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诺贝尔文学经典:《宠儿》第1章Part 9

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"She's a fine-looking young lady," said Paul D. "Fine-looking."她是个好看的姑娘,"保罗·D说,"好看。脸蛋像她爹一样甜。"
Got her daddy's sweet face.""You know my father?""Knew him. Knew him well.""Did he, Ma'am?" Denver fought an urge to realign her affection."你认识我爸爸?" "认识。相当认识。" "是吗,太太?"丹芙尽量避免油然而生的好感。
"Of course he knew your daddy. I told you, he's from Sweet Home.""他当然认识你的爸爸。我不是跟你说了吗,他是-甜蜜之家-的人。"
Denver sat down on the bottom step. There was nowhere else gracefully to go. They were atwosome, saying "Your daddy" and "Sweet Home" in a way that made it clear both belongedtothem and not to her. That her own father's absence was not hers. Once the absence had belonged toGrandma Baby — a son, deeply mourned because he was the one who had boughther out of there. Then it was her mother's absent husband. Now it was this hazelnut stranger's absent friend. Onlythose who knew him ("knew him well") could claim his absencefor themselves. Just as only thosewho lived in Sweet Home could remember it, whisper it and glance sideways at one another whilethey did. Again she wished for the baby ghost —its anger thrilling her now where it used to wearher out. Wear her out.丹芙在最低一磴楼梯上坐下。再没有别的地方好去了。他们成了一对,说着什么"你的爸爸"和"甜蜜之家",用的全是那种显然属于他们而不属于她的方式。就是说,她自己父亲的失踪不关她的事。失踪首先是属于贝比奶奶的——一个儿子,被深切地哀悼着,因为是他把她从那里赎出来的。其次,他是妈妈失踪的丈夫。现在他又是这个榛色陌生人的失踪的朋友。只有那些认识他的人("相当认识")有权利说起他的失踪。就好像只有那些住在"甜蜜之家"的人才能记得他,悄声谈起他,一边说一边互相用眼角交换目光。她又一次盼望那个小鬼魂——它那现在令她兴奋的愤怒,曾经让她疲惫不堪。让她疲惫不堪。
"We have a ghost in here," she said, and it worked. They were not a twosome anymore. Hermother left off swinging her feet and being girlish. Memory of Sweet Home droppedaway fromthe eyes of the man she was being girlish for. He looked quickly up the lightning-white stairsbehind her.她说道:"我们这儿有个鬼。"这句话立即起了作用。他们不再是一对了。她妈妈不再悠着脚作女孩状了。对"甜蜜之家"的记忆从她为之作女孩状的男人眼中一滴一滴漏走。他猛抬头,瞥了一眼她身后明亮的白楼梯。
"So I hear," he said. "But sad, your mama said. Not evil.""No sir," said Denver, "not evil. But not sad either.""What then?""Rebuked. Lonely and rebuked.""Is that right?"Paul D turned to Sethe."我听说了,"他说,"可那是悲伤,你妈妈说的。不是邪恶。" "不,先生,"丹芙道,"不是邪恶,可也不是悲伤。" "那是什么呢?" "冤屈。孤独和冤屈。" "是这样吗?"保罗·D转头问塞丝。

"She's a fine-looking young lady," said Paul D. "Fine-looking.
Got her daddy's sweet face.""You know my father?""Knew him. Knew him well.""Did he, Ma'am?" Denver fought an urge to realign her affection.
"Of course he knew your daddy. I told you, he's from Sweet Home."
Denver sat down on the bottom step. There was nowhere else gracefully to go. They were atwosome, saying "Your daddy" and "Sweet Home" in a way that made it clear both belongedtothem and not to her. That her own father's absence was not hers. Once the absence had belonged toGrandma Babya son, deeply mourned because he was the one who had boughther out of there. Then it was her mother's absent husband. Now it was this hazelnut stranger's absent friend. Onlythose who knew him ("knew him well") could claim his absencefor themselves. Just as only thosewho lived in Sweet Home could remember it, whisper it and glance sideways at one another whilethey did. Again she wished for the baby ghostits anger thrilling her now where it used to wearher out. Wear her out.
"We have a ghost in here," she said, and it worked. They were not a twosome anymore. Hermother left off swinging her feet and being girlish. Memory of Sweet Home droppedaway fromthe eyes of the man she was being girlish for. He looked quickly up the lightning-white stairsbehind her.
"So I hear," he said. "But sad, your mama said. Not evil.""No sir," said Denver, "not evil. But not sad either.""What then?""Rebuked. Lonely and rebuked.""Is that right?"Paul D turned to Sethe.

"你认识我爸爸?" "认识。相当认识。" "是吗,太太?"丹芙尽量避免油然而生的好感。
"我听说了,"他说,"可那是悲伤,你妈妈说的。不是邪恶。" "不,先生,"丹芙道,"不是邪恶,可也不是悲伤。" "那是什么呢?" "冤屈。孤独和冤屈。" "是这样吗?"保罗·D转头问塞丝。
重点单词   查看全部解释    
affection [ə'fekʃən]


n. 慈爱,喜爱,感情,影响

urge [ə:dʒ]


vt. 驱策,鼓励,力陈,催促
vi. 极力主

realign [,ri:ə'lain]


vi. 重新排列;再结盟;改组;重组



adv. 优雅地;温文地

whisper ['wispə]


n. 低语,窃窃私语,飒飒的声音
vi. 低声

glance [glɑ:ns]


v. 一瞥,扫视,匆匆一看,反光,闪烁,掠过

claim [kleim]


n. 要求,要求权;主张,断言,声称;要求物





