It's on the tip of my tongue 话到嘴边
A: Did you see the new employee in our company? '你见了我们公司的新雇员了吗? 'B: Yeah. Do you know her name? '是的。你知道她的名字吗? 'A: It’s on the tip of my tongue but I just can’t remember. '就在我嘴边,一下子想不起来了。 'B: Well, let’s just ask the manager? '就问经理吧。 'A: I’ve got a better idea. Let’s just ask her instead. '我有个更好的点子,直接问她好了。
从字面上看,“tongue”表示“舌头”,“tip”是“尖、尖端”,可是如果将这句话理解为“它在我的舌尖上”,那就大错特错了!有时候,别人问你什么问题,你话到嘴边,可就是说不出来——思维短路了,这时候你就可以说“It's on the tip of my tongue.”
[实例] '1. It’s on the tip of my tongue, let me see. '就在我嘴边上,让我想想。 '2. His address is on the tip of my tongue, wait a minute. '他的地址就在我嘴边上,稍等一下。 '3. The question she wanted to ask was on the tip of her tongue. '她一下子忘了想问什么问题了。 ''