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BEC初级真题第4辑精听:Test2-Part Four

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  • This week's Business Profile looks at the career of Nigel Player. Good afternoon, Nigel.
  • 本周的商业概览关注的是奈杰尔的职业生涯。下午好,奈杰尔。
  • Good afternoon.
  • 下午好。
  • Nigel, you now own a very successful small airline on the island of Alderney, but have you always worked in transport?
  • 奈杰尔,你现在在奥尔德尼岛上拥有一家非常成功的小航空公司,但你一直从事运输业吗?
  • Well, actually my career's been very varied and I moved into transport quite recently.
  • 嗯,实际上我的职业一直在变动,最近我才进入交通行业。
  • I started work at a bank, where I was responsible for dealing with investments.
  • 我一开始在一家银行工作,我负责处理投资。
  • I then moved into electronics, where I ran a multi million-pound company.
  • 然后我进入电子行业,经营了一家价值数百万英镑的公司。
  • So, why did you leave such an important job and go to Alderney?
  • 那么,你为什么要放弃这么重要的工作去奥尔德尼呢?
  • Initially, I had no intention of leaving. I just wanted some free time before returning to the company.
  • 最初,我没有离开的打算。我只是想享受一段自由时光再回到公司。
  • I originally planned to spend a year doing a book on successful businesses while staying with a friend who had retired there.
  • 我原本打算花一年时间写一本关于成功企业的书,那时和那里一位退休的朋友住在一起。
  • But Alderney is a very small island quite a long way off the south coast of England.
  • 但是奥尔德尼是一个非常小的岛屿,离英格兰南部海岸很远。
  • I imagine you soon got bored.
  • 我想你很快就会厌倦。
  • That's right. It's beautiful there, but within two weeks, I was looking around for some kind of business opportunity.
  • 没错。那里很漂亮,但不到两周,我就四处寻找商机。
  • I'd already noticed that food prices were high and service was poor, so I decided to try food retailing.
  • 我已经注意到食品价格高,服务很差,所以我决定尝试食品零售。
  • I bought an old general store - it was not cheap, but I was optimistic about its potential.
  • 我买了个老商店,虽然不便宜,但我很看好它的潜力。
  • I modernized and expanded the premises and opened in October nineteen ninety nine.
  • 我对它进行了现代化改造,又扩大了一些,于1999年10月开放。
  • But that's still very different from owning an airline!
  • 但是这和拥有一家航空公司还是有很大区别的!
  • Yes, but the problem on an island like Alderney is that the best way to get fresh produce is to fly it in.
  • 是的,但是像奥尔德尼这样的岛屿,问题是,获得新鲜农产品的最好方法就是空运。
  • That was fine during the winter months, but in summer, when there were lots of tourists wanting to come to the island,
  • 冬天的时候还不错,但到了夏天,很多游客都想去岛上旅游,
  • the local airline sometimes used to just leave my food on the mainland and bring tourists instead - carrying passengers earns them far more money than carrying freight, of course.
  • 当地的航空公司有时会把我的食物留在大陆,然后载上游客——当然,运送乘客比运送货物赚的钱多得多。
  • So, what did you decide to do to solve the problem?
  • 那么,你决定怎么解决这个问题呢?
  • Well, I thought about bringing things in by boat.
  • 嗯,我想过用船来运东西。
  • It would not cost so much and might be more reliable, even in bad weather but it would take much longer.
  • 它价格不会那么高,而且可能更可靠,即使在恶劣的天气下也是如此,但它耗时长。
  • That's when I decided I had no choice but to buy my own small eight seater plane.
  • 那时我别无选择,只能买8座小型飞机。
  • Soon I was bringing in food twice daily.
  • 不久,我每天两次运送食物进来。
  • But that was just carrying freight? At first, yes, but my supermarket customers kept asking me to find a place for them on my plane.
  • 但只是运送货物?一开始是的,但是我的超市顾客一直要我在飞机上给他们找个地方。
  • I realised there was a great demand for competitive prices, so I put together a business plan for operating a small passenger airline twice a week.
  • 我意识到人们对有竞争力的价位有很大的需求,所以我制定了一个商业计划,每周运营两次小型客运航空公司。
  • It was a challenge, but I really enjoyed doing something so different.
  • 这是一个挑战,但我真的很喜欢做一些与众不同的事情。
  • So was it difficult getting everything prepared?
  • 所以准备一切都很困难吗?
  • Well, of course I already had quite a bit of business experience, and a good friend of mine was involved in the transport business for years and he gave me a lot of advice.
  • 嗯,当然我已经有了相当多的商业经验,我的一个好朋友从事运输业务多年,他给了我很多建议。
  • But the main thing really was that I'd already had a year's experience of flying and transporting goods, so I understood about regulations and so on.
  • 但最主要的事情是我已经有一年的飞行和运输货物的经验,所以我了解规则等等。
  • The company got its license, and we made our first flight in January two thousand and two.
  • 公司获得了执照,我们在2002年1月进行了第一次飞行。
  • In the first month, we carried thirty eight passengers, but by the end of the year, we had totaled eight thousand.
  • 第一个月,我们载了38名乘客,但到年底,我们总共有8000名乘客。
  • So, what would you say is the secret of your success?
  • 那么,你认为你成功的秘诀是什么?
  • I think it helps that we're a small company running a purely local service.
  • 我认为我们是一家小公司,提供纯粹适用于本地的服务,这很有帮助。
  • If a big airline upsets a hundred customers, there are millions more willing to use them.
  • 如果一家大型航空公司让数百家客户失望,还有数百万人愿意使用。
  • If we have eight unhappy people on one of our morning flights, the whole island knows about it by the evening.
  • 如果我们的早间航班中有8人不愉快,晚上整个岛就会知道。
  • So all our staff are very committed to giving a good personal service.
  • 所以我们所有的员工都致力于提供良好的个人服务。
  • Thank you, Nigel. That was very interesting.
  • 谢谢你,奈杰尔。非常有趣。


