Brother-in-law of Prince Charles dies
Mark Shand, brother-in-law of Britain's Prince Charles, died in a New York Hospital on Wednesday. The 62-year-old was the younger brother of Camilla Parker Bowles, the Prince's second wife. He suffered serious head injuries in a fall following a charity event. Police found him allegedly lying on the ground outside the Grammercy Park Hotel's Rose Bar. He was taken to Bellevue Hospital but pronounced dead when he got there. Shand, a travel writer, established the Elephant Family charity in 2002 to save the Asian elephant from extinction. His award-winning 1996 book, 'Queen of the Elephants', was made into a documentary film.
周三,英国王子查尔斯的妻弟马克·尚德在纽约一家医院去世 。62岁的尚德是查尔斯王子第二任妻子卡米拉的弟弟 。他参加一项慈善活动时不慎摔倒,头部重伤 。警方发现他躺在格拉梅西公园酒店玫瑰酒吧外的地面上 。他被送往贝尔维尤医院, 随后医生宣布已经死亡 。尚德是一位旅行作家,他于2002年创建了“大象之家”慈善机构,拯救亚洲大象免于灭绝 。他的1996年获奖作品《大象皇后》被收入纪录片 。
Palestinian unity pact upsets U.S.
The announcement of a unity pact between Islamist Hamas in Gaza and the Palestinian Liberation Organisation in West Bank has caused shock waves. The deal after years of internal bickering is being welcomed by some, condemned by others. Hamas is classed as a terrorist organisation by Israel, the United States, and the European Union. The U.S. is warning it could severely complicate peace efforts with Israel.
加沙地带伊斯兰分子哈马斯和西岸巴勒斯坦解放运动宣布的统一条约引发了巨大冲击 。经过几年的内部争吵后出炉的协议受到一些人的欢迎,也受到另一些人的谴责 。哈马斯被以色列,美国和欧盟列为恐怖分子 。美国警告称,该协议将使与以色列的和平进程更加复杂化 。
(SOUNDBITE)(English) STATE DEPARTMENT SPOKESWOMAN JEN PSAKI SAYING: "Any Palestinian government must unambiguously and explicitly commit to non-violence, recognition of the state of Israel, an acceptance to previous agreements and obligations between the parties. This announcement, the timing, was troubling and we were certainly disappointed in the announcement."
国务院发言人珍妮佛·帕莎其:“任何巴勒斯坦政府必须明确遵守非暴力原则,认可以色列国,接受以前各方达成的协议和义务 。该宣告和时间安排非常令人不满,我们当然对此感到失望 。”
The Palestinian announcement led Israel to cancel a session of U.S. -brokered talks on Wednesday. The talks, aimed at ending the decades-old conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, and establishing a Palestinian state in the West Bank, are due to end on April 29.
巴勒斯坦的宣告导致以色列取消了由美国促成的定于周三举行的会谈 。该会谈旨在结束以色列和巴勒斯坦之间长达几十年的冲突,在西岸建立巴勒斯坦国 。会谈将于4月29日结束 。
US-Russia war of words on Ukraine
The first contingent of U.S. troops has arrived in Poland for joint military drills. The paratroops from the U.S. Army's 173rd Airborne Brigade will be joined by another 450 over the coming days. In nearby Ukraine pro-Russian separatists holding the city of Slaviansk said they were bracing for an attack by Ukrainian forces. On Thursday there were signs of Ukrainian troops digging in to new positions a few kilometres away. In a further twist Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in a tv interview that the U.S. was behind events in Ukraine.
美国军队第一个小分队抵达波兰参加联合军事演习Slaviansk的乌克兰亲俄分裂主义者表示,他们遭遇了乌克兰军队的袭击 。周四,有迹象表明乌克兰军队深入几千米外的新据点 。俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫在一个电视采访节目中表示,美国在幕后操纵着乌克兰的形势 。 。未来几天将有另外450人加入美国陆军第173空降战斗旅伞兵部队的行列 。在附近,控制着
(SOUNDBITE)(English) RUSSIAN FOREIGN MINISTER SERGEI LAVROV SAYING: "When you get daily phone calls from John Kerry telling you 'you must, you must, you must' and when you understand how many thousand kilometres the United States is away from Ukraine, and then you would see how agitated they are about seeing their sponsored people not really delivering on the things which are obvious, then you cannot avoid the impression that they are running the show very much, very much."
俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫表示:“当你每天接到约翰·克里的电话,告诉你‘必须,必须,必须’怎样的时候,当你理解美国距离乌克兰千万里的时候,你会看到他们对乌克兰民众的自发行为多么争论不休,然后,你不可避免地就会觉得他们在极力推动事态发展 。”
The U.S. State Department's response was swift and scathing.
美国国务院迅速而严厉地作出了反应 。
(SOUNDBITE)(English) JEN PSAKI, U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT SPOKESWOMAN, SAYING: "I think many of the claims he made in his interview are ludicrous and they are not based in face on what's happening on the ground. The actions of the Ukrainian government are a legitimate response by authorities to react to the illegal armed seizure of buildings in a few towns in eastern Ukraine."
美国国务院女发言人珍妮佛·帕莎其:“我认为他在采访中的许多言论都非常荒唐可笑,他们并没有依据当地的情况 。乌克兰政府的行为是合法的,是对乌克兰东部几栋建筑被非法武装分子占领作出的反应 。”
Pro-Russian separatists holding Ukraine towns and public buildings were expected to disarm and leave under an international deal to calm tensions. Ukraine's government says it's launching what it called a renewed anti-terrorist operation if the separatists don't comply.
根据试图缓解紧张形势的国际协议,占领乌克兰城镇和公共建筑的亲俄分裂份子应该解除武装,离开这些地方 。乌克兰政府表示,如果分裂分子不遵守的话,他们将发起新一轮的反恐行动 。