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诺贝尔文学经典:《宠儿》第5章Part 5

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
She led Sethe to the keeping room and, by the light of a spirit lamp, bathed her in sections, startingwith her face. Then, while waiting for another pan of heated water, she sat next to her and stitchedgray cotton. Sethe dozed and woke to the washing of her hands and arms. After each bathing, Babycovered her with a quilt and put another pan on in the kitchen. Tearing sheets, stitching the graycotton, she supervised the woman in the bonnet who tended the baby and cried into her cooking.When Sethe's legs were done, Baby looked at her feet and wiped them lightly. She cleanedbetween Sethe's legs with two separate pans of hot water and then tied her stomach and vaginawith sheets. Finally she attacked the unrecognizable feet.她把塞丝领进起居室,在酒精灯下一部分一部分地清洗她,先从脸开始洗起。然后,她坐在塞丝身旁,一边等着下一锅水烧热,一边缝着一条灰棉布裙子。塞丝睡着了,直到洗胳膊和手的时候才醒过来。每洗过一处,贝比就用被子盖上她,到厨房里再烧上一锅水。她一面撕开床单,一面缝缀着灰棉布,同时还监督那个边哭边做饭的戴软帽女人照料婴儿。塞丝的腿洗净之后,贝比看着她的脚,轻轻地擦干腿。她总共用了两锅热水来擦洗塞丝的两腿之间,然后用床单裹住她的肚子和阴部。最后她才来对付那双难以辨认的脚。
"You feel this?""你觉出来了吗?"
"Feel what?" asked Sethe."觉出什么?"塞丝问。
"Nothing. Heave up." She helped Sethe to a rocker and lowered her feet into a bucket of salt waterand juniper. The rest of the night Sethe sat soaking. The crust from her nipples Baby softened withlard and then washed away. By dawn the silent baby woke and took her mother's milk."没事儿。起来吧。"她把塞丝扶到摇椅上,把她的脚放进一桶杜松盐水里。她就这样坐着泡了一夜。贝比用猪油弄软她乳头上的硬壳,然后再冲洗掉。黎明时分,安静的婴儿醒过来,喝到了妈妈的乳汁。
"Pray God it ain't turned bad," said Baby. "And when you through, call me." As she turned to go,Baby Suggs caught a glimpse of something dark on the bed sheet. She frowned and looked at herdaughter-in-law bending toward the baby. Roses of blood blossomed in the blanket coveringSethe's shoulders. Baby Suggs hid her mouth with her hand. When the nursing was over and thenewborn was asleep — its eyes half open, its tongue dream-sucking — wordlessly the olderwoman greased the flowering back and pinned a double thickness of cloth to the inside of thenewly stitched dress."上帝保佑,没出什么问题。"贝比道,"你奶完孩子就叫我。"贝比·萨格斯正要转身走开,突然瞥见床单上有块黑渍。她皱起眉头,看着正弯下身子给婴儿喂奶的儿媳妇。鲜血的玫瑰盛开在盖着塞丝肩膀的毯子上。贝比·萨格斯用手捂住嘴。新生儿吃完奶,睡着了——眼睛半睁,在梦里吧嗒着舌头——老太太一声不吭地往开遍鲜花的后背上涂油,又往新缝的裙子里垫了双层的布。
It was not real yet. Not yet. But when her sleepy boys and crawl ing-already? girl were brought in,it didn't matter whether it was real or not. Sethe lay in bed under, around, over, among butespecially with them all. The little girl dribbled clear spit into her face, and Sethe's laugh of delightwas so loud the crawling-already? baby blinked. Buglar and Howard played with her ugly feet,after daring each other to be the first to touch them. She kept kissing them. She kissed the backs oftheir necks, the tops of their heads and the centers of their palms, and it was the boys who decidedenough was enough whenshe liked their shirts to kiss their tight round bellies. She stopped when and because they said,"Pappie come?"这还不是真的。还不是。可是当她的两个睡眼惺忪的儿子和那个"都会爬了?"的女儿被带进来时,是不是真的都无关紧要了。塞丝躺在床上,他们上上下下、左左右右地绕着她,尤其难得的是一个不缺。小女儿透明的口水滴在塞丝脸上,她开心地大笑着,笑得太响了,搞得那"都会爬了?"的小宝贝直眨巴眼睛。巴格勒和霍华德先是互激对方第一个去摸她的难看的脚丫,接着就一起玩起它们来。她不停地亲吻他们。她亲吻他们的脖梗子、脑袋顶和手掌心,当她又掀起他们的衬衫去亲吻那圆鼓鼓的小肚皮时,儿子们认为可以到此为止了。她停了下来,因为他们问道:"爸爸来啦?"
She didn't cry. She said "soon" and smiled so they would think the brightness in her eyes was lovealone. It was some time before she let Baby Suggs shoo the boys away so Sethe could put on thegray cotton dress her mother-in-law had started stitching together the night before. Finally she layback and cradled the crawling already ? girl in her arms. She enclosed her left nipple with twofingers of her right hand and the child opened her mouth. They hit home together.她没有哭。她说"快了",而且笑着,这样他们就会以为她眼里的泪光仅仅是爱。过了好一会儿,塞丝让贝比·萨格斯把男孩们轰走,于是,她才能穿上婆婆在头天晚上缝起来的那条灰棉布裙子。最后,她躺下来,怀里摇着"都会爬了?"的女儿。她用右手的两个指头捏起左乳头,孩子张开了嘴。她和奶水一块儿到家了。

