【考法1】adj. 模糊的,非实在的:vague or insubstantial
【例】only adiaphanous hope of success 只有一丝成功的希望
【近】vague,obscure, unexplicit, insubstantial, immaterial
【反】substantial 实在的;clear,distinct 清晰的
【考法2】adj. (质地精致得)几乎透明的:of such fine textureas to be transparent or translucent
【例】The bridewore a diaphanous veil. 新娘戴着透明的面纱。
【近】transparent, translucent, transpicuous, gossamer
【反】opaque,impermeable of light 不透明的, 不透光的
【考法1】n. 长篇抨击性演讲:a long angry speech or scolding
【例】He wasforced to sit through a long diatribe. 他被迫耐着性子听完一个长篇抨击性演讲。
【近】tirade,harangue, jeremiad, philippic, rant
【考法2】n. 挖苦,讽刺的指责:ironic or satirical criticism
【例】The moviereviewer wrote a diatribe of the movie describing it as having excessive sexand violence.
【反】encomium,eulogy, panegyric, tribute, laudatory piece of writing 颂词,赞赏作品
【考法1】adj. 喜欢说教的:designed or intended to teach
【例】Parents’speech to their kids often seemsto be painfully didactic. 父母对他们孩子的话都是让人痛苦
【近】homiletic,preachy, moralistic, sententious
【考法1】adj. 顽固的,保守的/ n. 顽固的人,保守的人:strongly or fanaticallydetermined or devoted/ someone
who opposes change and refuses to acceptnew ideas
【例】Somediehard smokers belied the doctors’suggestion. 一些顽固的烟民违背了医生们的建议。
【近】conservative, hidebound, old-fashioned, reactionary, ultraconservative
【反】liberal,nonconservative, open-minded, liberal 自由的,开放的
【考法1】adj. 不自信的:hesitant in acting or speakingthrough lack of self-confidence
【例】He isdiffident to express his opinions in public. 他在公共场合表达自己的观点时有点害羞
【近】unassured,bashful, retiring, self-effacing, withdrawn
【反】confident,assured, self-assured, self-confident 自信的
【考法2】adj. 内向的:reserved in manner; unassertive
【例】She wasdiffident about stating her opinion. 她很内向,表达自己的观点的时候有点害羞。
【反】extroverted, outgoing 外向的
【考法1】adj. 罗嗦的:being at once verbose andill-organized
【例】a diffusereport 冗长的报告
【近】circuitous, circumlocutory, long-winded, prolix, verbose, windy, rambling
【反】concise,pithy, succinct, terse, laconic 简洁的
【考法2】adj. 不集中的,扩散的:not concentrated orlocalized
【例】diffuselighting 散射光
【反】concentrated 集中的
【考法3】v. 扩展,散开:extend, scatter
【例】Thephotographer uses a screen to diffuse the light. 摄影师用一个屏幕来分散光线。
【近】spread,extend, disperse, disseminate, scatter
【反】concentrate, center, centralize, focus 集中
【考法1】v. 脱离主题:to turn aside especially from the main subject of attention orcourse of argument
【例】digressfrom her prepared subject 脱离她准备好的主题|| He digressed so often that it was hard to
follow what he was saying. 他经常跑题,以至于我们很难跟上他说的内容。
【近】excurse,ramble, diverge, get off the subject
【派】digressionn. 题外话:the actor an instance of digressing in a discourse
【考法1】v. 使荒废:to bring into a condition of decay or partial ruin
【例】The househas been dilapidated by neglect. 由于没人照看,这个房子已经要荒废了。
【反】be in use 还在使用;restore 恢复使用;mend, repair 修理;rejuvenate, renew, renovate 翻新
【考法1】vt. 使膨胀,扩大:to enlarge or expand in bulk or extent;to become wide
【例】The catdilated its eyes in the darkness. 猫在黑暗中睁大眼睛。|| The drug dilates the blood vessels.
【近】expand,amplify, enlarge
【反】contract 收缩;narrow 使变窄
【考法2】v. 详细表达:to express more fully and in greater detail
【例】He refusedto dilate upon his plan for improving the economy in the event that he won theelection. 他拒
【近】amplify,develop, elaborate on, flesh out, dilate on, enlarge on
【反】abbreviate, abridge, condense, shorten 删减,缩短
【考法1】adj. 拖延的,磨蹭的:tending or intended tocause delay, characterized by procrastination
【例】dilatorytactics 拖延战术|| Thehomeowner is claiming that local firefighters were dilatory in responding to
the call. 业主声称本地的消防队员对(火警)电话的有拖延。
【近】delaying,procrastinating, dragging, lagging, tardy
【反】rapid, fast, fleet, precipitate, rocketing, swifthasty, hurrying, scurrying 快速的