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诺贝尔文学经典:《宠儿》第3章Part 15

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"I didn't plan on telling you that.""I didn't plan on hearing it.""I can't take it back, but I can leave it alone," Paul D said.“我没打算告诉你那个。”“我没打算听。”“我没法收回来,但我能把它搁下。”保罗·D说。
He wants to tell me, she thought. Hewants me to ask him about what it was like for him — about how offended the tongue is, helddown by iron, how the need to spit is so deep you cry for it. She already knew about it, had seen ittime after time in the place before Sweet Home. Men, boys, little girls, women. The wildness thatshot up into the eye the moment the lips were yanked back. Days after it was taken out, goose fatwas rubbed on the corners of the mouth but nothing to soothe the tongue or take the wildness outof the eye. Sethe looked up into Paul D's eyes to see if there was any trace left in them.他想对我开讲了,她暗忖道。他想让我去问问他当时的感觉———舌头让铁嚼子坠住是多么难受,吐唾沫的需要又是多么强烈、不能自已。那个滋味她早就知道了,在“甜蜜之家”以前待的地方她就一次又一次地目睹过。男人,男孩,小女孩,女人。嘴唇向后勒紧那一刻注入眼里的疯狂。嚼子卸下之后的许多天里,嘴角一直涂着鹅油,可是没有什么来抚慰舌头,或者将疯狂从眼中除去。塞丝抬头朝保罗·D的眼中望去,看那里是否留下了什么痕迹。
"People I saw as a child," she said, "who'd had the bit always looked wild after that. Whatever theyused it on them for, it couldn't have worked, because it put a wildness where before there wasn'tany. When I look at you, I don't see it. There ain't no wildness in your eye nowhere.""There's a way to put it there and there's a way to take it out. I know em both and I haven't figuredout yet which is worse." He sat down beside her. Sethe looked at him. In that unlit daylight hisface, bronzed and reduced to its bones, smoothed her heart down. "You want to tell me about it?"she asked him.“我小时候见过的那些人,”她说,“他们套过嚼子后看上去总是那么疯狂。谁知道他们因为什么给他们上嚼子,反正那一套根本行不通,因为它套上的是一种从前没有过的疯狂。我看你的时候,却看不见那个。你的眼睛里哪儿都没有那样的疯狂。”“有把它放进去的法子,就有拿出来的法子。两个办法我都知道,我还没想好哪种更糟呢。”他在她身旁坐下。塞丝打量着他。在昏暗的日光里,他瘦骨嶙峋的古铜色面孔让她的心趋于平静。“想跟我讲讲吗?”她问他。
"I don't know. I never have talked about it. Not to a soul. Sang it sometimes, but I never told asoul.""Go ahead. I can hear it.""Maybe. Maybe you can hear it. I just ain't sure I can say it. Say it right, I mean, because it wasn'tthe bit — that wasn't it." "What then?" Sethe asked.“我不知道。我从来没讲过。跟谁都没讲过。有时候唱唱,可我从来没跟谁讲过。”“说吧。我听得了。”“也许吧。也许你听得了。我只是不敢肯定我能说出来。我的意思是,能说得准确,因为并不是嚼子的问题———不是那么回事。”“那是什么呢?”塞丝问道。
"The roosters," he said. "Walking past the roosters looking at them look at me."“公鸡,”他说,“路过公鸡时,我看见它们那样看着我。”
Sethe smiled. "In that pine?"塞丝笑了。“在那棵松树上?”

"I didn't plan on telling you that.""I didn't plan on hearing it.""I can't take it back, but I can leave it alone," Paul D said.
He wants to tell me, she thought. Hewants me to ask him about what it was like for himabout how offended the tongue is, helddown by iron, how the need to spit is so deep you cry for it. She already knew about it, had seen ittime after time in the place before Sweet Home. Men, boys, little girls, women. The wildness thatshot up into the eye the moment the lips were yanked back. Days after it was taken out, goose fatwas rubbed on the corners of the mouth but nothing to soothe the tongue or take the wildness outof the eye. Sethe looked up into Paul D's eyes to see if there was any trace left in them.
"People I saw as a child," she said, "who'd had the bit always looked wild after that. Whatever theyused it on them for, it couldn't have worked, because it put a wildness where before there wasn'tany. When I look at you, I don't see it. There ain't no wildness in your eye nowhere.""There's a way to put it there and there's a way to take it out. I know em both and I haven't figuredout yet which is worse." He sat down beside her. Sethe looked at him. In that unlit daylight hisface, bronzed and reduced to its bones, smoothed her heart down. "You want to tell me about it?"she asked him.
"I don't know. I never have talked about it. Not to a soul. Sang it sometimes, but I never told asoul.""Go ahead. I can hear it.""Maybe. Maybe you can hear it. I just ain't sure I can say it. Say it right, I mean, because it wasn'tthe bitthat wasn't it." "What then?" Sethe asked.
"The roosters," he said. "Walking past the roosters looking at them look at me."
Sethe smiled. "In that pine?"

重点单词   查看全部解释    
soothe [su:ð]


v. 缓和,使 ... 安静,安慰

trace [treis]


n. 痕迹,踪迹,微量
vt. 追踪,找出根源

pine [pain]


n. 松树,松木
vi. 消瘦,憔悴,渴望

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,





