Manchester United owner Malcolm Glazer dies at 85
曼联老板格雷泽去世 享年85岁
The owner of Manchester United and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers has died. According to the Buccaneers website, Malcolm Glazer died Wednesday morning. He was 85-years-old. With Glazer as the owner, his football team made seven playoff appearances. And the Buccaneers won the Super Bowl following the 2002 season. To the dismay of many Man U fans, the American businessman took over the team in 2005. But the soccer team has won five Premier League titles, and one Champions League title since the takeover. Glazer is survived by his wife and six children.
曼联和坦帕湾海盗队老板去世Glazer died)于周三早上去世,享年85岁 。格雷泽任老板期间,他的足球队共参加了7场季后赛 。在2002年赛季,海盗队赢得了超级碗冠军 。让许多曼联球迷惊诧的是,这位美国商人于2005年接管了该球队 。但是这支美式橄榄球队自格雷泽接管以来共赢得了5次英超联赛冠军,一次冠军联赛头衔 。格雷泽离世后还有妻子和6个儿女 。 。根据海盗队网站,格雷泽(
Firefighters battle California wildfire
Tankers soar above California's Mariposa County, dropping fire retardent on the vicious flames below. Hundreds of firefighters are battling a blaze that broke out Monday afternoon. The so-called Hunters Fire is threatening around 100 homes and is burning across 1,300 acres. Dozens of residents are evacuating.
运油飞机飞到加利福尼亚马里珀萨郡上空,向地面肆虐的大火抛洒阻燃剂 。数百名消防员正在努力扑灭周一下午爆发的大火 。这场所谓的“猎人大火”正威胁着大约100座房屋,烧毁了1,300英亩的土地 。数十位居民正在疏散 。
(SOUNDBITE) (English) MONA LOTSPEICH, SAYING: "It wasn't so bad until you could start smelling it then I got worried and we loaded up the critters..."
MONA LOTSPEICH:“一开始没有觉得情况太严重,但是后来开始闻到烧焦的味道,我开始担忧,我们赶紧装载动物 。”
The Red Cross has set up an evacuation center and county officials have established a rescue center for pets. This, as fire officials are working tirelessly to contain the blaze.
红十字会已经设立了疏散中心,郡政府官员设立了宠物救助中心 。消防官员正在不知疲倦地控制大火 。
(SOUNDBITE) (English) FIRE CAPTAIN, FRANK BIGELOW, SAYING: "Our biggest fear is where those lines get tested enough to where our biggest fear go into the Merced canyon."
消防队长FRANK BIGELOW:“我们现在最担心的是,火势非常严重,可能会蔓延到美喜德峡谷 。”
There is significant fire history in this area, close to Yosemite -- one of country's most popular National Parks.
该地区的火灾史非常引人注目 。该地区靠近美国最受欢迎的国家公园——约塞米蒂国家公园 。
Ukrainian immigrant to Israel: "It is not easy to say goodbye"
乌克兰移民前往以色列 难以说再见
This is now home to this Ukrainian Jewish family. They had been stranded at the Donetsk airport as they waited to emigrate to Israel. Israel's Jewish Agency rescued two families in Ukraine. Timotei Orin says he feared for the future in Ukraine.
这里是这个乌克兰犹太人家庭的新家Timotei Orin表示,继续待在乌克兰前途堪舆 。 。他们等待移居以色列时被困在顿涅茨克机场 。以色列犹太办事处在乌克兰救助了两个家庭 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Ukrainian) JEWISH UKRAINIAN MAN, TIMOTEI ORIN SAYING: ***BASED ON SIMULTANEOUS TRANSLATION*** "We felt unsafe and we were worried for our children, so we made a decision to go to Israel and not postpone our decision any longer."
犹太乌克兰男子TIMOTEI ORIN:“我们觉得很不安全,我们担心孩子,所以决定前往以色列,不再推迟决定 。”
For his wife Marina there was nothing easy about leaving everything behind.
对他的妻子Marina来说,抛开一切移居并不是一件容易的事 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Ukrainian) JEWISH UKRAINIAN WOMAN, MARINA ORIN, SAYING: ***BASED ON SIMULTANEOUS TRANSLATION*** "A lot of feelings are mixed together. It is not easy to say good-bye to the people you love, it is not easy to leave the place you grew up in, it is not easy to have a last look at the things that you are used to. At the same time you feel something new is coming and it gives you a lot of self confidence, a lot of hope."
犹太乌克兰女子MARINA ORIN:“感觉非常复杂 。要离开所爱的人,离开从小长大的地方,最后看一眼自己已经习惯的一切,这并不容易 。与此同时,你会感觉即将面临新的前景,会让你有更多自信,更多希望 。”
Jewish immigration from Ukraine has more than doubled since the start of the year.
自今年年初以来,来自乌克兰的犹太移民数量增加了一倍以上 。