Discovery may cure common cold
Sneezing, coughing, and sniffing. Welcome to winter and the common cold virus, a cure for which has eluded for years. But now a major breakthrough by scientists in Cambridge University brings that cure a step closer, as they've discovered a new way to help body's fight tough viruses.
打喷嚏,咳嗽,鼻塞 。欢迎来到冬季,迎接感冒病毒 。多年来,人们一直苦苦寻找感冒的治愈方法而无果 。但是现在,剑桥大学的科学家取得了一项重大突破,使得找到感冒的治疗方法更近了一步 。他们发现了帮助身体抵抗这种顽固病毒的新方法 。
Before we always thought of the antibodies which protects us from viruses only work outside cells. And once a virus has infected the cell, there is nothing your immune system can do, all it can do is killing infected cell. But what we discovered now is that actually antibodies are able to work inside the cell, where they triggers system of immunity that allows the cells to get rid of the viruses that already affecting them.
以前,我们总是认为保护我们免受病毒侵害的抗体只能作用于外部细胞 。一旦病毒感染了细胞,免疫系统就无能为力了,只能杀死感染了的细胞 。但是我们现在发现,实际上,抗体也能作用于内部细胞,触发免疫系统允许细胞清除病毒 。
And this is how it works. As the virus enters the cell it draws antibody shown here in yellow with it, inside a protein called TRIM21 recognizes the antibody as a foreign body and latches on to it. The TRIM21 protein that attracts powerful antiviral agents which degrades the virus, saving the cell. So by designing medicines to boost that protein, we could have a cure for the common cold.
这就是其作用机制 。随着病毒进入细胞,就会吸引抗体,也就是这里显示黄色的部分,在内部,一种叫做TRIM21的蛋白质识别出这种抗体是外部物质,然后迅速抓住它 。这种TRIM21蛋白吸引力有力的抗病毒剂,将病毒分解,拯救细胞 。所以,通过设计增强这种蛋白质的药物,我们或许能够找到治疗感冒的方法 。
Every year almost all of us catch a cold, millions of us end up at the doctors' because of it, so any cure would be very welcome. But this new research could be revolutionary if it helps us to combat viruses in general.
每年,几乎我们所有人都会感冒一次,数百万人要到医生那里寻找解决方法,所以,任何治疗方法都会受欢迎 。但是这项新的研究如果能帮我们抵抗病毒,将是革命性的 。
Twice as many people die from viral illness than they do from cancer, even in this DNA age. So if we can understand what happens with the common cold, then use it as a model to try to beat and overcome other viruses that are more deadly, things like shingles, small pox and chicken pox, then you know, it's a really exciting prospect.
死于病毒性疾病的人数是死于癌症人数的两倍,即使在DNA时代 。所以,如果我们能理解感冒的作用原理,然后建立模型,试图抵抗和克服其他更加致命的病毒,比如带状疱疹,天花和水痘,前景将非常令人欣喜 。
This is a historic discovery, the lab results are very encouraging, but it will be at least two to five years before any clinical trials can begin for any future treatments.
这是一项历史性的发现,实验室结果非常鼓舞人心,但是进行任何临床试验用于未来的研究至少还需要两到五年的时间 。
Sally Biddulph, by TV News.
Sally Biddulph,TV新闻 。