 跨越边界的爱恋

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  • Middle East and Africa Yemenis and Saudis Love across the line
  • 中东非洲 也门人和沙特人之间 跨越边界的爱恋
  • The geopolitics of illicit love
  • 地缘政治间的非法恋爱
  • FOR daysYemenhas been abuzz with talk of Huda and Arafat.
  • 近几天以来,也门一直在谈论胡达和阿拉法特之间的故事。
  • Huda al-Niran, a 22-year-old Saudi woman, fell in love with Arafat Muhammad, a Yemeni, while he was working inSaudi Arabia.
  • 胡达是一名22岁的沙特女子,她与一名曾在沙特阿拉伯工作的也门男子阿拉法特·穆罕默德相爱了。
  • In October the couple fled toYemenafter her parents refused to let them marry, but Ms Niran was arrested for entering the country illegally.
  • 在其父母不同意他们的结婚请求后,他们十月逃往了也门。但是胡达却因非法入境被捕了。
  • She seemed set for a quick trial and deportation.
  • 她似乎面临着快速审判和驱逐出境。
  • Then their love story became a cause célèbre for young Yemenis, who view it as a version of Romeo and Juliet in the south-west of theArabian peninsula.
  • 他们的爱情故事也将在也门的年轻人中产生轰动,他们认为他俩的爱情就像阿拉伯半岛西南部版的罗密欧与朱丽叶。
  • On November 26th Ms Niran was freed into the custody of the UN for a period of three months, allowing her to seek refugee status.
  • 11月26日,胡达被转交给联合国监护,以寻求难民身份,时间长达三个月。
  • Yemenis have been gripped by the saga for several reasons.
  • 因为多种原因,也门人一直被这个传奇笼罩着。
  • The country's deep-rooted conservative traditions are slowly changing.
  • 该国根深蒂固的保守传统正在渐渐改变。
  • Young middle-class men and women have grown increasingly willing to challenge their families' expectations,
  • 年轻的中产阶层男人和女人越来越渴望挑战他们家庭的期望,
  • with many now bidding to choose their own spouse rather than submit to an arranged marriage.
  • 他们中许多人正自由选择自己的配偶,而非服从包办婚姻。
  • But more often than not, unlike Mr Muhammad and Ms Niran, they end up putting their adolescent relationships aside and fulfilling their parents' wishes.
  • 但往往不会像默罕默德和胡达一样,放弃他们的青春爱情而服从父母的意愿。
  • Yemeni interest in the star-crossed lovers touches on geopolitics, too.
  • 也门人对跨越界限又触犯地缘政治的恋人也很感兴趣。
  • The case has presented an opportunity for Yemenis to score a point against the Saudis, who want the Yemeni authorities to return Ms Niran.
  • 这个案件有机会让也门人胜了沙特人一分,沙特想要也门当局送回胡达。
  • Many Yemenis resent their richer and more powerful neighbour's interference in their country's affairs.
  • 许多也门人憎恨比他们富强的邻国干涉他们国家事务的行为。
  • Moreover, the kingdom recently deported tens of thousands of Yemeni workers after deciding to cut down on foreign labour.
  • 与此同时,沙特王国最近宣称为了削减外来劳务,遣返了成千上万的也门工人。
  • Many of the Yemeni campaigners who spearheaded the protests that led to the ousting of President Ali Abdullah Saleh two years ago
  • 两年前,许多也门竞选者带头反对导致了总统萨利赫的下台,
  • have enthusiastically taken up the cause of Ms Niran and Mr Muhammad,
  • 他们热情地接手了胡达和默罕默德案件,
  • organising street protests to press the government to drop the charges against Ms Niran and grant her refugee status.
  • 组织了街道游行抗议,迫使政府撤销了对胡达的控告,并承认其难民身份。
  • They describe their temporary shift in focus from agitating for political change as ensuring the victory of love.
  • 他们认为暂时转移鼓动政变的重心是为了确保真爱的胜利。
  • Some Yemenis whisper that public opinion might have been different if the nationalities had been reversed.
  • 一些也门人私下说,如果两恋人的国籍调换过来,公众的意见可能有所不同。
  • Let's face it, says a young Yemeni.
  • 一位年轻的也门人说道:我们一起来期待吧,
  • If Huda were a Yemeni who ran across the Saudi border with her Saudi boyfriend, we'd be cursing the Saudis and demanding that they send her back.
  • 如果胡达是一名也门姑娘,与她的沙特男友逃到沙特,我们会诅咒沙特人,要求把她送回来。译者:彭瑶


Yemenis and Saudis

Love across the line
The geopolitics of illicit love
FOR daysYemenhas been abuzz with talk of Huda and Arafat. Huda al-Niran, a 22-year-old Saudi woman, fell in love with Arafat Muhammad, a Yemeni, while he was working inSaudi Arabia. In October the couple fled toYemenafter her parents refused to let them marry, but Ms Niran was arrested for entering the country illegally. She seemed set for a quick trial and deportation. Then their love story became a cause célèbre for young Yemenis, who view it as a version of Romeo and Juliet in the south-west of theArabian peninsula. On November 26th Ms Niran was freed into the custody of the UN for a period of three months, allowing her to seek refugee status.

Yemenis have been gripped by the saga for several reasons. The country's deep-rooted conservative traditions are slowly changing. Young middle-class men and women have grown increasingly willing to challenge their families' expectations, with many now bidding to choose their own spouse rather than submit to an arranged marriage. But more often than not, unlike Mr Muhammad and Ms Niran, they end up putting their adolescent relationships aside and fulfilling their parents' wishes.

Yemeni interest in the star-crossed lovers touches on geopolitics, too. The case has presented an opportunity for Yemenis to score a point against the Saudis, who want the Yemeni authorities to return Ms Niran. Many Yemenis resent their richer and more powerful neighbour's interference in their country's affairs. Moreover, the kingdom recently deported tens of thousands of Yemeni workers after deciding to cut down on foreign labour.
Many of the Yemeni campaigners who spearheaded the protests that led to the ousting of President Ali Abdullah Saleh two years ago have enthusiastically taken up the cause of Ms Niran and Mr Muhammad, organising street protests to press the government to drop the charges against Ms Niran and grant her refugee status. They describe their temporary shift in focus from agitating for political change as ensuring thevictory of love”.
Some Yemenis whisper that public opinion might have been different if the nationalities had been reversed. “Let's face it,” says a young Yemeni. “If Huda were a Yemeni who ran across the Saudi border with her Saudi boyfriend, we'd be cursing the Saudis and demanding that they send her back.”


重点单词   查看全部解释    
border ['bɔ:də]


n. 边界,边境,边缘
vt. 与 ... 接

challenge ['tʃælindʒ]


n. 挑战
v. 向 ... 挑战

spouse [spauz]


n. 配偶

adolescent [.ædə'lesnt]


adj. 青春期的,青少年的
n. 青少年

status ['steitəs]


n. 地位,身份,情形,状况

refuse [ri'fju:z]


v. 拒绝
n. 垃圾,废物

peninsula [pi'ninsjulə]


n. 半岛

illicit [i'lisit]


adj. 非法的,禁止的,不正当的

opportunity [.ɔpə'tju:niti]


n. 机会,时机

temporary ['tempərəri]


adj. 暂时的,临时的
n. 临时工





