Nurse becomes first Ebola victim diagnosed in Britain
A health worker who has become the first person to be diagnosed with Ebola in Britain is rushed to London's Royal Free Hospital for treatment. The hospital identified her as Pauline Cafferkey, a 39-year old Scottish nurse who had been working in Sierra Leone. Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon offers an update:
被诊断为英国首例埃博拉感染者的一名医疗工作者被紧急送往伦敦皇家自由医院进行治疗Pauline Cafferkey,曾在塞拉利昂工作 。苏格兰首席副大臣尼古拉·斯特金(Nicola Sturgeon)对该情况进行了通报: 。医院确认患者是39岁的苏格兰护士
(SOUNDBITE) (English) SCOTLAND FIRST MINISTER, NICOLA STURGEON, SAYING: "The latest update we have on the condition of the patient is that she is doing as well as can be expected in the circumstances."
苏格兰首席副大臣尼古拉·斯特金(Nicola Sturgeon):“关于这位病人情况的最新消息是,她的情况像预期的那样好 。”
Cafferkey reportedly was working for Save the Children in Sierra Leone. More than 7,800 people have been killed by the deadly virus, mostly in West Africa. Authorities say Cafferkey was diagnosed at an early stage and her risk to others is extremely low, but her contacts are being investigated.
据报道,Cafferkey为塞拉利昂拯救儿童基金会工作 。已有超过7800人死于这种致命病毒,其中大部分死亡病例在西非 。官方表示,Cafferkey在感染的初级阶段就确诊,感染他人的风险较低,但是有关部门正在调查她曾经接触过的人 。
100 protesters, Kremlin opposition leader Navalny arrested
Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny is ambushed by police in Moscow just after breaking house arrest. He is detained and then driven back home, local media reported. 100 anti-government protesters were also arrested. Demonstrators had been rallying for freedom of expression.
俄罗斯反对派领导人阿列克谢·纳瓦尔尼(Alexei Navalny)突破软禁后在莫斯科被警方围捕 。当地媒体报道称,他被拘留后被送回家中 。被捕的还有100名反政府抗议者 。示威人群举行集会,要求言论自由 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Russian) MOSCOW RESIDENT, ALLA, SAYING: "I came here first of all because I am against any repression, against politically motivated cases and prosecution for views. I think every person has the right to express his opinion."
莫斯科居民ALLA:“我来到这里首先是因为我反对压制,反对出于政治动机的案件和检控 。我认为每个人都有表达自己意见的权利 。”
Navalny was sentenced to house arrest earlier in the day for embezzlement. His brother was sentenced to three and a half years in a case seen as part of a campaign to stifle dissent. Government opponents say jailing Navalny, who led protests against President Vladimir Putin three years ago, could trigger a new wave of protest.
纳瓦尔尼此前因为挪用公款被判软禁 。他的兄弟被判处三年半的监禁,该案件被视为压制不同政见的运动的一部分 。政府的对手表示,拘留纳瓦尔尼会引发新一轮的抗议活动 。纳瓦尔尼三年前曾领导反对普京总统的抗议活动 。
Ferry stricken by blaze fully evacuated, 10 dead
After more than 24 hours of battling the cold, winds and fear, more than 400 survivors were rescued from the burning ferry in the Adriatic. Now in the darkness, these passengers exhausted finally stand on firm ground for the first time since a fire broke out on the Norman Atlantic on Sunday. They had been winched away by helicopter and transferred to nearby ships. Ten people were killed in the disaster but the number of missing is still unclear. Officials say there were 478 people on the ferry travelling from Patras in Greece to Ancona in Italy. Many families got separated during the rescue but most appeared to maintain their humour. The airlift has finished and the captain was the last to leave his ship. For these survivors the ordeal is over but their questions remain about why the European ferry caught alight and killed fellow passengers.
经历了超过24小时的寒冷,大风和恐惧之后,400多名幸存者从亚里亚德海一艘燃烧的船只上获救 。现在在黑暗中,这些疲惫不堪的乘客最终回到陆地 。周日,诺尔曼大西洋上爆发大火 。直升飞机将幸存者转移,然后转移到附近的船只上 。10人在灾难中丧生,但是失踪者人数仍不清楚 。官员们表示,船上共有478人从希腊的佩特雷前往意大利的安科纳 。许多家庭在救援行动中分离,但是大部分人仍然保持着幽默感 。空运行动已经结束,船长是最后一个离开船只的人 。对这些幸存者来说,厄运已经结束,但是他们仍然心存疑问,为何这艘欧洲船只会着火,导致乘客死亡 。