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备战中考系列之完形填空(附解析) 第84期

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

  Coffee has been a part of people's lives for (1)_____ years, and it is still a favourite drink in the world. Here is a story of coffee and (2)_____ it was discovered.
  The story (3)______ us coffee was discovered in Africa (4)_____. One day a farmer (5)_____ his goats, and he saw them (6)_____ some berries(种子) from a plant. The goats became (7)______ after they ate the berries. The man felt tired, (8)______ he decided to try the berries, too. (9)_______, he didn't feel tired any more. Coffee plants were thus discovered. The coffee (10)______ from Africa to other countries. After that the farmers started to grow coffee plants there, especially in South America.
  ( )1. A. thousand of B. thousand
  C. thousands of D. a thousand of
  ( )2. A. how B. why C. what D. who
  ( )3. A. says B. speaks C. talks D. tells
  ( )4. A. long, long time ago B. long, long times ago
  C. long, long time before D. long, long time later
  ( )5. A. watch B. watches C. was watching D. is watching
  ( )6. A. eat B. eats C. ate D. has eaten
  ( )7. A. very tired B. very active C. badly ill D. fast asleep
  ( )8. A. but B. or C. because D. so
  ( )9. A. For his great surprise B. With his great surprise
  C. To his great surprise D. To his great surprises
  ( )10.A. were taken B. were brought
  C. was taken D. brought

关键字: 英语 完型 初中 精炼