She led Sethe to the keeping room and, by the light of a spirit lamp, bathed her in sections, startingwith her face. Then, while waiting for another pan of heated water, she sat next to her and stitchedgray cotton. Sethe dozed and woke to the washing of her hands and arms. After each bathing, Babycovered her with a quilt and put another pan on in the kitchen. Tearing sheets, stitching the graycotton, she supervised the woman in the bonnet who tended the baby and cried into her cooking.When Sethe's legs were done, Baby looked at her feet and wiped them lightly. She cleanedbetween Sethe's legs with two separate pans of hot water and then tied her stomach and vaginawith sheets. Finally she attacked the unrecognizable feet.
"You feel this?"
"Feel what?" asked Sethe.
"Nothing. Heave up." She helped Sethe to a rocker and lowered her feet into a bucket of salt waterand juniper. The rest of the night Sethe sat soaking. The crust from her nipples Baby softened withlard and then washed away. By dawn the silent baby woke and took her mother's milk.
"Pray God it ain't turned bad," said Baby. "And when you through, call me." As she turned to go,Baby Suggs caught a glimpse of something dark on the bed sheet. She frowned and looked at herdaughter-in-law bending toward the baby. Roses of blood blossomed in the blanket coveringSethe's shoulders. Baby Suggs hid her mouth with her hand. When the nursing was over and thenewborn was asleepits eyes half open, its tongue dream-suckingwordlessly the olderwoman greased the flowering back and pinned a double thickness of cloth to the inside of thenewly stitched dress.
It was not real yet. Not yet. But when her sleepy boys and crawl ing-already? girl were brought in,it didn't matter whether it was real or not. Sethe lay in bed under, around, over, among butespecially with them all. The little girl dribbled clear spit into her face, and Sethe's laugh of delightwas so loud the crawling-already? baby blinked. Buglar and Howard played with her ugly feet,after daring each other to be the first to touch them. She kept kissing them. She kissed the backs oftheir necks, the tops of their heads and the centers of their palms, and it was the boys who decidedenough was enough whenshe liked their shirts to kiss their tight round bellies. She stopped when and because they said,"Pappie come?"
She didn't cry. She said "soon" and smiled so they would think the brightness in her eyes was lovealone. It was some time before she let Baby Suggs shoo the boys away so Sethe could put on thegray cotton dress her mother-in-law had started stitching together the night before. Finally she layback and cradled the crawling already ? girl in her arms. She enclosed her left nipple with twofingers of her right hand and the child opened her mouth. They hit home together.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
quilt [kwilt]


n. 被子,被状物
vt. 缝被,缝制,用垫料

blanket ['blæŋkit]


n. 毛毯,覆盖物,排字版
vt. 用毯子裹,

kitchen ['kitʃin]


n. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间

separate ['sepəreit]


n. 分开,抽印本
adj. 分开的,各自的,

bucket ['bʌkit]


n. 水桶
vt. 装在桶里



adj. 被附上的;与世隔绝的 v. 附上(enclos

thickness ['θiknis]


n. 厚度,一层,含混不清

crawl [krɔ:l]


vi. 爬行,卑躬屈膝,自由式游泳
n. 爬行





