So what exactly is a successful life? How do you define it? Does being successful require you to amass material possessions or to wield great power? Must you be famous, or even become a celebrity? Perhaps it's more about being devoted to serving others less fortunate than you or enjoying a life with family and friends, or living sustainably and leaving a legacy, such as world peace.
Trying to answer this question drew me to the innovative TED website earlier this year. TED (standing for technology, entertainment and design) is a small non-profit organization devoted to ideas worth spreading. They do this through their website and annual US and UK conferences where they bring together the world's most fascinating thinkers and doers.
在寻觅何谓成功人生时,我想到了年初见到的创新型网站TED。TED(指technology, entertainment, design在英语中的缩写,即技术、娱乐、设计)是一家小型非盈利机构,该机构通过他们的网站和美英年度会议致力于有价值的思想的传播。美英年度会议,即TED大会,会议云集世界上最杰出的思想家和实干家。
This is where I found a very appealing definition of success, which was used by a well known American basketball coach called John Wooden. He defines true success as peace of mind through knowing that you have made the effort to do the best of which you are capable. This is appealing because it means that anyone from anywhere can live a successful life with a bit of hard work and self-belief. He also argues that you should never let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. And that is a great piece of advice.