Traditional Chinese medicine gets 21st century makeover
As quick and easy as making a cup of instant coffee, a Chinese company has developed a new machine which dispenses traditional medicine with a simple push of a button. Once a prescription is provided, staffs dispense the medicine and the machine does the rest.
像速溶咖啡一样快速简单,中国一家公司研发出一种新的药物,只需按下一个按钮,就可以发售传统的中药 。提供处方后,职员会分配药物,其他所有工作就由机器代劳了 。
It’s a far cry from the medicinal practices of old where Ginseng, fungi, dried sea horses, and other mysterious ingredients are carefully sorted before being steeped for hours in hot water. Now those ingredients can be prescribed and dispensed almost instantly, according to Sun Yougang of the Sichuan Neo-Green Pharmaceutical Company, the machine’s developer.
传统中药熬制方法要先把人参,真菌,干海马和其他晦涩难懂的药物小心地分拣好,然后熬制几小时 。而新方法与此相去甚远 。现在,这种药物的开发商,四川一家医药公司表示,这些成分开处方之后几乎可以立即出售 。
The biggest advantage is that our machine is able to dispense medicine accurately, every patient’s illness is different, a doctor might prescribe different amounts of medicine to a 30-year-old patient compared to a 50-year-old patient. Also some doctors might give you three doses, others might give you five.
最大的优势是我们的机器可以精确地分配药物 。每个病人的病情有所不同,医生为30岁的人和50岁的人开的处方药量肯定不同 。一些医生可能会给你开三服,其他医生可能给你开五服 。
The new machine though provides one pack, containing six individual servings, all patients need to do is open one of the sections, mix it with hot water, and drink. For Wei Ting, it makes a big difference.
而这种新机器提供一大包中药,共分成六份,所有病人只需打开其中的一份,用开水冲服就可以了 。对病人来说,这方便了很多 。
It can take around two hours to brew Chinese medicine, two hours is a lot of time for working professionals to spare. If it’s like making instant coffee, that’s the first thing we do when we get to the office, it’s simple and it saves a lot of time.
熬传统的中药需要大约两个小时 。对于上班族来说,我们很难抽出两个小时的时间 。如果像冲速溶咖啡那么简单——这是我们每天到办公室之后做的第一件事——那就简单多了,可以节约许多时间 。
The Chengdu No. 1 People’s Hospital is one of the dozens in China where the machine has been installed, eventually, the manufacturer wants to export them,in the hope that China’s age-old remedies can win greater acceptance in the west.
中国许多家医院已经安装了这种机器,成都第一人民医院就在其中 。厂家希望这种机器有一天能够出口,将传统的中医疗法发扬光大,让西方国家接受 。
Tara Cleary, Reuters.
路透社,Tara Cleary报道 。