Kenyans protest attacks on women in miniskirts
Hundreds of people take to the streets of Nairobi to protest a recent spate of violent attacks, targeting women for wearing mini-skirts -- or other so-called skimpy attire.
数百人走向内罗毕街头,抗议最近大量发生的针对身穿迷你裙或性感装束的女性的暴力袭击 。
(SOUNDBITE) (English) PROTEST ORGANISER, DIANA ROSE AKELLO, SAYING: "This is a journey of liberation. It is not just about dressing, it is about liberation of women from oppression."
抗议组织者DIANA ROSE AKELLO:“这是解放之旅 。这不仅仅是关于穿着的活动,是将女性从压迫中解放出来的运动 。”
Some of the attacks were captured on cell-phone videos and widely circulated over social media. They show mobs of men surrounding the women, stripping them naked and kicking them. This bus stop was the site of one of the attacks. While many Kenyans are outraged, some suggest women should think before they dress.
一些袭击被手机视频记录下来,通过社交媒体广泛传播 。这些视频显示许多男子围攻女性,把她们的衣服脱光,踢打她们 。这个公交站是其中一起袭击的发生地点 。许多肯尼亚人出离愤怒,一些人建议女性在穿衣方面应该谨慎 。
(SOUNDBITE) (English) UNNAMED WOMAN, SAYING: "Choice has responsibility, you cannot go dressing anyhow wherever you do. We have to be responsible as women, you cannot show as your buttocks."
未透露姓名的女子:“我们自己也有责任,你不能去任何地方都随心所欲地穿任何衣服 。作为女性我们应该有责任感,穿着不能过于暴露 。”
And in a counter-protest, a group of men tells the protesters to "get dressed." So far, no one has been prosecuted for the attacks.
在反抗议活动中,一些男子告诉抗议者们回去“穿衣服” 。目前为止,还无人因为袭击而被检控 。
Czechs protest president on Velvet Revolution anniversary
On the 25th anniversary since the fall of communism... ...thousands in Czech Republic's capital Prague protest President Milos Zeman, with soccer-style penalty cards. They say he's drifting too close to Moscow -- the power center that dominated their country for four decades. As Zeman attempts to unveil a memorial at the site where the "Velvet Revolution" began... ...hecklers prevent him from speaking. An egg meant to hit Zeman, hits Germany's President Joachim Gauck instead. But elsewhere in Prague, the mood was very different. Czechs lit candles to remember that day in 1989 when police violently broke up a student march -- And sparked the uprising that brought dissident Vaclav Havel to power. Today, Czechs say they cannot only celebrate -- they can also voice their discontent.
捷克共产主义垮台25周年之际,捷克共和国首都布拉格数千人用足球风格的罚张抗议总统米洛什·泽曼(Milos Zeman) 。他们表示,总统过分亲近莫斯科——这个权力中心主宰捷克已达40年之久 。泽曼试图在“丝绒革命”发源地揭幕一座新的纪念碑之际,质问者们阻止他发表讲话 。原本打算袭击泽曼的一颗鸡蛋砸中德国总统高克(Joachim Gauck) 。但是在布拉格其他地方,气氛则完全不同 。捷克人点燃蜡烛,纪念1989年警方暴力破坏一场学生运动,引发起义,使瓦茨拉夫·哈韦尔 (Vaclav Havel) 上台 。今天,捷克人表示,他们不能仅仅是庆祝,他们还要表达自己的不满 。
Some 600 trafficking victims saved from slavery by Bangladesh navy
Some 600 trafficking victims from Myanmar and Bangladesh who could have been sold into slavery... make it to shore. The Bangladesh navy intercepted the operation, in what they call the biggest of its kind. Navy Officer Commodore Naimur Rahman.
来自缅甸和孟加拉国大约600名原本可能被出售为奴隶的被拐受害者登岸Commodore Naimur Rahman发表了讲话 。 。孟加拉国海军截停了这起非法交易 。他们称这是他们破坏的最大一起贩卖人口案件 。海军官员
(SOUNDBITE) (Bengali) NAVY OFFICER, COMMODORE NAIMUR RAHMAN, SAYING: "They were on a boat near the Bangladesh-Myanmar border, 15 kilometers inside Bangladeshi waters. First,they tried to go to the west towards Myanmar but we chased them and caught the boat."
海军官员Commodore Naimur Rahman:“他们在孟加拉国缅甸边境一艘船只上,在孟加拉水域内15千米处 。首先,他们试图向西进入缅甸境内,但是我们追上他们,截停了船只 。”
Authorities detained 14 crew members on board. Officials say the trafficking victims often expect to sail Malaysia... but are ultimately kidnapped and taken to Thailand where they are held for ransom. If relatives can't afford to secure their release, they're killed or sold as slaves.
警方拘留了船上14名船员 。官员们表示,被拐受害者通常驶往马拉西亚,但是最终会被绑架,然后被带往泰国,被绑匪用来索要赎金 。如果亲属们无力赎回受害者,他们将被杀害或被出售为奴隶 。