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诺贝尔文学经典:《宠儿》第1章Part 20

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Privately, alone, he did it. None of the rest of them had seen him at it, but they could imagine it,and the picture they pictured made them eager to laugh at him — in daylight, that is, when it was safe.他这么做了,秘密地,就他自个儿。他们其他几个谁都没有见过,但是想象得出来,他们在心中描摹的图景使他们急于去笑话他———在白天,也就是安全的时候。
But that was before he stopped speaking English because there was no future in it. Because ofthe Thirty-Mile Woman Sixo was the only one not paralyzed by yearning for Sethe. Nothing couldbe as good as the sex with her Paul D had been imagining off and on for twenty-five years. Hisfoolishness made him smile and think fondly of himself as he turned over on his side, facing her. Sethe's eyes were closed, her hair a mess. Looked at this way, minus the polished eyes, her facewas not so attractive. So it must have been her eyes that kept him both guarded and stirred up.Without them her face was manageable — a face he could handle. Maybe if she would keep themclosed like that... But no, there was her mouth. Nice. Halle never knew what he had.但那是在他因为没有前途而停止说英语之前。因为有“三十英里女子”,西克索是唯一不因渴望塞丝而瘫痪的人。二十五年来,保罗·D始终想象不出有比跟她性交更好的事情。他自己的愚蠢引他发笑,当他转过身去面对她时,他觉得自己可真是冒傻气。塞丝闭着眼睛,头发乱作一团。从这个角度看,缺少了闪亮的眼睛,她的脸并不那么动人。所以肯定是她的眼睛让他一直既不敢造次又欲火中烧。没有它们,她的脸是驯顺的———是一张他能控制的脸。也许,假如她一直那样合上眼睛……可是不,还有她的嘴呢。很美。黑尔从不知道他拥有的是什么。
Although her eyes were closed, Sethe knew his gaze was on her face, and a paper picture of justhow bad she must look raised itself up before her mind's eye. Still, there was no mockery comingfrom his gaze. Soft. It felt soft in a waiting kind of way. He was not judging her — or rather hewas judging but not comparing her. Not since Halle had a man looked at her that way: not lovingor passionate, but interested, as though he were examining an ear of corn for quality. Halle wasmore like a brother than a husband.即使闭着眼睛,塞丝也知道他在凝视自己的脸。她的脑海里浮现出一幅图画:她看起来该有多么难看。可他的凝视里依然没有讥讽,很温柔,好像一种期待般的温柔。他没在品评她———或者说品评了,但没有拿她去作比较。除了黑尔以外,还没有哪个男人这样看过她:不是爱慕,也不是情炽如火,而是感兴趣,仿佛在检验一穗玉米的质量。黑尔与其说是个丈夫,不如说更像个兄长。
His care suggested a family relationship rather than a man'slaying claim. For years they saw each other in full daylight only on Sundays. The rest of the timethey spoke or touched or ate in darkness. Predawn darkness and the afterlight of sunset. So lookingat each other intently was a Sunday morning pleasure and Halle examined her as though storing upwhat he saw in sunlight for the shadow he saw the rest of the week. And he had so little time. Afterhis Sweet Home work and on Sunday afternoons was the debt work he owed for his mother. Whenhe asked her to be his wife, Sethe happily agreed and then was stuck not knowing the next step.There should be a ceremony, shouldn't there? A preacher, some dancing, a party, a something. Sheand Mrs. Garner were the only women there, so she decided to ask her.比起一个男人的基本要求,他的关怀更接近家庭的亲情。有好几年,只有星期天他们才能在阳光下看见对方。其余时间里,他们在黑暗中说话、抚摸或者吃饭。黎明前的黑暗和日落后的昏暝。所以彼此凝视成了周日早间的一大乐事。黑尔仔细地端详她,似乎要将阳光中所见的一切都贮存起来,留给他在这个星期其余部分看到的模糊的影子。而他拥有的时间是这么少。干完了“甜蜜之家”的工作,星期天下午还要去还为母亲欠下的债。当他请求塞丝做他的妻子时,她欣然答允,然后就不知道下一步该怎么办了。得有个仪式,不是吗?来个牧师,跳跳舞,一次派对,总得有点什么。她和加纳太太是那儿仅有的女人,所以她决定去问她。
"Halle and me want to bemarried, Mrs. Garner."“黑尔和我想结婚,加纳太太。”

Privately, alone, he did it. None of the rest of them had seen him at it, but they could imagine it,and the picture they pictured made them eager to laugh at himin daylight, that is, when it was safe.
But that was before he stopped speaking English because there was no future in it. Because ofthe Thirty-Mile Woman Sixo was the only one not paralyzed by yearning for Sethe. Nothing couldbe as good as the sex with her Paul D had been imagining off and on for twenty-five years. Hisfoolishness made him smile and think fondly of himself as he turned over on his side, facing her. Sethe's eyes were closed, her hair a mess. Looked at this way, minus the polished eyes, her facewas not so attractive. So it must have been her eyes that kept him both guarded and stirred up.Without them her face was manageablea face he could handle. Maybe if she would keep themclosed like that... But no, there was her mouth. Nice. Halle never knew what he had.
Although her eyes were closed, Sethe knew his gaze was on her face, and a paper picture of justhow bad she must look raised itself up before her mind's eye. Still, there was no mockery comingfrom his gaze. Soft. It felt soft in a waiting kind of way. He was not judging heror rather hewas judging but not comparing her. Not since Halle had a man looked at her that way: not lovingor passionate, but interested, as though he were examining an ear of corn for quality. Halle wasmore like a brother than a husband.
His care suggested a family relationship rather than a man'slaying claim. For years they saw each other in full daylight only on Sundays. The rest of the timethey spoke or touched or ate in darkness. Predawn darkness and the afterlight of sunset. So lookingat each other intently was a Sunday morning pleasure and Halle examined her as though storing upwhat he saw in sunlight for the shadow he saw the rest of the week. And he had so little time. Afterhis Sweet Home work and on Sunday afternoons was the debt work he owed for his mother. Whenhe asked her to be his wife, Sethe happily agreed and then was stuck not knowing the next step.There should be a ceremony, shouldn't there? A preacher, some dancing, a party, a something. Sheand Mrs. Garner were the only women there, so she decided to ask her.
"Halle and me want to bemarried, Mrs. Garner."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
garner ['gɑ:nə]


v. 贮藏,积累,得到 n. 谷仓 Garner: 加纳

touched [tʌtʃt]


adj. 受感动的 adj. 精神失常的

guarded ['gɑ:did]


adj. 谨慎的,提防的,被防卫的 动词guard的过去

claim [kleim]


n. 要求,要求权;主张,断言,声称;要求物

polished ['pɔliʃt]


adj. 擦亮的;优美的;圆滑的 v. 擦亮(polis

passionate ['pæʃənit]


adj. 热情的,易怒的,激情的

corn [kɔ:n]


n. 谷物,小麦,玉米
v. 形成(颗粒状),

quality ['kwɔliti]


n. 品质,特质,才能
adj. 高品质的

handle ['hændl]


n. 柄,把手
v. 买卖,处理,操作,驾驭

attractive [ə'træktiv]


adj. 有吸引力的,引起注意的





