India polls enter final round
All eyes are on the ancient city of Varanasi as Indians vote in the final round of the country's massive general election. Narendra Modi is the first presidential candidate to stand in the 3,000-year-old city where several religions mingle. It's among the 41 seats in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal states where the five-week-long election is coming to an end.
印度大规模的大选已经进入最后阶段,所有的目光都集中在古城瓦腊纳西Narendra Modi)是第一位总统候选人 。这是北方邦,比哈尔邦和西孟加拉邦41个席位之一 。印度为期五周的选举即将结束 。 。在这个几个宗教混杂的拥有3,000年历史的古城,莫迪(
(SOUNDBITE)(English) M. K CHAKRAVARTY, VOTER, SAYING: "My demand is development of the country."
选民M. K CHAKRAVARTY:“我的要求就是国家的发展 。”
(SOUNDBITE)(Hindi) SARITA, VOTER, SAYING: "I've voted and chosen a good leader. We hope the leader will work to ensure women's safety and work for the development of the country."
选民SARITA:“我投票选择一位好的领袖 。我们希望这位领袖可以努力确保妇女安全和国家的发展 。”
Narendra Modi's BJP party and its allies are the hot favourites to win. Modi is hoping to lead the party back to power after a decade in opposition. The BJP believes it may be in line for a record number of seats...then again Indian elections are notoriously hard to predict.
莫迪(Narendra Modi)领导的印度人民党(BJP)及其盟友是获胜的热门 。莫迪希望领导十年来一直是在野党的人民党重新执掌政权 。印度人民党相信他们将赢得创纪录的选票 。不过印度选举臭名昭著的一点就是不可预测 。
Separatists say majority vote in favor of self-rule in Donetsk
Pro-Russian rebels declare a victory in a referendum vote on self-rule in the eastern Ukrainian region of Donetsk.
在乌克兰东部城市顿涅茨克,亲俄反叛分子宣布在该城市自治全民公投中获胜 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Russian) ROMAN LYAGIN, HEAD OF THE SEPARATIST ELECTION COMMISSION SAYING: "89.07 percent of voters voted in favour."
分裂分子选举委员会负责人ROMAN LYAGIN:“89.07%的选民支持自治 。”
(NAT) APPLAUSE SOUNDBITE) (Russian) ROMAN LYAGIN, HEAD OF THE SEPARATIST ELECTION COMMISSION SAYING: "10.19 percent voted against and 0.74 percent ballots were spoiled."
分裂分子选举委员会负责人ROMAN LYAGIN:“10.19%的人反对,0.74%的选票作废 。”
The head of the separatist election commission said the announcement of the results was rushed due to rising tensions in the region.
这位分裂分子选举委员会负责人表示,由于该地区形势紧张,结果的宣布非常仓促 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Russian) ROMAN LYAGIN, HEAD OF THE SEPARATIST ELECTION COMMISSION SAYING: "The situation in the region has heated up so much that we decided not to take our time with the announcement of the results..."
分裂分子选举委员会负责人ROMAN LYAGIN:“该地区的形势已经如此紧张,我们决定立即宣布投票结果 。”
Donetsk is the larger of two eastern Ukrainian regions. The referendum vote on self-rule held by separatists has been declared illegal by the pro-Western government in Kiev and the European Union.
顿涅茨克是乌克兰东部两个地区中较大的一个 。分裂分子举行的全民公投被亲西方的基辅政府和欧盟宣布为非法 。
At least 48 migrants drown off Libyan coast
Bodies are washing up in Libya. Officials say at least 48 people are dead after a boat carrying mostly sub-Saharan African migrants sank off the coast.
尸体被冲刷到利比亚各地 。官员表示,一艘搭载着撒哈拉以南非洲移民的船只在利比亚海岸沉没,造成至少48人死亡 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Arabic) UNIDENTIFIED POLICE OFFICER , SAYING: "Fifty-one of 110 migrants were rescued as the rest went missing, 25 dead bodies were found yesterday and today. "
未透露姓名的警官:“110名移民中的51人获救,其他人失踪,昨天和今天共发现了25具尸体 。”
As divers patrolled the waters off Tripoli, the bodies continued piling up. Migrants frequently perish on the Mediterranean while crossing in overcrowded boats to Italy and Malta. Officials are worried about getting the bodies off the beach.
潜水员在的黎波里海岸巡逻,尸体数量不断增加 。移民们经常在登上拥挤的船只前往意大利和马耳他的途中葬身大海 。官员们非常担心在沙滩上再次发现尸体 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Arabic) HEALTH SERVICE OFFICER IBRAHIM AL-QATHI SAYING: "We have 48 dead bodies, but no hospital to receive them. I call on the Health Ministry to find a hospital morgue. I also call on the Justice Ministry to allow us to bury the dead directly, because the corpses are causing pollution, environmental problems and diseases for holidaymakers."
卫生部门官员IBRAHIM AL-QATHI:“我们现在已经发现了48具遗体,但是没有医院肯接收他们 。我呼吁卫生部来寻找合适的医院 。我还呼吁司法部允许我们直接埋葬,因为会造成污染,环境问题,甚至对度假者带来疾病 。”
With their coast guard, navy and armed forces ill-equipped and still in training, Libyan officials want more help from Western partners to stem the flow of illegal migrants.
由于海岸警卫队,海军和武装部队装备不良,而且仍在接受训练,利比亚官员希望西方国家能够提供更多帮助,抑制非法移民 。