【考法1】v. 下降:to lead or extend downward
【例】thepathway descends to the river bank 通道一直向下延伸到河岸
【近】dip, fall,plunge, sink
【考法2】v. 世代相传:to originate or come from an ancestral stock or source, to pass byinheritance
【例】The househas descended through four generations. 这座房子已经传了四代。a tradition descending
from colonial days 殖民时期传递下来的一项传统
【考法1】n. 后代:one deriving directly from a precursor or prototype
【例】They aredescendants of the original English and Scottish settlers. 他们是最早一批英格兰和苏格兰定
【反】forbears 祖先
【考法1】vt. 亵渎,玷污:to treat (a sacred place or object) shamefully or with greatdisrespect
【例】desecratethe shrine 亵渎圣地
【近】defile,profane, violate
【反】sanctify,revere, hallow 尊敬,视为神圣
【考法1】vt. 使(食物)脱水以保存,使干燥:to preserve (a food) by drying
【例】add a cupof desiccated coconut to the mix 加一杯椰蓉进行搅拌
【近】damp,dampen, deaden, devitalize, enervate, dehydrate
【反】add waterto, hydrate, drench 加水,浸透
【派】desiccantn. 干燥剂:a dryingagent (as calcium chloride)
【考法2】v. 缺乏活力:to deprive of emotional or intellectual vitality
【例】thathistorian's dryasdust prose desiccates what is actually an exciting period inEuropean history 那
【近】castrate,dampen, deaden, devitalize, enervate
【反】energize,enliven, invigorate, stimulate, vitalize 使生机勃勃
【考法1】adj. 任命的,指定的:to pick (someone) by one'sauthority for a specific position or duty
【例】ambassadordesignate 即将上任的大使
【考法1】adj. 令人鄙视的:arousing or deserving ofone's loathing and disgust
【例】evenwithin the prison population, pedophiles are regarded as particularlydespicable 即使在囚犯内部,
【近】contemptible,detestable, dishonorable
【反】admirable,commendable, creditable, meritorious, praiseworthy 值得赞扬的
【考法2】adj. 不荣耀的,不得体的:not following or inaccordance with standards of honor and decency
【例】the cad'sdespicable behavior toward women 公车售票员对女性不得体的举动
【近】currish,dirty, execrable, ignominious, sordid, wretched
【反】honorable,lofty, noble, upright, venerable, virtuous 崇高的
【考法1】vt. 极其不喜欢:to dislike strongly
【例】I despiseanchovies on pizza, and I refuse to eat them. 我鄙视在披萨上的凤尾鱼,所以从来不吃。
【近】abhor,abominate, detest, execrate, loathe, disregard, flout
【反】love 喜欢
【考法1】adj. 专制的,暴虐的:arbitrary, autocratic,monocratic, tyrannical
【例】a despotictyrant 专制的暴君
【近】authoritative, dictatorial, imperious, overbearing, peremptory, tyrannous
【考法1】adj. 无计划、无目的的:lacking a definite plan,purpose, or pattern
【例】adesultory search for something of interest on TV 漫无目的的换台
【近】digressive, excursive, meandering, rambling, wandering
【反】carefullyplanned, strictly methodical, assiduous 精心计划的,有系统的,勤勉的
【考法2】adj. 令人失望的:disappointing in progress,performance, or quality
【例】adesultory fifth place finish 让人失望的第五名
【考法1】vt. 分离:to separate or unfasten; disconnect
【例】Detach thewhite part of the application form and keep it. 撕下申请表的白色部分并予以保留。
【反】tether 束缚