What Friendship Means to Me?
I have a list of folks I know all written in a book, and every now and then I go and take a look. That is when I realize these names they're a part, not of the book they're written in but taken from the heart.
For each name stands for someone who crossed my path sometime, and in that meeting they have become the reason and the rhyme. it may sound fantastic for me to take this claim, but I really am composed of each remembered name. You may not be aware of any special link, but just knowing you has shaped my life more than you could ever think.
Please don't think my greeting as just a mere routine, your name was not forgotten in-between. For when I send a greeting that is addressed to you, it is because you're on the list of folks I'm indebted to. So whether I've known you for many days or few, in some ways you have a part in shaping things I do. I total up the many folks I've met, and you're a friend I would prefer never to forget.