Turkey will fight Islamic State, wants Assad gone - President Erdogan
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan says his country will join the fight against Islamic State but will stick to its aim of seeing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad removed from power. The advance of Islamic State insurgents to within sight of the Turkish army on the Syrian border has piled pressure on Ankara to play a greater role in the U.S.-led coalition carrying out air strikes against the insurgents in Syria and Iraq.
土耳其总统埃尔多安表示,他的国家将加入打击伊斯兰国激进组织的行列,但是坚持推翻叙利亚总统阿萨德的目标 。伊斯兰国反叛分子推进至叙利亚边境土耳其军队的视线范围内,导致安卡拉面临越来越大的压力,在美国领导的对叙利亚和伊拉克反叛分子实施空袭的运动中发挥更大作用 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Turkish) TURKISH PRESIDENT, TAYYIP ERDOGAN, SAYING: "We are ready for any kind of cooperation in fighting against terrorism. However Turkey is not a country in pursuit of temporary solutions nor will Turkey allow others to take advantage of it."
土耳其总统埃尔多安:“我们已经为任何种类的反恐活动做准备 。然而,土耳其并不是追求临时性的解决方案的国家,土耳其也不允许其他国家加以利用 。”
Turkey fears that U.S.-led air strikes, if not accompanied by a broader political strategy, could strengthen Assad and bolster Kurdish militants allied to Kurds in Turkey who have fought for three decades for greater autonomy.
土耳其担心,如果没有更广泛的政治策略的协助,美国领导的空袭将会增强阿萨德的力量,增强与土耳其库尔德人联盟的库尔德激进分子的力量 。三十年来,这些激进分子一起希望寻求更大的自治权 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Turkish) TURKISH PRESIDENT, TAYYIP ERDOGAN, SAYING: (PARTLY OVERLAID WITH SHOT 8) "The return of more than 1.5 million refugees to Syria is also a priority for our country. The removal of the Assad government and the territorial integrity of Syria will also remain a priority for Turkey."
土耳其总统埃尔多安:“超过150万名难民重返叙利亚对我们的国家来说也是一个优势 。阿萨德政府下台和叙利亚的领土完整仍然是土耳其的重要任务 。”
Turkey deployed tanks and armored vehicles on the border with Syria this week as fighting intensified. The government has also sent a proposal to parliament which would extend its powers to authorize cross-border military incursions.
本周,土耳其向与叙利亚边境处派遣了坦克和装甲车辆 。政府还向议会递交了提案,将权力拓展至授权跨越边境的军事行动 。
Spanish cave explorer rescued
Spanish speleologist Cecilo Lopez gives a thumbs up after being safely pulled from an underground cave in Peru. It took more than 100 rescue workers hours of planning and hard work to free Lopez who'd been trapped for the past 12 days. He had been exploring caves deep in the Amazon with fellow scientists when he fell into a narrow section of one of the caves. After being rescued Lopez was given initial medical care to stabilize his back injuries before being transferred to Lima.
从秘鲁一个地下洞穴中被安全地拉出来之后,西班牙洞窟学者Cecilo Lopez竖起大拇指 。100多名搜救工作者花费了几个小时的计划和辛苦工作才将过去12天被困的Lopez成功解救 。他曾经与其他科学家一起探索亚马逊河深处的洞穴,突然落入其中一个洞穴下面较狭窄的部位 。获救后,Lopez先接受了初步的医疗,然后被转送到利马 。
Greece begins partial demolition of Roma camp
The bulldozer begins its demolition... Authorities in Greece are tearing down unoccupied homes in this Roma camp in an Athens suburb. The Roma have squatted on this private land for decades but now... they watch with resignation.
推土机开始了拆除工作 。希腊当局正在拆除雅典郊区这个罗姆人营地中无人居住的房屋 。罗姆人占领这块私有土地已经几十年的时间,但是现在,他们顺从地观看这一过程 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Greek) ROMA LEADER STELIOS, KALAMIOTIS, SAYING: "It is a shame that the government is solving a 45-year old problem in this way. There are 54 children in the camp that go to school. Those children should not be seeing this sort of thing."
罗姆人领袖STELIOS, KALAMIOTIS:“政府以这种方式解决这个持续了45年的问题是一种耻辱 。营地中有54个孩子去上学了 。这些孩子不应该看到这样的事情 。”
The camp, for all its haphazardness, sits amid prime Athens real estate. The government wants to relocate the Roma to organized settlement near the town of Megara about an hour away...but the Roma say that's too far, too isolated.
出于偶然,这个营地出现在雅典领土上Megara镇大约1个小时车程的有组织的定居点 。但是罗姆人表示那里太远,太偏僻了 。 。政府希望将罗姆人迁移至距离
(SOUNDBITE) (Greek) ROMA CAMP RESIDENT, TASSOS, SAYING: "We grew up here, and now they want to kick us out of here and send us to Megara, no one wants to go there, the children go to school here, what will they do there? Who will help us there?"
罗姆人营地居民TASSOS:“我们在这里长大,现在他们想要把我们踢出这里,把我们送到Megara,没有人想去那里 。孩子们在这里可以去上学,搬到那里之后他们怎么办呢?谁会帮助他们?”
When the demolition was announced the Roma reacted with fury, rioting and blocking traffic on a major avenue for hours. Authorities finally agreed to delay the full demolition for now, saying only the uninhabited homes will be taken down. But the Roma say they are sure there are more battles still to come.
希腊政府宣布了拆除行动之后,罗姆人非常愤怒,暴动并堵塞了一条交通要道几个小时的时间 。最终,当局同意暂时推迟全面拆除,称暂时先拆除无人居住的房屋 。但是罗姆人表示,他们确定未来还会有更多战争 。