Woman: This week's Business Profile looks at the career of Nigel Player. Good afternoon, Nigel.


Man: Good afternoon.


Woman: Nigel, you now own a very successful small airline on the island of Alderney, but have you always worked in transport?


Man: Well, actually my career's been very varied and I moved into transport quite recently. I started work at a bank, where I was responsible for dealing with investments. I then moved into electronics, where I ran a multi-million-pound company.


Woman: So, why did you leave such an important job and go to Alderney?


Man: Initially, I had no intention of leaving. I just wanted some free time before returning to the company. I originally planned to spend a year doing a book on successful businesses while staying with a friend who had retired there.


Man: But Alderney is a very small island quite a long way off the south coast of England.


Woman: I imagine you soon got bored.


Man: That's right. It's beautiful there, but within two weeks, I was looking around for some kind of business opportunity. I'd already noticed that food prices were high and service was poor, so I decided to try food retailing. I bought an old general store - it wasn't cheap, but I was optimistic about its potential. I modernized and expanded the premises and opened in October nineteen ninety-nine.


Woman: But that's still very different from owning an airline!


Man: Yes, but the problem on an island like Alderney is that the best way to get fresh produce is to fly it in. That was fine during the winter months, but in summer, when there were lots of tourists wanting to come to the island, the local airline sometimes used to just leave my food on the mainland and bring tourists instead - carrying passengers earns them far more money than carrying freight, of course.


Woman: So, what did you decide to do to solve the problem?


Man: Well, I thought about bringing things in by boat. It wouldn't cost so much and might be more reliable, even in bad weather,but it would take much longer. That's when I decided I had no choice but to buy my own small eight-seater plane. Soon I was bringing in food twice daily.


Woman: But that was just carrying freight?


Man: At first, yes, but my supermarket customers kept asking me to find a place for them on my plane. I realised there was a great demand for competitive prices, so I put together a business plan for operating a small passenger airline twice a week. It was a challenge, but I really enjoyed doing something so different.


Woman: So was it difficult getting everything prepared?


Man: Well, of course I already had quite a bit of business experience, and a good friend of mine was involved in the transport business for years and he gave me a lot of advice. But the main thing really was that I'd already had a year's experience of flying and transporting goods, so I understood about regulations and so on. The company got its license, and we made our first flight in January two thousand and two. In the first month, we carried thirty-eight passengers, but by the end of the year, we had totaled eight thousand.
Woman: So, what would you say is the secret of your success?


Man: I think it helps that we're a small company running a purely local service. If a big airline upsets a hundred customers, there are millions more willing to use them. If we have eight unhappy people on one of our morning flights, the whole island knows about it by the evening. So all our staff are very committed to giving a good personal service.


Woman:Thank you, Nigel. That was very interesting...


重点单词   查看全部解释    
challenge ['tʃælindʒ]


n. 挑战
v. 向 ... 挑战

plane [plein]


adj. 平的,与飞机有关的
n. 飞机,水平

optimistic [.ɔpti'mistik]


adj. 乐观的,乐观主义的

flight [flait]


n. 飞行,航班
n. 奇思妙想,一段楼

reliable [ri'laiəbl]


adj. 可靠的,可信的

dealing ['di:liŋ]


n. 经营方法,行为态度

varied ['vɛərid]


adj. 各种各样的 动词vary的过去式和过去分词

solve [sɔlv]


v. 解决,解答

committed [kə'mitid]


adj. 献身于某种事业的,委托的

potential [pə'tenʃəl]


adj. 可能的,潜在的
n. 潜力,潜能





